The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 103

Leas looked at him in surprise and said. "Even the teacher knows?" This information was only available in the families of the most superior demons.

"Don't underestimate me." Yo said so. "I've lived in the Underworld before at least."

"Right." Hajima Juno suddenly said. "I remember Sensei saying that he had a former student who seemed to be doing okay in the Underworld."

"Oh, you're talking about Serra Og." Yo said "That blind man is now the next head of the Baal family, and he's hanging around pretty well."

Serra Og? Serra Ogbar!

"Teacher are you talking about the first of the legendary new demons, the one who can single-handedly defeat the Demon King with just his body, the Barr family's true line?" Mina said so excitedly.

"That's right." Yo said. "That kid wasn't physically able to do it before, but he was still determined, so I passed on something that was okay to this kid."

Looking at the expectant looking crowd, Yo said. "How about this, I'll simply train you guys for a while."

"Lest you guys lose to that White Dragon Emperor kid."

"Is the White Dragon Emperor so upstage in your eyes." The crowd silently spat. "You're completely looking for the wrong spiteful target."

The target, the Underworld.

And so the crowd prepared and headed to the Underworld.

The next morning, the crowd assembled at a nearby station, not forgetting how Yo had come to earth in the first place. Everyone was dressed in light clothing, except for Mina, who was followed by three maids.

No, and Yo.

Behind them were big bags.

"These are the best games on earth in recent years." Yo said so. "Many of them are out of print, and you can't get them in the best stores in the underworld."

"Burn it." Vault said suddenly.

"Huh?" Yo suddenly asked. "What happened to the dome?"

"Burn it all." Vault said, looking at a game. On it was written "Ghost Father 99."

The endless ice froze Yo's big bag. All the games turned into crushed ice in an instant 。。。。

"Wow,,," yelled Yo. "My game ah."

"Farewell, my sister no kong, my sister, ghost father." Yo looked at the crushed ice and said sadly, "I will miss you all forever.

(You have to buy three copies of the game, for your collection, for missionary use, and for yourself.)

The people traveled to the underworld in a car marked with the emblem of the Gimli family. It's that underworld again where trees are everywhere and environmental protection is even better than on earth. What a trap.

The Gimli family is also considered to be a famous family, among the many hell families called only the ancient ones, but, unfortunately, the extermination of the family exterminated most of them.

Yo saw it.

A dead old man, who was standing on the platform of the train, greeted Yo, but none of the people walking by noticed.

"Fuck you." Yo said so. "I'll see you all there."

"It's been a long time."

"No, I feel like we've only just met."

Chapter 32: The Titled King is Dead

Chapter 32.

"Why are you in the underworld." Yo so asked the old man. "I thought you went to see Hatsune Miku's concert." Exactly. This old man is the God who ran away to see Hatsune's concert.

"I'm coming back, aren't I." God said so.

"So soon?" Yo looked at him and said. "Then why are you still here?"

"This?." God looked at him, embarrassed. "It's a complete surprise." He said in a trance. It totally explained his guilty conscience.

Something was up! Yo thought so.

"Grandpa...." A voice came over. Yo looked for the voice. "Pfft," a mouthful of old Xue spewed out instantly. Green ponytail, a familiar sounding costume, the number one symbol on his arm. And the onion on his hand.

Fuck me, Hatsune? Where did you get it? And calling this old man grandpa 。。。。

"Jesus his daughter?" Yo said so. "It doesn't look like Jesus."

"Mouth-breath!" The old man said angrily. "That jerk will have such a smart daughter?" When God sent Jesus on a missionary trip, the guy who knotted Jesus tampered with it and spoke of God as the Trinity, the Son and the Father and the Holy Spirit, and managed to occupy most of the faith, although it didn't reach the True God level, it wasn't far off.

Of course, it's still so weak compared to the six demons of hell, which are all pseudo-real gods.

So God and Jesus didn't get along very well, and most of Heaven's arch-enemies were messed with by Jesus.

"So where did this little girl come from?" Yo reached over and touched her head.

"Well, this feels. Yingling?" Yo said so. "You've religiousized the Hatsune?" Faithfulness is the ignition of the fire of the gods as if they were the gods of the West, and the fulfillment of the Godhead.

Of course English spirits are different, they are those god's chosen ones in general, but you have to look at which gods they are, like Gaia and Arya for example. Each is an existence that can kill a god.

"Wait." Yo suddenly said. "You're not going to want to take Hatsune Miku back to heaven." Yo but knew exactly how small that guy Jesus was.

Four of the nine fallen angels that had shaken the worlds in the beginning, were sealed by him because they had offended him. The more famous ones like Despair Silas, the fallen angels who started the great flood and slaughtered mankind, the twisted ones, and other fallen angels (not fallen angels, just because they were the guys who took the fall for God) were sealed because of a few little things.

Fought Lucifer for dominion of heaven, and finally defeated Lucifer with a replica of a Lankenus. Not the one of the Ancient True God Kabalas.

Instead, it was a magic spear that he had imitated, but had 90% of the power of the true body of Longinus.

So, Lucifer fell.

If Jesus knew his old man had claimed a granddaughter, he would have done something to her.

"What then?" Yo asked "You shouldn't 。。。。" He looked into the old man's unkind eyes and suddenly said. "You shouldn't want to make me come."

"That's right oh, Junior." The old man looked at him and said, "I'm a big believer in you. I'm a big believer in Barr's choice."

"Why would a true god trust the words of the Devil King." Yo spat out. "You're too useless for a true god."

The old man placed Hatsune Miku's hand in Yo's.

"I'm giving my granddaughter to you now, ah." He said so.

"Why I have a sense of the old martial arts style," so said Yo. "So what are you doing going."

"I ah." The old man said, looking up at the sky in the distance. "I'm getting old, I can't, now I'm going to play mahjong."

"Poof," another mouthful of old blood spurted out.

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