The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

The Fate of the Sky God Slayer Chapter 183

"Fire, fire." He so roared.

All of the surrounding soldiers' arms hit up against the strange man who was coming at them.

"Useless!!!" He shouted so loudly, "For the Empire."

In front of him was an invisible energy shield that blocked all the bullets flying at him. In an instant, he came to the other side's position. "For the Empire!!!"

Wielding an iron sword in his hand, an extremely powerful vibrating man-made weapon with the power to cut through an entire armor with a single sword.

A member of the Nazi SS, the Nazi Crusaders (why are they all called that?) One of the warriors in it possesses a superior sword skill, while its eyes can see the dynamics of bullets, and not only that.

His clothes could even unfold an invisible energy shield to block all attacks.

"Everyone, follow me and charge 。。。。" He shouted so loudly that the soldiers behind him looked at him and shouted fervently, "For the Empire!!!"

"Attack! Offensive!" This was an extremely important place, and occupying it would not only bring victory to the south, but also to the attacking army in the north.

"It must be held back." The one who spoke was a middle-aged man from Brittania, one of the Knights of the Round Table, a total of four Knights of the Round Table who had come to Japan this time, and had thought that they would be able to suppress the other side, but they had actually started the war early.

"Not good!!!" From the battlefield, a loud roar was heard.

After that, an intense light shot out from high in the sky, and the weapon known as the Neutron Cannon displayed his power on this battlefield. The sweeping light engulfed all the soldiers, destroying all power, a lament that even God had mercy on.

The neutron cannon, the electromagnetic pulse EMP. It has a property where the pulsed energy causes instantaneous surges that severely interfere with electronics and destroy those sensitive electronics.

All armor is destroyed.

All the equipment is no longer working.

"Damn it." The middle-aged man looked at the scene before him, pie-eyed, and asked the soldiers around him about how many soldiers there were here.

"Will. Nearly three hundred thousand, and thousands more in armor." He said so. "General."

"My armor is still usable." He asked.

"Sixty percent complete, it's still usable." He said so. "It appeared over the other side. A blue armor."


He saw a blue giant flying overhead, much larger than the average armor.

"Let me take him down." He said so. "I will avenge all of them!!!"

PS One more chapter, the author has created a group 299783559. That's okay now.

Chapter 11 Cruelty.

Chapter 11

Mecha fighting in the air.

One of the Knights of the Round Table of Brittania battles with the Valkyrie of the Chinese Empire, Limboli. , in fact, there had been quite a few battles between the Knights of the Round Table and Ling Polly.

Back then, in order to take over the Middle East, Ling Bo Li fought with the Knights of the Round Table of Brittania.

Although both of them were excellent pilots, the two were not on the same level at all, a pilot who had destroyed the descending angels in the end of the Earth, not only that, the huge soul power in her body brought her a lot of main power.

For example, the mind's eye, the ability to make predictions and the like.

That Knight of the Round Table on the other side was at most the elite of the elite, and the difference between her and Ling Bo Li wasn't a point or two, unless it was, that Bismarck Waldstein guy, no one would be able to match her in a single fight.

"Ahhh." An inattentive opponent, no, I should say that the gap between the two sides was too big, and after a short while of fighting, Rei cut off an arm.

"Ew. " He struggled to fly backwards, as a result.

"Boom. "A blue electromagnetic beam rushed out and ran through the armor's body.

"This. How can....." He but clearly knew that the armor he was wearing was specially built by the Empire after studying the weapons of the Chinese Empire, and it was still so vulnerable.

The electromagnetic pulse gun. A killer weapon of modern technology.

"Stop." Three more people flew over, all of them part of the Knights of the Round Table, who were notified and immediately rushed over, but it was still too late. All the troops stationed here were wiped out, the entire area fell, and now the Empire's station in Japan was only a little to the south.

"Damn it!!!" A knight roared and rushed over.

Rei looked at the person rushing over, the Goddess's arm spread wide. Golden light radiated out, and the temperature rose. Plasma Cannon, a weapon that uses lasers to heat heavy hydrogen to millions of degrees, turning it into plasma, and then uses electromagnetic technology to encapsulate the charged particles into a "sphere" and fire it to destroy the target.

Now, the weapon used by Satoyama is an enhanced version of the Plasma Cannon.

It mimics the KOF serpent's sunburst.

The light is then emitted, destroying everything!

All the men, all the troops, the three Knights of the Round Table, were under attack at the front.

"Damn it, what kind of power is this." "The guys from the Intelligence Department didn't say the other side had such a power." Screams followed, even the Empire's most advanced armor couldn't withstand such a violent attack.

Blast to slag!!!


Two hours after the battle between Britannia and the Chinese Empire.

The Middle East, where three Imperial tank units are stationed, and an airfield at the core.

Everyone was focused on the situation in the Far East. An unexpected situation happened. The already fallen EU launched a surprise attack on the forces in the Middle East at this time.

The EU's armor and troops set foot on Middle Eastern soil at this time and began an alliance with Britannia, declaring war on the Chinese Empire!!!!

This world was suddenly a lot more lively.

The three superpowers started a round of scuffles, and although it was an alliance between the EU and Britannia, the two sides were rivals a moment ago, and now they suddenly became allies, the change was too fast.

"These scumbags!!!" The three generals stationed in the Middle East look at the situation today, the EU, led by the indigenous population, is in the core, three tank units, entangled in each other's armor, as, the robots are also classified in the tank units.

The airfield is no longer full of planes and helicopters, and support has begun.

In addition to that, the surrounding infantry units were moved over.

"General, the headquarters sent instructions for the next step."

"What are the instructions from headquarters." A general asked, he was a final general, one of the first generals to follow Yo, a high ranking general, so to speak, a handful in the Middle East.

"Headquarters says. Full retreat. Then, all kill.... . inside the EU. Kill everyone." Even the orderlies took a cold breath for this message, it was to extinguish the EU's path.

"En...." This Lieutenant General thought about it. "Very well, do it."

"If they dare to come, we'll dare to do it."

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