The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 182.

"I wish to have troops stationed in Yokosuka, Japan." He said so. "In order to bring down the Chinese Empire, I think it will be necessary for us to engage in an unprecedented cooperation."

Kuchiki had to smile bitterly, he could see that these days. Charles' ambitions were not at all less ambitious than the Chinese Empire's head of state, who was an extreme dictator and war monger, and Charles was as well. The two could be said to be similar in a big way.

After a few days of cooperating, a pair of Breton soldiers ascended onto Japanese soil.

Teams of armor began to come up, and not only that, but Charles sent his son, the prince whose name was Lu Lucius.

Everyone thought he was here to fight the Chinese Empire.

"Is that so." Yo said after hearing the report from his general. "Looks like we'll have to move early."

He now had a full twenty generals under his command, a true general, a dragon figure who led fights.

"Tell the soldiers to be ready for war." Yo said so. "This place in Japan is too close to us to be handed over to Britannia."

"But. Now Brittania is in."

"That's not a problem," said Yo. "Brittania has eyes for Japan, too, and they'll have to do it one day."

"!!!" Several of the generals looked at the Führer, then said. "At the Führer's command."

"Very well." Yo began to give orders to. "Everyone give me the nearest troops near Korea. Even if Brittania takes over Japan, we'll give them a bit of a show."

"This battle is mainly air attacks."

It was already dark by the time Yo finished a bunch of things. "That's all we'll do for now, we'll see how things change if anything else happens, so for now you guys go down."

"Yes!" Several of the generals so retreated.

"Are you planning to start another war." The cc came in through the doorway and said. "Don't you ever stop the war."

"Stop?" Yo said looking at her. "I think the fight from this is the only one in years."


"The Empire needs time." Yo said. "Just give me enough time. Charles and all that doesn't matter at all."

"My goal, however, is to conquer the starry seas of cosmic China."

Cc said after hearing that. "That's really an ambitious goal."

After that, things were both expected by Yo and at the same time unexpected by everyone.

Brittania had managed to occupy Japan!!!!

The Japanese troops began to give up their resistance, but they were still slaughtered mercilessly. When everyone was about to despair, the Chinese Empire came back to intervene.

All kinds of the most advanced weaponry was employed.

Even the Heavy Armament Mecha Thor came out 。。。。 There were also the most advanced Vault Warplanes and so on.

Chapter 10 begins.

Chapter 10

"You'll never be free of my shadow." Black silt hung high in the void, red eyes looking at Yo, "I am immortal, I will rise. I will eventually replace you."

"I, am you." The voice surrounds his ears, lingering 。。。。

"Hmph." Yo woke up with a start, he felt bad, and even though he had replaced the Wondrous King, his influence was still there.

A pair of jade arms wrapped around his neck. The blue-haired girl leaned in.

"Did you wake up too, Rei?" Yo looked at her. "I'm disturbing you yet."

Ripley said looking at a sweaty Yo. "What's wrong."

"Nothing." Yo woke up and started to get dressed, it was now four in the morning and he was now sleepless, the influence of the King of All Devils was still there, if you had time, you could check with the Honjun guys.

The King of Ten Thousand Devils had to be alive, but not free, that was their bottom line, so they would definitely do their best to help.

"Führer!" A soldier came over, "Just got word that Miss CC left."

"Don't say it." Yo said, "Let her go. Is the rest of the place ready?"

"All troops are ready to go, four hours from the action." He said so, "All the soldiers have."

"Tell them." Yo turned to the young soldier. "Two hours ahead of time, give all the Breton troops a fatal blow. Get all the men ready guys, we're going to give them a good fight."



The fortress named Sea Dragon King had been stationed above the coast of Japan, and could move not only on the sea, but also on land, albeit slowly, but it was a veritable mobile fortress.

At the top of the circular fortress, a circular gate opened. Countless terror robots, harvesting armor, freezing helicopters. Countless war machines flew over.

Six a.m..

Yo's avatar appeared on national screens around the world.

"From now on. The Chinese Empire is now waging war on Brittania!!!! Total War!!!" The sound of frenzy, meanwhile, brought hell on earth.

Millions of troops from Britannia, tens of thousands of armor units attacked in an instant, Soviet heavy arms tanks, Athena's satellite locking cannons, phantom tanks with anamorphic systems, and madly crushing chariots.

Soldiers of the Empire appeared on Japanese soil with the most powerful weapons this world had ever seen.

All kinds of the most advanced weapons crushing the strongest army of this world's strongest empire.

"No need for pity, no need to be troubled, the Empire will eventually be built on the blood of all its enemies."

"You may die in battle, you may be captured by the enemy, but you need not fear, the empire stands behind you, your sacrifices will bring about the most powerful empire in this world, and you will be immortalized with the empire!!!"

"For the Empire!!!"

"For the Empire!!!"

With the most dreadful belief in the world, all of you charge forward, the world is not inherently fair, so take your weapons, take it, and fight for it!!!!

It's the law of the jungle!

"Come back up!!!" The Breton soldier was shrieking, weapons firing wildly in his hands, and across from him was a group of frenzied Imperial soldiers.

The two sides were engaged in a standoff in the area.

The armor supporting them was getting tangled up in a group of robots on the way.

"That. What's that?" He saw a group of people rushing out of the other side's barracks. A mere iron sword in their hands and a strange encircling spectacle on their heads.

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