The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 180

"Doesn't the Führer have any feelings about the proposal for India and the EU? " a white woman asked thus.

"Thoughts?" Yo looked at them and said. "Since time immemorial, India has been one of our inseparable territories."

"The Viceroy of India, Gandhi, has been involved in the charge of rebellion by dividing the empire, and I am merely enforcing the laws of the land."

"Why didn't the Führer apologize to those civilians who died?" One journalist asked thus. "Doesn't the Führer have any sympathy."

"Civilians?" Yo said coldly. "They are nothing more than a group of insurgents."

"All those who participate in the rebellion and divide the Empire's borders must be destroyed." He said. "I am defending the unity of the empire, all those involved in the rebellion must be destroyed."

"Unless they surrender, they will only die forever!!!"

Such arrogant words went around the world through the media.

"Dictator!!!" "Enemy of mankind" and a host of other designations spread. But, surprisingly, someone did a survey. In the Chinese Empire, Li You's approval rating remained high, and everyone believed that he was a qualified leader.

On the Indian side, the final attack began.

A blue giant standing on the earth, all the armor according to him as the core of the battle, indeed hurt this giant, not EVA, but from the future company created armor weapons, EVA as the model for the manufacture of imitation EVA weapons, gods and goddesses.

Possesses an extremely fearsome defense and offense.

Equipped with a super electromagnetic cannon, an ultimate alloy shield, and an artificial plasma hedge weapon called the misbehaving sword and enhanced energy shield.

The weapon known as the misbehaving sword was drawn out, and the three sections of the blade spun wildly, a powerful storm gathering, "Everyone back off!!!" The general's voice was heard and the ready soldiers retreated, leaving the Indian soldiers alone.

The Indian troops had noticed something was wrong and had just ordered the intended retreat.


"Boom!!!" Powerful pillars of light caught in the storm hit the ground.

The plasma impact rushed out with the earth, all the enemies that were in the way. Only a light was seen. Then. All the troops disappeared into the light. There was no howling or debris, all the world cleared.

When all the light disappeared.

Eighty percent of the million troops of the Chinese Empire that had come to confront them were all destroyed in an instant.

Four of India's six generals died here, not even the bodies.

"All of them. So I attack!!!" Limboli's icy voice brought a cold command. "Leave no survivors."

"All for the Chinese Empire!!!"

"Everything for the Chinese Empire!!!"

India is finished. On the third day of the Chinese Empire's attack on India. India falls. At the same time, all of Southeast Asia falls. General Cao (named Cao Yuanming) of the Liaodong Military District in the Northeast defeated the Japanese in the Korean Peninsula.

At the same time, as this news that shocked the world came, another news came.

Two million troops of the Chinese Empire attack the Middle East. Israel, Pakistan. All the independent countries fell within three days of the attack.

Once again, the Chinese Empire restored its original territory.

Not only that, all the places no longer had member states, but instead they were colonies, and all the people except the Chinese became slaves, and all the dirty work, heavy work, and besides that, the lab rats became their profession.

A terrible empire was rising, built with the blood of countless people as its foundation.

No one underestimated this country.

At the end of the war, Yo gave up on continuing the attack. Because the consumption of fighting a single war was too great. the empire was now a hundred years old. But with the slaves. In just five years, an empire alongside Britannia would rise again.

ps300 heroes play late.

Chapter 8: Target Japan

Chapter 8

Empires are built on blood, and there are no benevolent empires or rulers.

The Chinese Empire's underground labs, Yo's scientists working on a series of laser weapons, and the whole world's tech tree is pretty unscientific.

The Chinese Empire is powered by alchemy. Washington was betrayed by Franklin. Nuclear bombs are made without even a nuclear reactor. Fuck you, the tech tree isn't this messed up either!!!!

This is where a different kind of weapon is quite important.

Especially a bunch of weapons.

A pile of Soviet system land weapons represented by the Apocalypse Tank, a pile of Allied naval weapons represented by aircraft carriers.

As for the Rising Sun Empire. Wash up and go to sleep, I've never looked favorably on this country.

And there was going to be a Gundam made. Peat's GN particle furnace isn't easy to make. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been only four that were made. Besides, this bit of suppression is too strong.

What was the most crowded place in the world right now? That is the Middle East, because the red alert series as a representative of the weapon, the need for electricity and oil, still belongs to the traditional weapons, but overdeveloped point, Japan's cherry blossom stone, Yo let people study to see, for Yo hand weapons completely useless.

So, Yo began to take action specifically on the Middle East.

Conquering so many rebellious nations, all the rebellious peoples among them were classified as inferior by him, preaching the theory that the higher nations enslaved the lower ones, leaving all Chinese hearts unashamed to enslave them.

In the territory of the Chinese Empire, countless slaves are working in the author's dirty and heavy work, and even a branch of a black coal kiln somewhere has been opened.

"Führer, this is all the matters of the past few days, including the war in the Middle East, the increase of those foreign races in the territory and so on 。。。。" A soldier said to Yo.

"Leave it all there, I'll come get it in a little while, you go down first." Yo so ordered.

"Yes! "The soldier gave a Nazi salute, holding his right hand high, after which he then walked off.

"Is this your soldier." CC's voice came from the doorway. "Terrible, no emotion, no compassion, I can feel his coldness and ferocity."

"Right." Yo did all sorts of Kumon to her. "Do you see it right."

"Is it worthy of an immortal witch that you can see so accurately." Yo said so to her. "What do you think of my empire."

"It's powerful, it's crazy." He said looking out the window at the moving crowds and the vibrant people. "A new and powerful empire after the destruction."

"How does that compare to Britannia?" Yo said. "You can see that."

"Still can't compare." CC said honestly. "Britannia however."

"Latest news, Fuhrer." A soldier came running, Maji, who was also the leader of the Gestapo Black Spirit, and then he saw Yo, who was "bonding" with cc.

"What is it?" Yo looked at him seriously and asked.

"Latest news. Princess Mariana of Britannia was killed by terrorists." He said so. "Now Brittania is boiling."

"Mariana?" Yo thought for a moment and mumbled, "Is it that time already."

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