The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 130

"Today, we have a new teacher and a new student in our class, so I hope you will get along," the old man said so introducing the class, and giving up the podium. "Kasugino-sensei and Anchorage-san."

"My name is Harugino Yo." Yuyu said confidently. "I hope I can get along with you all for the next little while."

"I...I'm Anchorage Shinji, please take care of me for the first time." Shinji finished quickly and excitedly, clearly seeming to have used his best effort to not stammer in front of so many people.

There was another whisper from below, "There are still people transferring over at a time like this, one of them must be that legendary robot pilot!"

Yo starts lecturing after the introductions as he takes the old man's place, but the old man continues to teach while Yo is away, privilege? After all, he was the one who worked to protect the world.

Limboli, who was sitting at the window, found that she was still the same, one hand on her chin, and had been looking out the window without moving. With one glance, he took his eyes back and continued his lecture. But while he was lecturing, Rimboli turned her head around instead.

。。。。 Thus 。。。。 In the last year of the 20th century, a huge meteorite hit the South Pole, an event that I think you all know about. As a result of this event, the frozen continent dissolved in an instant and the water level of the ocean rose by 20 meters. After that, the world was hit by floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions and other unusual weather conditions. This led to economic panic, ethnic strife and civil war. In just a few years, half of the world's population was lost forever. This is what the world has come to call the Second Impact 。。。。。。 In the fifteen short years that followed ......, we recovered to our current state. While this is due to the excellence of our human race, it can also be said to be the harvest of your parents' blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and effort.

Shinji was admiring how Haruhi Nozomu could actually speak the once tumultuous, hardship-filled history into a lullaby, when suddenly, the ICQ on the laptop in front of him flashed up, and Shinji clicked on the conversation to see, "Hey, Anchorage, are you really the pilot of that legendary robot?"

"Huh? Ah ...... "Shinji is a bit confused why he suddenly asked this 。。。。

Chapter 7 and 9.

Chapter 7

The bell rang, and before Yoru could say class was over, everyone gathered around Shinji and excitedly asked, "I have a question, how did you get chosen to be the pilot?" Yo, on the other hand, disappeared as soon as the bell rang. It made some of the girls very sad. So they all turned to ask Anchorage.

"Is there some kind of test?"

"What does the cockpit look like?"

"Hey, were you scared then?"

"What's that robot's name?"

"What kind of weapons are there?"

"Everyone calls it ......EVA...... the first machine." Shinji replied vaguely, and he was half-aware of the answer, "It's like there's some kind of knife that vibrates ...... like an ultrasonic ......"

"Awesome! Is there any sure-fire way to kill?"

"A sure-fire way to kill?! ...... "Shinji was a little crushed: it's not like he's calling the electricity. Although I was thinking this, but not so spiteful, just a bit reserved: "I also ...... not very clear, but everyone called him an apostle ...... no one seems to know his background ......"

Suddenly there was a question from the doorway, "Acting like you're so great, you end up revealing nothing, right?!"

"Ah! Suzuhara! You haven't been to class for two days ......" class leader Mitsuki Tonoki educated unhappily.

"Noisy! Shut up!" Suzuhara was seething, how could she endure a light education.

I saw Touji squeeze at Shinji in a rage, staggering Kensuke.

"Hey! Winter II! --" shouted Kensuke Aida.

Slapping Shinji on his desk, he bellowed, "Transfer student! You ...... come over here for a minute!" After saying that, he turned around and walked away first in a rage.

Although Shinji was shocked, he followed silently, and Kensuke followed closely behind.

The open space behind the school building.

"Hey, transfer student! Listen to me, my sister is injured and in the hospital! My grandfather and dad also work at that institute of yours and can't come back, so I'm the only one with time to spend looking after her!" Touji actually had some sudden nervousness in his heart about encountering a big event and had nowhere to vent. After all, he who was still only a 14-year-old student had limited life experience. "...... Well ...... I don't have to worry about my business ...... But my sister got an injury on her face and it will leave a scar. It's pitiful, isn't it? Who do you think did this to you? Huh? --"

Growing more and more agitated, Touji pointed at Shinji's nose and yelled, "You're the one who caused this! You're the one who messed around and rammed the building with debris into my house! You felt good about being flattered in class just now, didn't you!"

