The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 147.

But this base is going to be finished too. Trying to survive the battle between Yo and Shinigami? Teenager, wash up and go to sleep.

"There is a phenomenon similar to the AT force field!"

"The test waveform is blue!" Aoba shouted, "Apostle! It's the Apostle-"

The crowd immediately turned on the screen. A fat mummy-looking apostle was moving towards the headquarters. All of the troops along the way were destroyed. And his AT position possessed a defense and attack stronger than any apostle.

"Send out all the eva." Katsuragi Misato ordered so. "He must be stopped outside of Third Tokyo City."

"Yes." Asuka and Anchorage. And. Touji.


"No. 。。。。." Touji's voice came so. Mixed in with the endless fear.

"What's wrong?"

"He. ...eva's waveform, which turned blue, is an apostle!"

"What?" Asuka and Anchorage were so alarmed. "Does he."

"Yes," replied Hinagiku. "He has been attached to the apostles and has become an apostle himself."


Chapter Twenty-four

Things on Earth could be said to be trivial.

A half-step True God, a True God had begun to fight. The red magic gun pierced through the wall of Kabalas' heart, the magic gun sweeping across everything with invincibility.

The True God was invincible, this reality sung by the multiverse shattered and incomplete, the innate supreme jewel, plus the reincarnation of the Devil King of the Abyssal Hell, the ancient King of All Demons, showing his claws in this moment.

Limboli was hidden by Yo, and Yo held the most powerful weapon of the last era, albeit incomplete. But, as usual, he could fight the True God alone. Although Yo was wounded, the opponent was more injured than he was, and in the last even robbed him of a life law.


"En." Kabalas' painful voice entered Yo's ears.

The red magic gun was stuck on top of Kabalas' arm, but blood did not flow out, but was absorbed by this gun. The endless power of the True God was swallowed by the magic gun and then turned into essence and poured into Yo's body. The soul and body that had been severely injured for tens of millions of years actually began to recover just like that.

"Damn it," Kabalas said so. "You stupid bastard, I'm a true god, an immortal being, and you can't kill me."

"Ho." Yo made such a sound.

"What's going on here!!!" Kabalas looked at the man in front of him. Black runes were etched on his body, his eyes had turned red, and countless blackness was rendered into an evil smile.

"How is that possible?" He began to panic. "Is it. Him?" He had seen this smiling face before, the once Extremely Evil Demon King, the Demon King of the entire Multiverse, the King of Ten Thousand Demons. Even the ancient True God had spent a great price to ambush and then defeat, seal, and reincarnate him.

Endless blood poured into Yo's body and the evil smile behind it, Kabalas could even hear the evil laughter of Jie Jie. This was the true king of evil.

The True God of Evil that was located in the entire multiverse!


"Damn." On the Golden Ao Island, the four people who had just finished playing mahjong felt the power and panicked, putting away the mahjong table and looking away.

"That guy is resurrected?" God asked thus. "Is it. Damn Kabalas, he actually hid a magic gun." It must have been the magic gun that had some of Yo's past life memories left in it, hence the power. Tuji was an instrument to get it, who was Tuji's instrument before that?

Many True Gods had never imagined that Slaughtering Pole would actually be the King of Ten Thousand Demons' magic weapon. There was still part of the soul of the King of Ten Thousand Devils from back then. This soul plus the reincarnated yo. It was about to be resurrected.

"There's no use complaining now, it must be immediately." Fuxi said so. "No... I'm afraid it's too late."

"Even if it's too late, it has to be soon." So said the Tongtian Patriarch. "This fellow will be in big trouble if he is fully resurrected."

The silhouettes of the crowd disappeared in an instant.


Not only on the Golden Ao Island, but in other places as well, all the disappearing, hidden True Gods all appeared at once and began rushing to the target location.

The blood-sucking True God's blood-sucking Yo, his own body began to change, black smoke wrapped around him, and only red light could be seen. Then, the magic gun emitted a red glow and was pulled out by Yo.

Kabalas saw the opportunity and was trying to escape.

The black hand that was entrapped in smoke? No, it was the dragon's hand that reached out and grabbed his head.

"Want to run." It was Yo's voice but it didn't feel like Yo at all, arrogance, madness, hatred, a myriad of negative forces flowing from the language.

"You are. King of all demons." Kabalas said with difficulty. "After all this time, you're still resurrected." The head was grabbed and the hand turned to Yo.

It was completely unhuman.

What kind of monster was this?

The lower half of his life was a snake, the upper half had twelve arms, seven heads with seven heads, each with three horns, red eyes, and dragon wings on his back, hovering over the moon, which Kabalas knew was just incomplete, and shrunken, knowing that the original Vanguard was still the size of a small world even with a shrunken body.

"It's you. Kabalas." The creature said, speaking with a torrent of black magic coming out of its mouth. "You're still so weak. No, you're even weaker than you were in the beginning 。。。。"

"Damn it." Kabalas couldn't move.

"Let me teach you ants a lesson." His eyes looked to the armies beyond the world. Demons and angels.

The seven faucets began to chant.


"It's finally open." Cain looked at the boundary in front of him, then said happily.

Crap, more than half of the demons died before it opened, can you not be happy?

"Let's go on,." Jesus said with this command. "Charge the whole army!"


But 。。。。

"I'm so cursed," Cain cursed. "What is this." The black pillar of light broke through the seal of the remaining boundary and swept across everything, powerful enough to make Cain tremble.

All of the forces were instantly destroyed, and the remnants of this power bombarded the surrounding small worlds, all of which were destroyed.

The power of a single strike, so terrifying.

"Hahaha." The demon sitting on top of the moon looked at Cain and mocked, and the snake tail that enveloped the moon clamped down hard, and the entire moon turned into waste rock, falling from the universe towards Earth.

On Earth, Anchorage and Asuka, who were trying to fight, heard a loud bang, and in the air, the moon, surrounded by black (tails), disappeared in an instant. Then, something fell down.

"Shinji-kun, Asuka." Katsuragi Misato's voice was heard. "Pay attention, Moon. It's broken."

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