The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 285.

"This king will go back to the restoration." This is the first emperor.

"I need to do research." Tesla the Great God.

Shalulu "。。。。。。。"

The World Conference will be held soon. Demon invasion, Hitler's resurrection. Even monsters from a different dimension are coming.

Infinity and the War Hag seven.

Infinity and the War Lady VII

The main warriors of this world were Pandora and Straker.

Pandora is derived from the genes of Maria Lancelot, and as a human whose body is partly made up of stigmata, she can be considered the representative of human evolution.

New Human. Perhaps she could be called that.

Parts of Europe had been submerged by the sea, and what had appeared in the world were the ancient spirits of the dead, heroes of humanity's past, but, not always, the spirits often summoned special beings, for example. Future spirits.

This is the United World Congress.

A place where hundreds of governments come together to rip their balls off. In addition to these so-called leaders. A bunch of Yingling trolling. Jeanne d'Arc was invited by the Pope to come here to destroy the demons. The first emperor who was going to restore the kingdom was very overbearing and called the "capital" and then agreed with them to come here to destroy the demons and Vassili was ordered by the government to come here.

Tesla also came over, but on the side of Japan, quite simply, he didn't like America. However, there were two Englishmen on the American side. One was the Peerless Warlord Lu Bu, who had been accidentally summoned by Shatilesa, and the other was the Tyrant Washington.

The Last Berserker wasn't seen.

The other countries had no human rights, and it was basically the English spirits fighting.

"Barbarians, shut up for the king." This was the voice of the First Emperor. "How can I fear such demons in my hallowed state." Standing up like this, the gunmen behind him said, standing up with their guns 。。。。 The pressure was high. There was wood. , these were no ordinary gun soldiers, but the strongest gun soldiers strong enough to slaughter demons and gods that the Great Qin Empire had displayed after passing through myths and legends.

Or gun soldiers.

"You bunch of yellow-skinned monkeys 。。。。." Those were Washington's words. Is it racist?

"Well, that's it." "Exactly." "We should." This was Tesla's exchange with Gengo Aoi, and as intergenerational scientists, the two could be said to have a great deal in common.

"There's no use in pressing on like this." Those were Jeanne's words.

"But there's nothing we can do about it." Indeed, all of the English spirits had their own pride, and although this was a time of crisis, they would not join forces until the end.

This world doesn't have inhibitions and overseers to catch something.

Also, an existence is coming soon.


Germany, after Hitler's occupation of France, has split, with a part of it joining the Führer's army entirely as soldiers.

In a special place.

A group of people around it. There were countless arms in a thousand-meter radius around it. Inside the place, a ritual was carved in blood.

It was the ancient ritual of summoning demons. The most apostle of Baal, Sakura was naturally sacrificed to Baal. Of course, it wasn't necessarily Baal that was summoned, it was most likely Baal's men.

However, this time, the one summoned. And yet, it was a young girl.

White clothes and hair. An ethereal voice, a maiden who had obtained Gabriel's power, plus the power given by the fragments of Bal's soul. The powerful being named Haruhi No Vault completely descended.

When she descended, the originally clear sky instantly turned into a dark night. Countless stars appeared, and the Milky Way was visible up above the sky 。。。。

This was the charm of ancient nature.

The power given by Baal was not the power of the fallen, the Baal of the ancient times was known as the god who was in charge of the natural weather, and one of the essence of the Vault's Gabriel was the night time.

"This power. The first to sense this power was. Jeanne. "There's no mistaking this power, it's the Fallen. Is."

"What is it?" It was Washington who spoke, and he still had a great deal of respect for this saintly woman in France.

"There is a special presence coming." She said so. "The other. It's a fallen one."

"A fallen one?" Everyone looked at her.

"That's right, an existence that was God's messenger, but fell and eventually turned its back on the glory of God and fell into hell. Also known as. Fallen Angel."

"Fallen Angel?" Everyone looked at each other. "Did that moustache guy do it, so what demon did he summon?" A man asked so.

"No, not just any angel." Jeanne felt this eve for a moment. "Which one you may have heard of."

"One of the archangels who conveyed God's message to the Mother of God, for the Son and Moses, who could approach the Divine Presence, and who was also one of the archangels before God." So said Jeanne.

"The archangel. Gabrielle."


"Meet the Lord Mother." That was Sakura's humble voice.

Following the dome were Liliana and the window. They had also come above this world.

"Is this the world?" The dome looked at the place. "It's nice."

"Just like it, Miss." Lilliana said so. "The master said he would come over when it's done."

"I'll stay in this world for a while then." Vault said so.


The World United Assembly finally came to an end after almost a month of discussion.

About the current method was. Greatly develop technology and research more advanced technology. Then train more Pandoras to fight the moustache.

As for the NOVA. The guys descended very unseasonably once. And then, as if they met Master Bey, they died without a body. No one cares about Nova now.

Now the enemy is mythical.

The messenger of God named Gabriel. Even if it's not the original, it's not something you can compare to, scum.

Ambitious Moustache unifies France and Germany, and he sees how furious a group of young Germans who have become curmudgeons are and begins his Grand Germanic Plan.

He was about to take his ambitions around the world once more.

And not only that. A special berserker was about to arrive as well.

The son of Zeus who killed the Olympian gods. Obtaining the power of hope that the sword of Olympus could change the future. The Berserker named Quintus.

Infinity and War Heihachi.

Infinity and the War Lady Eight

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