The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 129.

"And that's not the only thing you're working on, is it, the Human Complementation Plan this is your current priority." A fat guy with an upper lip beard helpfully changed the subject

"Yeah. 。。。。。。。 That's why the UN is sending a special agent, ah. This plan is the only hope in this desperate situation."

"That's right." Several people said so.

"All in all, even if the apostle comes again it must not cause any delay in the plan, and the aspect regarding the budget also needs to be considered. Then again, it's a matter for the committee. Anchorage-kun, it is fortunate for you." An older man wearing a special device sitting across from Anchorage finally spoke up, and after he said that the other four disappeared.

"Anchorage-kun, there is no turning back anymore." After saying that, the old man disappeared as well as the other four people.

"I understand that humans are running out of time 。。。。。。" Anchorage said to himself after everyone else had left.


Third New Tokyo City, NERV Headquarters.

Haruhi Nozomu looked out the window, Third New Tokyo City

Compared to other worlds, this world could be said to have a different taste, and the feeling of a city reborn after a breakup was not something that an ordinary world could have.

"Yo-kun?." A voice came from behind, and Yo turned back to see that it was Katsuragi Misato.

"It's Misato-san." Yoru asked. "Are you going to see Anchorage."

"Yeah." Misato answered.

"Shinji was pretty badly injured in the battle." Yuu said to her, "It's really hard for a kid as young as him to save the world." After a pause, he continued. "Does Misato-san know where there's a flower shop near here 。。。。。。."

"It's right next to the hospital. Hey hey," Misato was suddenly surprised. "What did you buy flowers for, Yu-kun?" She seemed to have thought of something. "Does Yo-kun have a girlfriend here?"

Yo turned around and smiled at her. "Just going to visit someone. "


Yo had a large bunch of roses in his hand, and when he said he was going to buy flowers to see a female friend, the florist recommended roses, and Yo didn't care, he bought a large bunch at once.

Knocking on the door of his room, Yo walked into Limboli's hospital room.

Chapter 6, 8th shift.

Chapter 6

When you pushed open the door of the hospital room and walked in, you found that Ling Bo Li was sleeping on top of the hospital bed with her eyes closed. When he saw her like this, he smiled and gently walked over to her, first looking at her, then placing the rose in his hand next to the bed.

But when Yo put the rose down and turned to leave, he took a look at Rimboli lying on the hospital bed and noticed that she had woken up at some point and was now staring at him dead in the face.

"You're awake." It was a long time before Yo watched as Ling Bo Li kept staring at him dead in the face, not knowing what to say... it took him a long time to say something without nutrition.

"Well." Rimboli replied simply. "By the way, I don't know your name yet?" For a long time, Yo, who really didn't know what to say, asked to Limbori.

"Limboli." Rimboli simply answered.

After that the two of them fell silent once again. Yo was the one who didn't know what more to say, and Ling Polly didn't say anything.

After a while, Ling Polly felt her throat dry and couldn't help but look at the glass of water that was placed on top of the table on the side, but because of her own injuries she could only lie on the hospital bed now. And because of the character of Limboli, also did not open up to Yo.

As for Yo, who had been looking at Limboli, he followed the direction of Limboli's gaze and smiled heartily. Yo walked over and bent down to pour a glass of water for Ling Polly, then lifted Ling Polly's upper body up against the pillow and handed her the glass of water in her hand.

Limbori took a sip from the glass of water Yo handed her and then gazed at Yo and said, "Last time, thank you."

"Last time? Oh, you're welcome." Yoru sniffed for a moment then replied.

"Well, you get some rest." After a moment, Yo helped Limbori lay back down on the bed and said to Limbori.

"Yeah." Rimboli replied like a little child at the words.


Somewhere underground in NERV, in the abandoned EVA startup test chamber, everything seemed to be frozen, the twisted walls, the broken glass, and the time set to some failed test.

"How's Rei doing?" Standing in front of the broken window for a long time, Anchorage asked.

"Didn't you go to the hospital this afternoon?" Ritsuko at the door asked rhetorically.

"There will be no barrier for another 20 days of activity. Scheduled to reactivate the Zero in Freeze again by then." Anchorage said.

"It must be tough, those kids." Ritsuko said with genuine emotion, "Is your son okay with that? He seems to be in a very precarious mental state."

"Don't worry about it, it might serve as the best excuse to thaw the Zero Machine." Anchorage said firmly, "There's no one else but them who can manipulate the EVAs, and they'll have to do it as long as they live."

"Regardless of those children's own will, eh?" Ritsuko asked herself, "Then let's do what Katsuragi Nisao suggested. However, do you ...... plan to activate both EVAs at the same time?"

"Not only that, but the EVA II has been built, the pilot has already been selected, and is now being prepared for evaluation testing in Germany, has been approved by the Commission, and will be delivered in a little while. You will be ready to accept it then, while the second fitter is placed in the custody of the Commission's assigned inspector, Brad, and the others." Anchorado commanded.

"They? Is the committee ...... "Ritsuko questioned.

Anchorage didn't intend to explain, but said quietly, "Battle command is still arranged by NERV." After saying the Lord turned around and left.

Ritsuko looked at the back of the anchorage, without saying anything, but in her heart she was thinking: just one place will have three of the world's not many EVAs ......


Yo is now in his own mansion, which Yo bought himself.

As a Major General, would money be scarce, besides, he was making some illegal deals with those old guys in SEELE.

"Do you think this guy, Anchorage, will be plotting something bad." After taking a shower, Yo was on the phone, and the voice inside the phone was an old man from Soul Seat, one who had also made a deal with him.

"At least I don't see it now." Yo replied so casually. "Besides, I'm just monitoring this guy for you and reporting on this guy's every move, so there's no need to tell you in such detail."

"Hmph." This old guy was dissatisfied, but put his dissatisfaction down, "Bal, I shouldn't have released you from the seal in the first place." This old man said with such dissatisfaction.

"If you hadn't released me in the first place, then I'm afraid you would be dead by now." Yo said. "You only released a part of my power, and with enough time, I can still come out."

This old man is a descendant of the scholar who discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls, the guy who funded Misato Katsuragi's father and tapped into Yo's seal.

Unlike the original Dead Sea Scrolls, this world's Dead Sea Scrolls have had one more change due to Yo's existence.

"A demon that can grant people's wishes," that's what Yo wrote on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Yo hung up the phone and smiled disdainfully. "How dare a rotten old man mock me like that." The world is about to end anyway 。。。。。。 I guess Cain's army is coming soon too 。。。。


The next morning.

Yo made a big decision. Go become a teacher, sort of back to the old job, make a phone call, all done.

To report to the principal, a few brief words with the principal, the principal called the class teacher: an old man who looked too old, thin and dry, can not see the eyes.

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