The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 109

Gaining the power of the Winged Dragon, turning the fire of the gods into armor, and possessing the strength to rival the Demon King level, he merely placed a magic circle in front of his body.

Countless flames rushed out from it.

"Come on, Lyas." Cenar said. "I will never lose."

She swore so. The magic power obtained from the Pterodactyl Dragon was almost endless for her, but the other party was no easy opponent.

Jenova who used the holy sword, and Junai Himejima who used the thunder.

Kitten, on the other hand, fought the Winged Dragon with Marshmallow. Although Marshmallow has the property of immortality, he is still severely injured in front of the Pterodactyl Dragon's Sun Fire.

The Pterodactyl Dragon on his hand began to increase its power endlessly, increasing its power with each punch.

"Damn it." The Winged God Dragon couldn't take the Black Dragon for long, and the protective shield had begun to waver under the Sky Dragon's attack, so he couldn't help but roar out in anger.

"Look at me, transforming." She so screamed.

Transforming into the last form of herself.

"Immortal, although it is a dragon, it still has the power of an immortal in it, so you can say it is a combination of dragon and immortal. Gaining the magic power of the dragon, the undead bird's body.

The metallic body began to burn and eventually began to turn into flames, the original dragon had disappeared and was replaced by a burning giant bird.

"See what I'm capable of." She said so. "Remember this moment, you will be defeated at my hands!" Turning into an undead bird, it would not suffer any physical damage at all, magic damage was reduced by 90%, and with the undead bird's speed, it was a near invincible existence.

"Damn it!" The black dragon was so unhappy to see his enemy become so powerful.

"I'm not going to lose to you." She shouted so, and the skin on her body began to magically transform, not into an elemental body, but into something like a red pattern.

A true red-eyed dark dragon, a rival to the Demon King. Not only the Dark Dragon, but the Sky Dragon opened her second mouth and began to gather magical power.

The situation on the field instantly began to reverse.

Chapter 38.

Chapter 38

The battle, finally ended.

The Winged Dragon in the form of an Immortal Bird fought hard against the True Red-Eyed Dark Dragon and the Sky Dragon that had unleashed its final desperate move, Tearing Thunder, and in the end, it ended with Lillias's victory.

The entire field had been completely reduced to pieces and dropped into the space turbulence, and several people ended up being undefeated, but since Lillias had more surviving dependents than Cang Nasidi, it was Lillias who won the match.

However, none of them dared to mock Cang Nasidia's washing.

In this match, Cang Nasidi completely showed her amazing strength at the end, and the big backlash, pushing out Aisha, Kiba Yodou, Jenova and Wisteria Irina.

And that little loli with the golden hair, the body posture that the Winged Goddess Dragon showed completely surpassed everyone's imagination.

The first match came to an end right here.


Back at the school, it was already September, and everyone had started classes. Rather unexpectedly, Irina Wisteria received a summons from Gabriel.

Wisteria Irina's death was the result of the group of reincarnators from the Lord's Space, her death was a complete accident, in the original scenario, Wisteria Irina would have been the ace angel among Michael's reincarnated angels, but she knelt before the Cosmic Locust reincarnators.

The dead Wisteria Irina is resurrected with the help of Yo, returns, and becomes a fallen angel. (Oops, another harem? 。。。。)

And also. That little firebird, Rebel, actually transferred to a different school. And it was in the same class as Kitten.

In the club room, the crowd sat and watched another duel in the underworld between Baal and his rival, the next head of House Glacialabos.

And Lillias' next battle was with the second family, Astaroth.

After that was the battle with Serra Og.

This was only natural, as Serra Og against his own opponent was a complete no-show, just an overwhelming use of the power of his own dependents. The opponent had absolutely no room to turn the tables and was defeated in an instant.

What was displayed was unmatched power.

The crowd could see the numerical value that Serra Og showed, that incredibly powerful numerical value, power that completely surpassed everyone by dozens of times.

"This is too exaggerated." Kiba Yodou said so. "Is this still the power of a superior demon 。。。。" They didn't know the news that Serra Og had become a Demon King.

It seems that old guy from the Barr family is still good at hiding information?

"He's no longer a superior demon oh." On Yo's lap sat Hatsune. Saying so to the crowd. "I can tell you that he was already a demon more than ten years ago, oh."

"!!!" The crowd was horrified.

"After all, Serra Og is the first apprentice I've ever taught." Rubbing against Hatsune's small head, not caring about Hatsune's resistance, Yo said. "His power isn't something you can imagine ah."

"Because he didn't inherit the Barr family's power of destruction, but his efforts are completely beyond what you can imagine," said Yo. "I was the one who trained him back then."

"Kitten knows that too, I guess." Yo said to Kitten. "You were training with him in the beginning, though."

Kitten nodded.

"Does Kitten know Serah Ogg?" Hajima Jounai asked curiously.

"Yeah." Pussycat Sauce nodded. Saying, "The one who was still here when I first came here has since returned to the Barr family, defeated his father and brother, and reclaimed his position as head of the household."

And that's when 。。。。

"Gentlemen, long time no see." In walked a man.

Theodora Astaroth, the man who had met once. Of course, yo knew, but she had become a rebel.

Intending to rebel, a descendant of the old Demon King.

"Lias-san, I'll be blunt and to the point. I want you to make a monk's trade."

He said so. "The family member I want for Liias-san - is the monk Aisha Algeter." The smile was so unpleasant, though.

"What I have prepared on my side is-" he was about to say that, and a list of general things appeared in his hand.

And Lillias said-.

"Sorry. I think it's better to say that before I look at what looks like a catalog of servants listed. I'm not interested in trading. That doesn't mean I don't get along with your monk, it's simply that I don't want to let go of Aisha. --she's my important dependant demon."

The tone was so strong.

"That's because of ability? Or is it because of her own charm?" The guy asked thus.

"Both sides oh. I, ah, always thought of her like a sister."


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