The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 113

"That's right." Yo said to Mina. "It's useless to you, but it's important to me, ah."

"Then give it to Sensei." She said so. "Take it as a gift from your concubine to Sensei."


Cain in Hell.

Cain who was now frantically deploying his troops.

"In accordance with my orders, all of you, start heading into the Endless Void." Cain said, looking at the demons below. "All those who do not obey my orders, throw them all into the River Styx!!!"

He had to find the ancient secret treasure before Yo.

He had failed, but he had left a mark on Yo.

He could fix the bit based on this marker and not get lost in the endless void.

Chapter 42 - The Arrival of Paradise

Chapter 42

Even if Cain had the coordinates to come to Yo's location, it would still take a while.

And, I have to say, Cain's secrecy wasn't done properly 。。。。。。 In Heaven, a group of angels with light wings on their backs were standing together.

"Is the news reliable." An angel with six pairs of golden light wings behind his back said to an angel with three pairs of light wings and three pairs of flesh wings behind his back.

"The news is reliable," so replied this angel. "I can see Cain's death in Destiny."

The six pairs of golden light-winged angels were silent.

His name was - Michael, now the most powerful man in heaven after the Son, and even the Son might not be able to defeat him, and the two could be said to be evenly matched. In Lucifer, Samael, and the right and left angels fallen or sealed now, he is the strongest in heaven.

The angel who answered, the one who belonged to the left nine angels in Cosi, the angel who held wisdom and the future, was weak in combat, but had the ability to see through the future that even the most superior angel couldn't.

"And." Coxie said suddenly. "I also saw. A gun."

"What gun?" Michael frowned at the question.

"Yes. Longinus." Coxe said. "The gun of Longinus who followed His Highness Lucifer back then." Although Lucifer had fallen, he was still revered as His Highness in Heaven, and there were now many people in Heaven who disobeyed the Son, many of whom were of the Lord's War or Ancient Angel faction.

"What!" Michael said, surprised. "Are you saying that Cain probably got Longinus?"

"Nah." Coxie closed her eyes and explored with her powers for a moment, saying slowly. "I saw. He's dead."

"!!!" Michael was shocked, there weren't many existences in the entire multiverse that could kill Cain.

"I saw it." Coxie said slowly. "Life. Eventually. Lankenus. Resurrection."

"Ahhhhhhhhhh." Instantly, Coxie screamed in madness, eyes spewing black flames, wings, endless flames burning throughout his entire body.

"What's going on." Micaiah said so, and his hands performed a desperate move. Cosi was a faction that stood with Michael, belonging to the missionary faction among the angels.

Today the angels are divided into the faction of the Son Jesus, with Jesus as Lord, and also use the twelve apostles who followed Jesus back then. Belong to the sect of Michael and Raphael, the missionary faction of Gabriel. The neutral faction belonging to Uriel, Remiel, and Shaliel. And the Ancient Angels faction made up of a remnant of right and left angels and ancient angels.

"God's salvation."

Golden light scattered out and combined with the power of the Law, black flames were instantly enveloped by it, after which they were compressed in a ball of light.

However, the black flames still burned, without stopping.

The whole body burned Kirsi's whole body turned into a golden light, and once again it was, the scorched wounds were gone, but the spirit was much depressed.

The body could be healed, but the mental damage was untreatable.

"Oh." Coxie said with a cough. "Out of sight, the future is blocked. I also saw Barr."

"Baal?." Michael said thoughtfully. "Did Baal get Langenus to take out Cain?"

"I think so." So said Cosi.

He could not determine the future either, for the future would change, though the odds were small, but it would change nonetheless, and even the true gods would not dare to determine the future.

"Send me orders," so said Michael. "Have a legion of men follow the evil ships of Hell, and make sure to find those demons."

"Yes, my lord." It wasn't Cosi who spoke, but an angel who was hiding around.

The angel that represented the shadow - Judas Cindor.

A pair of angels formed a legion, a legion of shadow angels led by Judas Cindor.

In another part of heaven, the Son also received a message from the "inside".

"Never let Baal get the Lance of Longinus." The bearded man said to the angels and acolytes in front of him, "It must be done to get the gun before he does."

"Mobilize the legions to be ready at once." He remembered the gun, a Saint who merely held it, unrefined, could have harmed him.

There were legends that the gun involved the secrets of the birth of ancient archangels, and even more legends that the gun was left behind by a saint from before the last era, and it was no match for the innate treasures of the East. There were also legends that this gun was a magic gun feared by the true God, and there were many legends about this gun, but they all explained one thing.

"But what about Kamel's side." An acolyte asked.

Kamel, the gatekeeper of heaven. The seat of the blazing angels, with both dark and holy forms. The two identities of the Leopard-headed Duke of Hell and the Gatekeeper of Paradise.

With 144,000 Angels of Destruction, Punishment, Vengeance, and Death under his command, although not one of the seven angels before God, possesses a fighting power second only to that of the Ancient Archangels.

In heaven, those possessing strength to rival the six demons of hell are Michael, St. Jesus (who, unlike the old Jesus, became the triune power of God), Carmel, Umar, Abhan, and Gabriel Six. This shows the awesomeness of Kamel.

They were all beings who had been born out of the reality of the entire multiverse in the first place, on the same level as the preternatural demons of the East, while God was, like the Three Pure Ones, the true God born out of the universe's recent appearance.

"I will personally go forth." Jesus said so. "I have God's Ten Commandments, and he will let me go."


Kamal, the guardian of the gates of heaven and hell, had the power to kill anyone who approached the gates of heaven without permission. But Jesus, who had God's commandments, he had to let go, even if Jesus took several legions in the name of inspection.

Cain moved through the void in a ship of hell formed from souls and the bones and nails of the afflicted, while a pair of angels hidden in the interstices followed close behind.

Not far away, an infinite glow radiated, and an ark advanced.

Noah's ark! The ship of the Saviour, the ship on which the legions of angels rode.


"Is this really good, my lord." Coxie said. "He is the Lord's after all."

"No.." Michael said to him. "He died at the hands of Baal, for God." Michael was talking about Jesus!

He was trying to kill Jesus through Barr's hands.

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