The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 148.

"What." x2

"Those that fell were pieces of the moon." She said so. "A few of them are even capable of producing meteorites comparable to the second impact in terms of widespread natural disasters. It has to be stopped immediately."

"After finishing off the apostles, go destroy the meteorites."

"That winter two." Shinji said with a glimmer of hope.

"Kill him." Anchorage's voice came out cold. "Make a choice between the humans and your best friend."

Pseva's drama is still oh.

Chapter Twenty-Five.

Chapter 25

Just when Anchorage was making a difficult choice. A voice rang out. "Want to save everything." So ethereal, supreme, with unpredictable majesty.

"Who are you." The confused anchorite asked so.

"Me?" The voice said mockingly to itself. "I am God, all of God. The only God in the world."

"God?" Anchorage seemed to grasp something and said. "That you can save all of this and turn the world back to the way it was." He began to believe in the voice, hoping it would save everything.

"I can." The voice said so. "Let go of your soul, let me be one with you, and come feel my power 。。。。"

Anchorage let go of his soul and began to feel this vast power. Kabalas, who had been captured by Yo, gave up his God's body and boarded his soul in Anchorage's body.

As an ancient True God who had lived through an epoch, Kabalas' strength was second to none among all the True Gods, and also had many killer weapons.

The moment Anchorage let go of his soul, there were not only Kabalas's soul, but even many broken souls. The souls of the True Gods that had died in the last era were spinning according to an unnameable rule.

All the souls began to become one, and the secret method that Kabalas had studied for hundreds of millions of years began to operate.

The souls of those dead True Gods began to resurrect and become one with his soul.

"Roar roar." Roar issued. . the eva initial machine began to change, and red light enveloped the world.

"What is it?" The people so wondered, and then they saw and saw that all things, both life and death all turned red and began to pour into him.

The monster that was entrenched on the earth saw this. He felt the power of many old friends, the power of the countless lives he had killed, and the souls of many true gods as well. The magic circle on the earth began to expand 。。。。 The small world around it was also enveloped. Numerous worlds were spread.

"This guy." The monster looked at all of this and then thought about the true god that began to resurrect. "Is he planning to resurrect all of those guys?" He could feel that the souls of those dead True Gods had begun to show signs of revival. This Diverse World could no longer withstand such a torment from the True God.

The cost of the True God's resurrection was not something ordinary people could imagine.

"Hmph." The monster snorted with discontent.

The twelve arms began to perform a jutsu. The black power turned into a circle. The ancient jutsu of the Titanic One clan, "The Endless Wheel." It represented everything, the beginning and the end, and possessed a power powerful enough to destroy everything.

The Endless Wheel was thrown out by him.

Red light entered the hexagonal at-stance, the ancient True God began to rise, there was no longer a living person on Earth, no, there was still one. Asuka, who was alive solely because Yo had tampered with her.

"How....." Asuka looked around dumbly. Orange juice?

All of them dissolved into two parts, one into the light of the mind and the other into the liquidization of the body into orange juice. "The little girl had better exit."

A voice sounded in her ear and she turned to see four men standing in front of her, dressed in ancient costumes, priests and priests.

Then she saw a white light. Fainted.

"Damn." God looked at a monster even stranger than the faucet monster of the universe, with countless heads growing above its body, elves, humans, orcs, fishermen. All kinds of heads, densely packed, totaling tens of thousands of species, endless life traits, vast souls.

"Does this guy want to destroy this universe." The Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Patriarch Tongtian said so as he looked at this monster. "The souls of nearly eleven True Gods, the power they would consume to resurrect is completely more than half of this universe."

Most of the power consumed by True Gods becoming gods had regenerative properties, such as spiritual power, which would continue to be generated as long as there was a spiritual vein, but the power consumed by the resurrection of these eleven True Gods was completely unable to be regenerated anymore.

The power of the world. The power of the world.

Compared to the Ten Thousand Demons, this guy was even more harmful.

"Finish him now?" Fuxi asked thus.

"Grace. I'll plug." Quasi said "That guy's making a big move, get out of the way."

Black rings broke open the AT position and countless black rings smashed down 。。。。 simple and violent. After that, this monster was displayed before everyone's eyes.

Countless countless countless. Countless heads growing on top of the body, tens of thousands of arms, this guy was ten thousand times more terrifying than the so-called Evil God.

"Bastard...." The dragon headed monster looked at this guy with countless heads.

"Go to hell...." This countless-headed monster screamed thus. "Go die and die." Numerous power radiated out, and this universe of the nebula had been crippled.

The black demonic bad began to destroy everything, and the head monster spread its wings to destroy everything.

And the countless head monsters waved ten thousand arms, eleven true gods sweeping out, a power that countless others despaired of.

"These bastards!!!" Cain and Jesus couldn't care less about anything else and began to flee. The twelve apostles under Jesus, the true ancestors of the bloodline under Cain, also began to flee.


"Want to run?"

A dark sound. It was the sound of a leading monster, a black ring sweeping across the room. Then.

"No!!!" Cain and Jesus began to roar, all of them linking arms in a vain attempt to stop it all, red power and golden light intertwined. But all of it failed.

The body was sliced open, and even the body of a pseudo-real god couldn't stop it. It was a horror that made all the sub-gods despair.

Cain, one of the demon kings who once ruled Hell, the holy son of Heaven, stayed humiliated and left this world with two demons and gods who were famous throughout the multiverse.

"Resurrection. My soldiers." The dragon headed monster shouted so loudly. Then, a black one appeared in the air. A hole?

Then. Monsters with dragon heads and wings on their backs appeared in the air.

The Fushigi who had come to the universe saw them and then broke into curses. "I.. Your sister, the Ancient Celestial Demon Army?"

That's right, these people were the Heavenly Demon Army that destroyed the Infinite World in the last era.

Every single one of them had just been born with Sub-God cultivation, powerful enough to even rival True Gods.

And at this time, all of the True Gods had coincidentally arrived here.

An old man in a robe, a man with a large axe in his hand, a glowing mass of light, one.

All the True Gods had come, nearly thirty of them. Even the hidden few came.

Chapter Twenty-Six.

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