The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 110

Aisha covered her mouth and her green pupils were moist as well. It was probably the word sister that the minister said that made her feel joy from the bottom of her heart.

It was the best answer that was made.

"-I see. Then I'll take my leave for today. But I won't give up" he came over, trying to do a gentlemanly courtesy to Aisha, but-.

"If you dare to come over here, I'll kill you 。。。。" A voice that chilled him to the bone rang out.

"You are." He said looking at the man in front of him who was holding Lori. But then nothing could be said.

"The smell of you makes me feel sick 。。。。." Yo said. "I'll just kill you first." So saying, the hand reached out, and on it, gathered a little red light that was small, but the crowd had no doubt of his ability.

He would absolutely kill this guy!!!! The crowd thought so.

"Teacher...." Aisha looked at Yo and said. "Sensei just let him go for now." Young lady, you're still too kind.

"Yeah...." Yo took her hand back and said to the man in front of her. "Fuck off back there, bastard."

"I'll give you thirty minutes to run for your life."

"When that time is up, I'll come after you."

"If I catch up with you." He said looking at the man. "I'll kill you myself."

"So, go run for your life, bastard."

So declared to in front of everyone.

Yo wouldn't care about anyone's advice, the only thing that could truly control one's fate was strength, this was Yo's usual method, and it was easier to kill early than for this guy to start a rebellion.

"Damn it!!!" This fellow left the place unwillingly. It could feel the power of the other party that was much stronger than itself.

"Sensei, is this okay." Liyas asked. "The Astaroth family over there 。。。。"

"There's no point in caring about those already decayed families." Yo said so. "I'll take care of it cleanly."

"Teacher, you're black." The crowd silently spat.

Chapter 39.

Chapter 39

"Don't run away." Yo said, looking at the guy in front of him. "Planning to suffer death?."

"Open, what a joke." Theodora Astarotus said to Yo. "I'm a descendant of the Demon King, how can I just die like this!"

"We'll rule the entire underworld again!" He growled madly.

"Yeah? 。。。。" Yo looked at him and said. "Then you will go to hell first." Golden ripples appeared behind him, and numerous treasures appeared, the king's treasures.

"Go to hell."

The endless treasures were like rain shooting down.

"Damn it!!!" Diodora Astarot felt herself about to.

"Bang, bang, bang." The endless magic power bounced off the flying treasures. Several figures with a bunch of people appeared in front of Yo.

Bessi Servant, Asmodeus, and the descendants of Leviathan stepped out with the three men in tow.

"It's been a long time, Haruno-sensei." The person who headed the group said to Yo. It looked like he had once met Yo.

"Who are you?" Yo looked at the man and asked, he didn't care about the memories of these people, a bunch of ants, who cares if you live or die.

"What? Did you even forget about me?" The woman seemed surprised and said. "I am Charupa Besi Servant. A descendant of the old demon king, Besshi Servant."

"Oh, Besshi Servant?." Yo said. "That big fly?"

"Shut up." The servant of Shalubabesi raged. "Go to hell." The unique jutsu of his own family, the Bessie Servant family, was performed.

Every family's jutsu was different, and although it might not be the strongest, it must be the most suitable for them.

Looking at the crowd that started to do it, Yo spoke up.

"Nah, you guys know. "


"In the ancient hell, the most powerful existence is not the demons that appear in hell, ah." Yo looked at the crowd that was still preparing to strike and said. "During the time when gods ruled over everything, countless gods have fallen or fallen 。。。。。。"

"Among them were Lucifer, Asmodeus, Servant Bessie and Baal ah 。。。。" He said so, and his own magic power began to run wild. "And I was, in that era, the fallen gods, ah." The black god's power, although it had fallen and turned into magic power, still had unrivaled power.

After the magic power dissipated, what appeared in place was a man in armor with black textured armor, unstoppable twin swords on his back, and an ancient, invincible, and vast aura emanating from his entire body.

This was a new piece of treasure that Yo had picked out from the king's treasure to test the effects of it.

"Accept defeat." Yo said so.

The twin swords at his back were drawn out, and in an instant, he rushed to the other side.

"What?" Before the other party could react, the dual swords were applied at once. Sweeping everything away! The surrounding demons were hacked into two pieces and turned into flying ash in a split second.

"Damn it." These rebellious demons rushed up after seeing this, these demons were the elite of their families and the future strength against the new demon king.

"Useless." Yo looked at them and played melee with them.

These demons merely possessed magic power that rivaled that of the Demon King, not something that a Demon King should have. The awareness of battle, the amount of magical energy, and even, the ability to manipulate like a Demon King, with the use of rules.

"Just some crap pendulum." Yo said so to the Demon King's Gate who next his own two swords. "Just a bunch of fools with empty power."

"Drink...." The three Demon Kings were suppressed by Yo so.

A group of men rushed up, trying to save their master.

"Hmph." Yo retreated to the side and summed the twin swords in his hands, turning them into a longbow. The Terminating Sword showed his power once again.

Pulling the bow apart, the black magic gathered into an arrow.

Yo aimed the arrow at the group of people in front of him and shot the arrow out sharply from his hand. The magic arrow was mixed with a wave of magical power, destroying all the enemies in an instant.

All the existences that stood in the way of the magic arrows were turned into flying ash and sent to hell.

"How is it possible. "The three Demon Kings blocking the magic arrow looked at this scene, their adjoining eyes splitting, their best men, their hopes of becoming the new Demon King in the future were gone.

"No.." Another arrow shot out, Yo didn't hold back, the three Demon Kings who were still resisting were crushed by Yo in an instant and also disappeared above the world.

Yo looked at the place where the people turned into dust and remained silent.

"Come out." Yo said. "I can know of your existence."

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