The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 124.

First, the sky started to change and turn blood red, then it started raining blood in the sky. All the news and stuff started moving, but it's the first time we've seen blood rain on a global scale.

So what cult was growing again.

"Looks like there's still a lot of movement after death." Yo returned to Earth with his spear, that Red Dragon God Emperor was simply dead, but I didn't expect that he could make so many visions after death.

"Your wish is granted." Yo muttered so.

On the other end, the Infinite Dragon Orpheus was excited about it. "I can finally go home." She had been so excited that she left tears.

After being banished for so many years, she could finally return to her own home.

Her own true home, although not as beautiful as Earth, but it was her own true home.


"Looks like it's time for me to go." Yo said so looking at the direction that Orpheus had disappeared.

A burning inferno chariot appeared in the sky, cutting through the sky and running to the front of Yo, Yo walked on top of the chariot, the demonic transformation had disappeared and he turned into a human.

"Let's go." Yo said to the hell chariot. "Go to your mistress."

The burning chariot galloped to its target, crossing the barrier of space to the underworld and returning to Yo's home.

"Mistress." The first to come out to greet her was Liliana, who, as Yo's first knight, was of the most identical mind to Yo, even more so than the first apostle Sakura.

"Let's go," Yo said to Liliana. "Tell everyone to get ready, we're leaving this world."


Yo looked at the crowd that was getting ready and felt bad.

As the former king of all demons, the True God of the Devil's Path, the difference between him and other true gods was that other true gods needed to rely on the world to gain eternity, while he, as long as there was still evil in the world. There were still demons, and all the negativity, save never die, and the Tribulation True God, East Emperor Taiyi, would be resurrected to carry out the plan to destroy the world as soon as the world came to the End Times, the two could be said to be the chosen Doomsday True God from the Second Era.

As for the First Era?

At that time there was no world yet, there was, just a group of demons called Chaos, fighting all day long until someone opened up the heavens and entered the Second Age, and in the Second Age eventually, Yo and Taichi succeeded in extinguishing the world and were reborn in the Third Age, continuing to extinguish the world, but....

Yes, later, as you know, they were stopped by a group of true gods and eventually died tragically.

However, Yo and Taichi still offended a lot of people.

Some of them didn't dare to do it, while others.


Yo drives a burning chariot, driving above the void, and he can cross any world with the crossing gate, but that world must have hell or something similar.

Yo, on the other hand, wanted to view the multiverse as he saw it.

The multiverse was still big in Yo's view. But. He had seen the multiverse with the power of a true god. It was really too small. In the eyes of the True God, everything was too small.

"What a long time no see." A voice entered Yo's ears.

Yo looked up. It was a middle-aged man.

"Who are you." Yo questioned so. He didn't feel the man's power, nor did he feel the Dao Law fluctuation, as if the man was already here.

"Yeah. The reincarnated you don't remember me anymore." This middle-aged man said. "Introduce yourself first, my name is. Kabalas."

True God?. That's what Yo thought.

"In the distant past, I am." He said to Yo. "One of the true gods that you killed by your own hand, ah."

With the red magic gun appearing in his hand, Yo stepped forward and said to Liliana's Sakaki behind him. "You guys can send them back first." He was talking about sending them back to Hellbar's palace.

"Oni-san." Vault looked at him and said. "I want to be with you."

"Stop it." Yo touched Vault's head and told her. "I'll come back for you when I'm done cleaning up this guy. Don't worry, it'll only take a moment."

"Take her away." Yo commanded to Sakaki.

"Don't you trust me that much." Kabalas said so. "I am however. A true god."

"It's because you're a true god that I don't believe it." Yo watched as the chariot disappeared from his eyes and turned to Kabalas.

"Go ahead. Your purpose...." Yo asked to Kabalas.

"Hmph." Kabalas said to Yo. "I just want the magic gun you're holding."

Yo looked at the guy. Laughing disdainfully.

"What are you laughing at." Kabalas asked gloomily.

"I'm laughing at your ignorance." Yo looked at Kabalas, "You want this gun because you can't do it yourself, relying on a weapon is still a loser after all."

"Only a man who harnesses weapons is a true god." Yo said as he looked at Kabalas whose face turned black. "You're nothing more than a trash in the end."

"Shut up." He snapped so angrily. "Little one, let you understand the wrath of the True God."

With a push of both hands, a powerful force spread out and swept across the world.

"Is that so." Yo held the magic gun, holding firm. "I'm not going to be afraid of a loser who's lost his mind."

Third shift of the first chapter.

Chapter I

The sky was like a great noise, a multitude of dust flew up, and a cross appeared over the ocean, which was the wrath of God.

On a ship, a middle-aged man spoke about a young girl placed in a lifeboat and said to her. "Misato, you must be well."

"Father." The young girl shouted excitedly.

As the middle-aged man was about to close the door, vast power radiated out, and they saw a scene they could never forget for the rest of their lives.

The giant hand that had been burning grabbed the giant in the cross all at once, burning flames raged, it was the demonic fire of the burning world, the giant was as if stimulated, a hexagonal barrier appeared in the air.

The wall of the heart, at position.

After. A horned demon with burning horns appeared in the eyes of Katsuragi Misato and her father, and the huge hammer in his hand came down at once.

During the battle with Kabalas, Yo was severely injured and sealed in this position by Kabalas. And Kabalas was not well, as Yo was a half-step True God and also had the Demon Gun Both Heavenly and Both Slaughter Guns, which had crippled Kabalas hard and.

This product also took out a red gun. A part of the Du Tian Two Instrument Slaughter Gun was in Cabarrus' hand. No wonder this product fought hard to turn against Yo to take the gun as well.

However, this product had clearly underestimated Yo, in the fight for the gun. Betrayed him and merged with Yo's magic gun, fought back and crippled Kabalas with a hard blow. Then. Yo was sealed off to this world and choked with a guy named Adam from this world.

"Fuck, I'm lying down and getting shot." Yo thought so, "I can't believe I've been sealed in this world for nearly tens of millions of years." Indeed, Yo had been sealed in this world for nearly thousands of years. After all, the time between the small world and the big world was different.

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