The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky Godslayer Chapter 179.

"Want the Führer's report up there, waiting for the Führer's instructions."

"No need." A female voice said so, and the General turned his head to see the blue haired girl, he wouldn't dare to disrespect her.

The other party was the Führer's fiancée and an excellent armor pilot, but he clearly saw that she alone had taken out a stubbornly resisting force on the other side in an instant.

It was estimated to be on the level of the Twelve Knights of Britannia's Round Table.

The opponent was a young girl who grew up playing eva.

"The Führer's instructions. After all of them are locked up in concentration camps, pick out the outstanding ones to serve as leaders of the Empire. The rest are all shipped to the country for hard labor and experimental bodies. "

She said so. "There is no need for pity or sympathy, it is these people's own choice. "

"Yes!" The General said so. "And next?"

"Keep moving as planned." She said so. "Attack the capital of India directly."


The three million troops that entered the city were divided into four.

Two half million and two one million.

Five hundred thousand to intercept the troops coming to support around the capital, and two one million, one to raid the Indian capital and the other to enter Southeast Asia from India and destroy all those who dared to secede.


"Lord President." A general came in and reported.

And the Lord President, who was snapping, was dissatisfied. "What is it?"

"Just got word that three million troops of the Chinese Empire have entered the territory and taken Maddeth (Don't mind the fictional name.). ."

"What did you say!!!" President Gandhi grabbed him by the shirt and said. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Right." He said. "The other side has wiped out all of Maddeth's millions of troops. It's probably headed here by now."

"Damn." He thought frantically, then said. "Gather everyone at once, I want a meeting right now, right now, right now!!!"


Although the assembly was immediately convened, it was clear that it was completely unable to keep up with the speed of the Chinese Empire's rapid march.

In particular, the artificially well-behaved sword of the girl named Ling Bo Li.

A particle hedge weapon that could be connected to any armor, as well as used as a single weapon.

The Indian troops that came to stop the millions of troops turned into flying dust with one of her shines, and everyone was afraid of that.

The soldiers who followed Limboli also appeared fanatical in their worship.

Soldiers always worship the strong.

Finally, everyone came to a place. A place just thirty kilometers away from the Indian capital. The troops of the Indian capital were ready to defend.

"Now, it's time." Yo said looking at the map in the imperial office.

"India's capital, plus Southeast Asia. And then. Russia."

"Is your army ready for this?" Yo asked thus. "After we hit the Indian capital, we 。。。。 will have to declare war on the world!!!"

"Add us to the world, so they understand us. Anger."

Chapter 7 - Destruction

Chapter 7

General Tso in the northeast led half a million troops to attack the Korean peninsula, after all, Japan's strength was too low.

And the three million troops attacking India and one million attacking the southeast had mobilized a full four million, and only two million were still available.

The Chinese Empire actually had nearly ten million troops. But at least two million were inland plain troops, and many more were infantry. Firepower was widespread, but armor was entirely a luxury item for the army.

The entire army was also fitted with less than 100,000 armor.

At this time, a weapon that could be popularized on a large scale was important.

And this time, the remaining nearly two million troops. Yo also planned to, one thing or the other, since we were going to do it, we would make a big ticket.

"Target. Direct attack. Middle East...." Yo said, looking at the map. "EU and Britannia. Simply let me get in on the action."


India vs. the two sides.

The Chinese Federation forces used steel skeleton model armor as well as gentians. The God Tiger is said to be still under development.

"If we attack by force." A bunch of generals were discussing how to attack this opposite side, arguing and everyone was now gaining benefits from the establishment of the empire.

"If that's how we can."

"No, this is wrong, the soldiers are suffering great casualties, we should."

"You're the one that's wrong."

The two sides were constantly arguing. Finally. "Touch." A sword was thrust on the table. Everyone looked up at the blue girl.

"I'll attack." She said so. "All you have to do is follow orders."

"This...." The generals looked at each other.

"But where is the Führer." One general advised. "Miss Ling you."

Ree said looking at him. "You just have to follow orders."

"Everything is in my hands." She said. "Any of you have an opinion."

All the generals looked at each other and then backed away. Who dared to have an opinion with her, if she told the Führer. No one wanted to be the target of the Führer's wrath.

"That's it. Tomorrow morning we attack head on." She said. "I'll attack, all of you will attack on my orders."


Just like that, a plan of attack was set.

By now, all the media were reporting on the Chinese military action, India had sent a protest to the Chinese Empire, saying that it was an invasion of a nation's sovereignty, and the EU was calling for world peace, suggesting that both sides put their hands down and work together. Britannia stayed on the sidelines to watch the show.

"I'm sorry for the soldiers who died in this war," So said Yo at a press conference.

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