The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 265

"Under the infinite power of God, destroy." It was a golden figure, surrounded by countless cherubs congealed by the power of faith spreading the gospel of God. Countless Bible verses rang in everyone's ears. It was the probation of the ancient gods.

"I come from hell. I never gave in to you." Yo looked at him and said. "Even in the past, countless true gods have failed to make me submit, let alone you. Useless puppet?"

In the midst of everyone's gaze, Yo began his maximum processing.

The Exorcism Sword Formation had already thrown the entire Academy City into a different space, and it wouldn't affect the earth at all, so that's why Yo dared to max out 。。。。

The dragon's two horns appeared on Yo's head, and the dragon wings behind it represented the resurrection of the former demonic dragon. The terror from hell appeared on the earth once again 。。。。

This space was covered by the new hell that Yo had projected.

Countless undead exotic beasts stretched out their hands to curse this golden figure in the sky with their resentment.

Endless glowing sub red clouds of light fell. It was the Book of Delphi from the hands of God. The artifact also known as the Book of Creation.

An artifact that possessed the seven special abilities of attack, defense, preaching, documentation, manipulation, prophecy, transformation, and alchemy. A divine artifact that was comparable to an all-powerful artifact.

The golden power of faith transformed into a sword and a shield.

The infinite golden sword Qi ignored all the mixed degrees of sword Qi and slashed at Yo who had transformed into the King of Hell. It had completely entered the state of the King of Hell.

The red magic spear flew out.

It was the terrifying light from the ancient epic that represented the destruction of everything. It was an attack that even the strongest gods could not block. A terrifying power that even the Eastern Emperor did not dare to take it hard.

"Let everything turn into a new beginning!"

The red spear pierced into the golden shield, a side that couldn't even pierce through the Chaos Sword Qi, and was completely reduced to pieces in front of the red magic spear.

Countless chaotic sword energies slammed into it in an instant. The Chaos Sword Qi that turned everything into chaos and reverted everything back to nothingness completely buried him.

However. Once again, the golden light lit up, and once again, the Page of Delphi opened a new chapter.

"Immortal Redemption! "It's a blessing from the Page of Delphi. Even if you die, you won't actually die, and, after using it, you will drastically increase your abilities.

However, after using it, the recipient will die completely.

"Do you just want to kill me? "Yo looked at this golden figure, the dragon wings behind it were standing and floating around.

"Then I'll kill you completely first. "

The new Hell drew all of its power from him in one breath, and the evil of the multiverse was once again in everyone's sight.

It was the black mud that cursed everything, the projection of the world's collection of evil.

It was also the beginning of this world's destruction.

After the black mud was spread over the earth of hell, all the undead beasts were covered in black mud. Becoming demons with dragon wings on their heads!

Extra-Terrestrial Demons.

The Ancient of Days, Enemy Number One of the Gods! Even the so-called Othering Self-Devil Lord, the Buddhist heavenly devil of India, is scum in front of them.

The gods were invincible.

All the heavenly demons pounced on the golden figure. The spell that made one immortal was infected and the body turned into black sludge. The titanic demons ate his god body. It was their food. The horror of the scene made everyone tremble.

No god could resist the terrifying legions of extra-territorial Sky Demons.

Unless one reached the realm of the True God, one would only be gluttonous in front of the Extra-Territorial Heavenly Demons.

The golden figure flattened out, and he seemed to understand his fate of certain death. The puppet had no fear or dread, all the puppet had was the success or failure of the command.

However, he failed.

"Self-destruct technique activated. " a voice sounded so. However, it was drowned out by the infinite Titanic Demons, and finally 。。。。 When the titanic demons returned to the black mud covered hell was. In the entire sky, only one book was left.

Chapter 38.

Chapter 38

The whole battle is finally over.

Ended with the death of God. The whole mythology will be reshuffled. And the most surprising thing is the Puritanism, "We are the Puritanism of England, not the Puritanism of the Cross."

A statement of their position.

"Now, we're on target. Mafan Ryo!" Yo brought her students in one punishment, different, and a few others. Misaka Miki, Misaka's sister, and one more. En, Arista extra attached Misaka Misaka.

"Uncle is such a good man, Misaka Misaka praised happily." Misaka Misaka, the cyber terminal, the last defense system of all Misaka sisters.

When the dome's first sight of Misaka Misaka and Misaka Miki, the first reaction was to ask Yo. "Who is she?"

And at this time, Misaka Misaka replied. "Misaka Misaka is the child of her sister and brother." After hearing that, Vault instantly began to storm off.

Then it was hard to explain.

"Why are you here as well?" Misaka looked at the bee-eater Fuck Prayer sitting in the car and asked. "Have you joined the combined class as well?"

"No, she didn't," Yo explained to Misaka Miki. "But she was sent here by the United Council."

"Huh? The United Council?" Misaka said as she looked at the bee-eater Fuck Prayer. "Why did you send her here?"

"He's my Genkei Oh." Mikoto sat next to Yo, hugging Yo's right hand, and said. "She's coming with me to Mabara 。。。。"


After being surprised for a while longer, Misaka Miki calmed down. I didn't think that the Eater Bee Fuck Prayer actually had such a big connection.

Mafara, although it was clearly one of the four great schools, it was actually still the number one magic school in the Dark World, and even Hogwarts, which was the UK's equivalent of the ancient wizard heritage, couldn't match it.

After the inhumane torture of the Crucifixion back then, countless wizards, druids, alchemists, and mages of smaller sects were all hunted down to varying degrees.

Some of them traveled all the way to the East and came to China, but the then Ming Emperor, who practiced the Ming God Martial Code and was invincible, crippled almost all the magicians who attempted to establish magical associations in China. What's more, he beat the bitter monks who came after him from the West at that time like dead dogs.

Achieved the title of the invincible Ming God.

Having to, those magicians had to go to the eastern islands to survive.

This was the establishment of Mafan Ryo.


Located in a forest around Kyoto, Mafan Ryo had a huge complex of buildings built by countless magicians and numerous ancient families.

A complex of buildings that even the vast wealth of the White Emperor could not match.

In one of the councils of Mafan Ryo.

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