The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky. Chapter 264.

It must be known that in the ancient mythological era, the Orochi was a powerful demon known as the King of Evil Ghosts. The entire Yellow Spring could be said to be his territory.


The Kratom who came to look for the Killing Stone did not find the Killing Stone, however, it accidentally met someone, a legion of people, and that was little Lori Jade Bathing Mae.

Even with the best yin and yang, witch's education, but it was still no match for Lori Jade Bath Mae's boundless mana and old-fashioned experience. En, the experience of the old ways.

And then, it was caught.

"Is this the Jade of the Four Souls, Nayuki." Lori played with this jade in her hand, the Jade of the Four Souls that she had collected from the Kratom, which possessed a huge and nearly infinite amount of soul energy, and the one who had captured the Kratom was an evil spirit under the name of Nayuki, before the Jade Bath.

"Yes. My lord." Nairo looked at the Four Souls of Jade Bath Ex's hand and didn't dare to move. He didn't want to become a dead ghost. A living evil ghost was an evil ghost.

Jade Bath Mae had swallowed too many ghosts' spiritual energy in order to restore his medicinal powers, and had already been feared by everyone, and many evil ghosts had been killed by Jade Bath Mae in the past few days.

"The jade of the four souls. It should be called, a miracle."


"Things that humans cannot achieve are called miracles. For example, the Sage's Stone is a special existence that transcends cognition. This Four Soul Jade is an item with powerful spiritual power created to emulate the eight-foot Qiong hooked jade."

"And its ability is infinite power 。。。。."

White light entered the body before the jade bath. A small loli with nine tails and fox ears appeared in front of Nayuki.

It was the most powerful power of Jade Bath Former, once at its peak.

"Full attack! Target. Kyoto!!!! Take this woman with you, by the way. "


The fight between the evil demons and the angels unfolds.

The legion of angels, which has just arrived in Japan, is sniped by Oda Nobunaga's Evil Ghost Corps. Numerous evil ghosts were no match for the Angel Corps, but Nai had the ability to resurrect.

Countless evil ghosts were killed and resurrected to continue the fight, while some angels became fallen angels after they died and were attracted to Yellow Springs.


When the golden figure appeared in the sky, everything was completely reduced to ashes.

Even Oda Nobunaga was completely wounded under this power. It was a terrifying power that was unmatched by mortals, coming from the supreme greatness of God who sat high above the sky, above the heavens, the crystal heavens.

The combined magic connected by the angels struck through the entire earth, and the vast holy light shone straight into the yellow spring of Hirasaka, purifying the countless shadowy beings that stood in their way.

"Damn damn damn damn!!!" Oda Nobunaga me this blood-red magic blade cursed in anger by the shadowy river. "How could such a terrible army suddenly appear. And there's one more. A Da Luo level figure!"

"My Lord, do you continue to hunt down the damned evil demons." An archangel asked his Lord God thus.

"No, at once, go and kill Haruna Yo! These guys are doing a cleanup after killing Haruna Yo!"


The Angel Legion gave up on the retreating evil spirits and continued on towards their goal. At this time, the Academy City was deserted. All those that should have retreated had already evacuated.

No, there were still people.

A teal-haired girl and her own mount, no. A classmate.

"Sister-sama, it's better to leave quickly 。。。。" The girl named Shirai Kuroko said so. "It's already the highest level of evacuation orders."

"It's not like there's no accident yet." Misaka Miki said so. "I have to find my Quatta." Just for the quack too?.

"What's that!!!" Shirai Kuroko looked at the distant light. "Sister-sama, something very remarkable has come."

"It's an angel!"

They see. Angels sheltered by the Infinite Light. The legions of gods from the West. At this time, it had arrived at the Academy City.

"Execution of the Immortal Sword Formation, fully activated!" A vast voice sounded like this. An endless grey breath enveloped everything. It was the killing spirit from the Exalted Immortal Sword Formation.

The Exalted Immortal Sword Qi that destroyed everything.

"What the hell is going on," Misaka Miichan looked at the falling legions of angels and the taking of the grey sword Qi.

"This is a, a new war." Yo's voice came through. "Misaka-san. Come quickly."

Chapter thirty-seven.

Chapter 37

"Why is the teacher here?" Mikoto Misaka asked so.

Surrounding them were endless grey sword qi that transformed the entire flood continent into the terrifying sword qi of celestial beings and immortals from the ancient killing weapons.

All the legions of angels had gathered into a giant circle.

"Those are 。。。。"

"The true angels, the messengers of God as recorded in the Bible. And the greatest enemy of mankind." Yo said so clearly. "And the number one enemy of Academy City."

"Angels? That kind of old stuff." Originally Misaka Miichan was about to retort, but she was glared at by Yo. "There are a lot of things you don't know about this evil world.''

"Such as? "

"Wizards, and Japanese monsters, gods, and demons." Yo said all of them one by one. "How about that, it's interesting."

"Is all this true?" Misaka Miki seemed to know something funny.

"That's for sure. Next, I'll go to Mafan Ryo School. It's the cradle of magicians there." As if he was abducting a young girl, Yojimbo slowly said to Misaka Miichan.

"Good!" Misaka Miichan seems to have made a decision, "Then I'll join the joint class and go to Mabara together."

"Onnisama!!!" Kuroko suddenly jumped on top of her and hugged Misaka Miichan, constantly rubbing against her and saying. "Don't ever abandon Kuroko, Sister-sama."

"You get out of my way!!!" Lightning points on the creature named Kuroko, who is actually hentai. "Oooooh. Onnisama's love whipping ah 。。。。"

Ignore him.

At this time, the ball of light in the Exalted Sword Formation powdered in an instant. All the light completely turned into flying dust in an instant.

"It's over?" One business that could come in this way was Himuko, "Are all those angels already dead."

"No. Now is the real beginning." Yo said so. "Our greatest enemy now. It's about to appear." Yes, the greatest enemy. The Cross Cult's for the One God, the Absolute God.

"The Anti-God. Haruhi No Yo!" Infinite voices came from above the clouds, fiery red clouds burned the entire sky, and infinite pressure came from the sky.

A god from the highest level of the Nine Heavens, the Crystal Heaven, one of the most powerful gods in the entire West. God!

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