Shinji, who was pointed at and yelled at, said with some hindsight, "Ah ...... sorry." At that time, that situation, the first time to sit on the EVA, Shinji only nervous, the only remaining memory is the scary face of the first number machine. It was so easy for Shinji to react to what Touji was saying, he wasn't quite able to manipulate the situation at first, at first. But having always lived in the countryside, he didn't feel it intuitively, and he was blissfully ignorant of injuries and death.

Originally just wanted to find Shinji to vent his frustration, but when he saw Shinji's dazed and indifferent expression, he suddenly exploded: "You less despise people! Is a 'sorry' enough!"

"Hey! Don't be like that, Touji." Kensuke saw that things were going to get big, and hurriedly pulled Touji.

There was already resistance to driving the EVA Shinji, see winter two is still unforgiving pestering, directly said: "I ...... do not want to only go to drive. ...... Then what do you want? Do you want me to kneel for you? That's fine, I'm fine with it."

Did my sister get hurt at the hands of this kind of person! Touji was getting more and more fired up, and a left hook just knocked Shinji to the ground.

"Hey! Touji, how could you do that to an important pilot!" Kensuke saw Touji hit Shinji in shock.

Shinji, who was hit on the ground, didn't know what to think at this moment.

"Well - do you want a dry fight? Come on if you want!" Touji had gotten a little battle excited about this and wanted a good fight.

"Hey! Touji, don't mess around!" Kensuke saw that Touji still wanted to fight, and immediately persuaded him to do so.

"Can you listen to a word I have to say?" Shinji, who was sitting on the floor, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said faintly.

"What?!" Interrupted, Winter Two asked blankly.

"Don't you get tired of being so excited all the time?" Shinji asked abruptly.

For a moment Touji had a feeling of being seen through, a feeling that made him feel a little ashamed. I saw that Touji, who was being held by Kensuke, felt annoyed at being slighted and said, "You king (river crab) eight (river crab) eggs!!!! There's a limit to how much you can look down on people!" As he said that, he struggled to get away from Kensuke to go up and kick Shinji's ass.

"Hey!!! What are you doing over there!" Some worried squad leader Cave Mokko, rushed over just to see this scene.

See is squad leader cave wood light, winter two see this fight some can not go on. Letting out harsh words, "Humph! --Listen up, you son of a bitch! I just want to say this to you - 'The next time you fight, look at your feet before you fight!'"

And Yo was standing elsewhere watching it all. "Shinji-kun. Let's make you one of the main characters in my plan." Evil thoughts kept popping up in his mind.


At sea, the 4th Apostle Shamsher is approaching NERV from the surface.

NERV Command.

"Capture the target with optical! It is expected to have invaded the territorial waters and is moving towards Third New Tokyo." Aoba reported first.

"Third New Tokyo City is starting to turn into a combat situation!" Hyuga-do.

"Optical observation captures target image! It'll be on the screen right away." Aoba called out.

"Phased Array Radar Early Warning Aircraft E-747 has also been confirmed, and the signature analysis is - blue." After reading the report back from the nearest AWACS aircraft on the scene, Ritsuko said to Misato with certainty, "Yes, it's the Fourth Apostle!"

Misato asked, "What's the progress on the resettlement of non-combatants and residents?"

Aoba pulled up the report and replied, "We've received a report of a completed evacuation."

Misato then ordered, "All personnel to level one combat readiness! "

The adjutant echoed, "Understood, prepare for ground-to-air intercept operations."

MAGI system electronic voice: "Defensive operations ready, defensive systems on standby, surface-to-air intercept system is 45% active. The central area and sectors one through seven are being sheltered."

The city was bursting with alarms, even the distant uphill birds were startled. Only the armed buildings in the central zone were seen slowly sinking into the ground, replaced by rows of self-propelled artillery and mortars.


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