The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 184.


"Report, the other unit is missing." An EU soldier said so to the EU general.

"It seems to be scared of us." He said with such a smile. "A bunch of yellow-skinned monkeys, who also dare to fight us." Red Fruit's defiance, he was one of the few generals in the EU who could take it now.

But the reality was harsh.

When they killed the other side's headquarters, what they were left with was an empty house.

"Looks like the other side escaped under our awesome name." He didn't hesitate to tip his hat, while the man next to him flattered.

"The general is powerful."

"With the general, we need not fear those yellow monkeys at all."

Just at this moment a voice rang out in the house. "Gentlemen, I wish you a wonderful tomorrow."

"What people?"

Suddenly, he saw it, and intense light rushed over with everything in between. The unrivaled power shot out in all directions. All the people, all the troops, were reduced to flying ash in this instant.

The Lieutenant General in the distance looked through binoculars at the place where the explosion had occurred and laughed. "An idiot."

"On my command, full attack.... . eu." he ordered so. "The opposing force has been wiped out by us!!!! Offensive!!!"


"There is no need for mercy or compassion, the Empire, will live forever in your hands!!!"

"For the Empire!!!"

"For the Empire!!!"

Tanks and robots flooded everything, fighter jets cut through the sky, and all the troops began to head towards Africa, but not only Europe, Yo's plan was to eradicate the EU forces in Africa and completely encircle Europe, after all, the other side is the owner of Europe and has been operating for tens of millions of years.

However, these places in Egypt have been in chaos for a long time. Hard to manage for the human rights-oriented EU, but for the Chinese Empire's Nazi group.

So, in this situation, the Lieutenant General killed into Africa with his troops. Even the EU couldn't stop him.

Chapter Twelve of the GEASS Mission


The troops entered the African area and carried out a brutal massacre, the order given to the Lieutenant General was to just kill everyone on the other side, everything else is up to you, even the civilians.

The brutal massacre, all the young adults were killed, but the old people and children and women were not killed, in order to stay this way can deal a serious blow to the other society.

"General, the opposing forces have just left and are coming this way." A soldier reported so. "We are next."

"Go get the rest of the captives. Then get the controlled bombs." The Lieutenant General smiled grimly, "These guys, let them taste the power of our bombs."


"Sir, look, it's civilians." They who had just entered the area saw countless civilians running over. "What's going on here?"

The civilians who came to them complained bitterly to them of the abuses they had suffered. It aroused the sympathy of countless warriors who expressed their desire to save them from the flames.

But then. The bombs on their bodies were continually detonated with explosions.

"Damn, it's an enemy conspiracy. Fire, fire!!!" This officer was so yelling. All the civilians who rushed over to this place were shot by it, and the troops in other places also encountered this problem and began to strike without hesitation.

"Hmph." The general looked at these troops from a distance and laughed. "Bunch of idiots."

"Ready to engage at any moment..."



Japan, although the Chinese Empire had won a total victory, the situation was still very bad, not only did Brittania's forces keep landing, but the two sides also engaged in battle after battle on the surface of the sea.

Fleets from both sides destroyed batch after batch, all sorts of deeply tucked technology bubbled up, and even Brittania's latest research armor appeared.

The xxers in Japan also popped up, screaming that Japan was the Yamato nation and demanding that the two invaders return the land.

Brittania would not hit them, but they were still politely driven out. But, came the guys from the Chinese Empire.

"How dare a bunch of inferior mongrels shout like that?" And so. A great purge, and all the Japanese within the administration of the Chinese Empire who were suspected of collusion with Britannia were sent to concentration camps.

The brutal purge turned Japan's population of over two hundred million into one hundred and eighty million.

All kinds of city names came to their heads. World destroyer, enemy of humanity.

Not only that, Brittania had dispatched all the Knights of the Round Table that had been idle for a while. Valkyrie Lynx had already killed four Knights of the Round Table.

In this joint, a blonde Masa also appeared on the land of Japan.

The war began to change as Ling Bo Li and the Knights of the Round Table fought. Soldiers were constantly failing, and even losing somehow. The situation of the war began to flip to Britannia.

In the next month of fighting, nearly five high ranking generals had already died in battle, Yo's were even found in the barracks.

There was panic among the troops. There were rumors spreading, killing, the souls of Breton soldiers.

"Geass?" Yuu received the news so to speak. "Looks like it's time to try out our newest superpowered troops."

"Send them up." Yo gave an order to one. "It doesn't matter if we lose this battle, just test the abilities of our troops."


Superpowered troops. A product of technology, not the supernatural abilities in the magic ban, which was actually a type of magic. It was another manifestation of magic that came out of the Book of Law that Arista had interpreted.

It couldn't be used in this suppressed world.

That's why the technological stream of superpowers are so important. The more famous ones are mutants and Yuri's mind control. One was a human mutation the other was also a human mutation.

The superpower that Yuri has developed is a powerful power that uses human genetic cells and recombines them.

Known as the Human Complementation Project, the highest secret plan aimed at creating gods on earth, the first to be researched were the twelve superpowers led by Lai Xing carved.

Time delay, thunder manipulation, and flame domination. A total of twelve abilities.

After Yo became the Führer, he vigorously built and began to expand, establishing many orphanages, including Lai Xingqiang, who began to serve the Reich as an elite member of the Nazi Party.


Received the order of the Führer Li You, twelve superpowers came to Japan currently, the front of the Chinese Empire, where it looks peaceful, but, when a battle occurs, it will erupt into a terrible battle.

"Someone's coming. Attack!!!" Several Breton soldiers saw the man airborne and, after identifying him as a member of the Chinese Empire, began firing.

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