The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 114.

A storm sweeping across the multiverse will soon erupt!

Chapter 43: The Dead True Gods

Chapter 43

Yo follows Mina to the vampire headquarters of Romania, Castle Brown.

The home base of all vampires in the world, the region once ruled by the most powerful vampire in the world, Dracula, Romania.

The gun dwelling that Mina said was sealed under an underground palace, even she couldn't get it out, a secret that only Mina, the heir to the true ancestor of vampires, was qualified to know.


"What a surprise." Yo stood in an underground palace, looking at the red magic gun stuck in the ground in front of her. On the ground, an endless number of spells were imprinted on the ground.

Although Mina and the others couldn't see it, they could feel a strange pressure.

However, in Yo's eyes, it could be seen.

Endless words bound to the gun, words that weren't any kind of words that Yo knew, nor were they any kind of words that Yo had ever heard.

"Disappearing words?." Yo thought so.

Words that had completely disappeared, lost their meaning of existence, but yet existed, it was already a contradiction that twisted the world's cause and effect, and the best explanation Yo could come up with was that the meaning of this text was sealed here, so nowhere was this text known.

Only when this seal is unsealed, will this text be shown to everyone.

And the person who unseals this text will have gained all the information of a civilization. Such a benefit all people would be impressed, right.

Under everyone's gaze, Yo walked up.

Gripped the gun. The text changed into a black spike that stabbed through in an instant!

"Hmph" Yo grunted, his own body began to change, endless flames burned, and a demon appeared. Flames that twisted space, sharp twin horns, the demonic king named Baal, showed himself.

The black spikes that flew over turned into black smoke that disappeared in an instant, changing into chains.

Yo's face changed dramatically and he instantly retreated.

He could feel a power that bound himself from the chains, or rather, a power that isolated the constraints of the laws. This was the power of the True God! The Demon King's soul began to roll.

Self-power was displayed even more powerfully, and a demonic sword appeared in his hand.

The sword of blasphemy.

Self's majestic magical power poured into it, and the power of Original Sin began to prepare. He couldn't care anymore, so what if he was an enemy of the True God, as long as he got Ranginus, why should he still fear the True God?

Vast magic power was endless, scattering out from the magic sword.

The terrifying power tore atop the ancient vanished words. These words formed a special pattern, a pattern made up of five large circles and eight squares.

It actually blocked Yo's strenuous strike!

"Damn it." When Yo saw it, he became furious, and the magic sword in his hand began to change, the power of Original Sin infused into it, and the power known as blasphemy began to appear.

It began to manifest.

This power, even if it was only leaked a little bit, turned into a huge sin and appeared on earth.

The eyes of all the gods of this world, the god-kings, looked to the small place of Romania, and the closest to it were the Norse and Greek gods.

Each side sent the best warriors under their command, the gods, to investigate.


The power of Original Sin contaminated the entire chain.

Original Sin peeled off the outer layer of the spell's "skin".

Yo saw the core of the rune.

The underground where the lance was inserted. There were several corpses of True Gods! The body of a man in a long robe. Immortalized after billions of years, he held the end of a long spear and thrust it into the bodies of several True Gods.

These True Gods, there were those in armor and those in robes. There was also a True God with a mechanical body.

"These are." Yo felt curious, walked over and drew a point of the spear, and a message was sent.

"My name is Tu Ji. Throughout the Third Era for billions of years, without a single defeat, Nay, the time is not right for me, infinite calamity, I was betrayed by a traitor, fighting against the seven True Gods! What can a bunch of flies and rats do to me!" A domineering declaration and stay-at-home voice.

Although the information is incomplete, Yo is able to learn that this guy was a bull in the last era, named Tu Ji, who fought against the seven true gods who came to attack with his own strength, and killed all but one of them as they escaped.

A stream of information followed, more information about the last epoch.

There were nearly dozens of True Gods in the last epoch, when the universe had entered its end, and many True Gods began to move their petty minds to survive the Great Tribulation.

This was the Tu Ji True God, with a Both Heavenly and Two Eclipses Slaughtering Spear in his hand, ranked as the most precious treasure of the innate, and was invincible in the entire Multiverse, even the strongest few True Gods who had survived from the Second Era at that time didn't dare to mess with it.

These seven True Gods, teaming up to challenge him, managed to sneak up on him and severely injure him, though with a sneak attack, and the betrayal of Tu Ji's disciple, they were also killed back.

The Both Heavenly and Two Gods Slaughtering Spear, on the other hand, was disintegrated during the battle and turned into three parts, one of which was the red spear in front of him.

All of the innate supreme treasures had their own unique abilities, the Tai Chi Tu's ability to determine all things, and the Pan Gu Banner's ability to transform chaos 。。。。。。 This gun's ability was - all those who were harmed, the power he possessed would be imputed to the holder, including the power of the Law.

This deceased True God held a total of nearly forty powers before his death, creation, the five elements, yin and yang, and reorganization. It almost encompassed most of the highest level powers in the world.

Unfortunately, invincible as he was, he was also attacked by multiple people and ended up seriously injured, becoming a corpse in the immense destruction of heaven and earth.

And Yo obtained all the information about this True God's former body, as well as many powers, and most importantly, the information to become a True God, which alone was a sum of information that would drive all the gods crazy.

The red spear was drawn, and there was no change, just that all the corpses turned into smoke and dust.

I'm afraid that in the beginning, Cain had also discovered this place, but because he wasn't strong enough, he didn't take it out. After all, not everyone was able to use the power of Original Sin, it was the world's most root evil power.

The red lance was ordinary, but it was more powerful than Baal's Fallen Hammer, the Blasphemous Sword, and took away the opponent's laws to impose on his own body.

When by virtue of this one ability it would be able to stand proudly above all the artifacts.

Chapter 44.

Chapter 44

In the skies above Romania, the released sins float silently. All the vampires and other dark races within the castle, range, have absorbed varying degrees of evil.

Some had died, while others had become stronger and mutated.

Not only that, but at this point in Romania, there were some intruders.

On one side, there was the Norse god of fire and evil, led by the Norse god Loki, and on the other side, there was a faction of Greek mythology, led by the Greek Apollo.

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