The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky. Chapter 125.

"I just want to get back to the dome soon now." That's what Yo thought.


In a choke hold with Adam.

"Peat's, told you to seal me." Yo slammed the Fallen Warhammer down with one blow after another. The Gunslayer had fallen into a deep sleep for some reason, and probably couldn't get up at the moment.

The giant let out a sad cry. Red power erupted.

"Ouch, fuck," Yo exploded, "It actually has the potential to explode?"

The red power completely exploded, even the seawater was dyed red. The sky began to flip, the earth, the oceans, all of them were changing, and endless natural disasters appeared in the human world.

The second impact!

The word came to Yo's mind, seeing that Adam could go to hell if he didn't already know the world he came from.

The first thing he thought of when he came to this world was his former goddess, Lynx, but. I'll be damned, but I actually came to this world sixty-five million years ago in the First Impact Era, plus I was beaten to death by Kabalas and picked up myself and was sealed.

The whole thing is just a tragedy.

As Katsuragi Misato and her father watched, the demon was repulsed by the powerful force the giant had exploded after attacking him.

Nowadays, Yo's combat power was only at the level of a newly promoted demon. However, the body and everything else was still at the level of the highest ranking demon.

"You coal," Yo had to back away.

At position, an absolutely inviolable domain, it looked like it was only protective at best.

But, Yo had suffered from that power, small worlds were projections or imaginings of those larger worlds, and this world's at stance was a power that came from that bastard Kabalas, isolating the world, isolating everything, a power far beyond imagination.


This power is at the root of one's inner being, completely isolated from everything, and is equivalent to being self-contained, as if it were heavenly, though uncountably weak. Far above all else, completely self and knowing. If you say that cultivation magic or whatever is first close to the heavenly path, then in self-independence and achievement of the true God.

Then at stance from the beginning is the direction of the direct path, even if it's just preliminary cultivation, overriding those lower levels of realizations.

By the time you reach the higher levels, perfecting that inner at-stance of yourself can already isolate the world, and even travel through the void, which is already equivalent to those half-step celestial immortals.

Then, perfecting the self, at stance began to isolate life from reality, immortal, immortal, equivalent to those ancient alchemists.

Eventually, spread the at position without limit, symbolize and worldify one's own heart. That is, the True God. The only one who had reached this realm was Kabalas, and if Yo didn't have a magic gun, he probably wouldn't have been able to pierce through that guy's at stance.

However, not to mention the final stage, even perfecting one's self was rarely attained, so Kabalas knew how to use a small mind, using the hearts of all humans to merge into one, amplifying the personal heavenly changes countless times in a single moment. Complete the so-called infinite diffusion. This world was Kabalas's testing ground!

The whole world was changing, the human race became extinct by one-half at once, economies began to disintegrate, sea levels turned red and began to rise, and the earth's axis began to deflect.

Then the gang of politicians started making announcements that September 13 was caused by a 10% light speed massive meteorite that struck the Antarctic continent with a devastation equivalent to the impact of the earth with an asteroid 4 billion years ago.

That was the source of the disaster.

But those pictures that have gone viral in the popular press tell them that's not the case. Those expert professors also say it's not true.

In the light and shadow caused by the impact there is a giant-like image and a horned bull with a hammer in hand while the devil 。。。。。。 There are also survivors in Antarctica and other places who claim that there were several pairs of giant wings and a flaming figure in the center of the impact wave 。。。。。。

In addition to this, some local folklore has it that the South Pole is sealed with powerful demons and angels, and although this is what the League of Nations has announced, there are many others who are looking for the truth.

The top of an iceberg that was melted in an instant, a hundred meters high, was smashed to pieces. Rumors abounded.

Chapter 2003

Chapter 2010

Chapter 2015

Chapter 2, fourth shift.

Chapter 2

Third New Tokyo.

A woman with blue hair and a red jacket was waiting, one of her missions today was to pick up Commander Anchorage's son back to headquarters, and the other was to pick up the newly dispatched special agent, Haruna Yuyo.

"Miss, are you the one that Commander Anchorage sent over." A young voice sounded, and the one who spoke was a man with white clothes and white hair. Haruhi Nozomu, the demon that had been sealed in this world, was now a special agent sent over by the Seat of Souls, but of course, it was outwardly declared that the League of Nations had sent him over.

"That's right," Katsuragi Misato said in surprise as she looked up and saw Kasugano Yo-kun. "Yuu-kun? Wait a moment, there's still one person who hasn't come."

"No problem." So replied Haruhi Nozomu. "Katsuragi Misato-san is now. Major?"

"Yes." Katsuragi Misato said, smiling at Haruhi Nozomu. "I've never had much of a greater track record here, so I only have Maj. Yoru-kun. Already a Major General?" She was surprised to see that the young looking man was already a Major General when she looked at the information about Haruna Yojimbo.

"Yes." Yo replied. "I am now a special agent dispatched by the League of Nations, and this Major General has no meaning."

"It's so young and promising." Katsuragi Misato sighed. The two of them were just talking to each other.


"That." A young voice sounded and the two turned back to see a small recipient-like man appear in front of them. This male anchor who was also known as a scrap in the second dimension appeared in front of Yo.

"Is it Anchorage-kun." Katsuragi Misato said to him. "I'm here to pick you up oh."

"Pick us up?" Kotobuki Anchorage asked so curiously.

"Yes," said Katsuragi Misato, looking at Haruhi Nozomu, "This is the special envoy from the United Nations, and the one I came to pick up."

"A UN Special Agent?" He took a curious look at the man who looked only three or four years older than himself.

"Well, we'd better get to headquarters." Yo said to Katsuragi Misato. "I guess a lot of people are getting tired of waiting."

He gave a meaningful glance in the direction of where the headquarters was. And there was the Third Apostle not far away. The Water Angel.


Anchorage crosses his arms and places his chin on top of his hands. Well, actually the author I'm in this position for class.

"Winter Moon." Anchorage spoke up and asked. "Why do you think they would send a special agent at this time."

The white-haired old man, the anchorite's father-in-law, sighed and said. "I don't know." He held a file in his hand, "This information looks normal, normal to. It is in too much detail."

"At the moment, they may have sensed us, but there's no proof, that's why they sent such a person to monitor it." Winter Moon replied so.

"Perhaps." Anchorage replied thusly. "I've always had a bad feeling about this."

And the three generals sitting below him in front of the main screen suddenly growled, "All that N2 explosive didn't kill them." They had used enough to blow up several of the old Tokyo, but that Third Apostle Water Angel, still hadn't died.

"Hmph." Anchorage smirked, he didn't think these apostles would die so easily.

"Commander." A blonde beauty walked in, it was Ritsuko Akagi. "Misato has picked up Anchorage and the UN Special Agent."

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