The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 286

Nova, while thought to be a visitor from another dimension, is not actually confirmed. In the original, there was an artificial nova. Those E Pandora were dominated by the Abomination of Abandonment and ended up becoming NOVA.

In order to fight Hitler, who has taken over France and Germany, all the nations join forces. Meanwhile, what interests them more. Yingling summoning.

But there is not much information, and they don't dare to mess with those masters. You know this world doesn't have the inhibition to will their power. If the Golden Shining Goodness Sword was outputting at full strength, destroying this world would be stress-free.

The Tesla God's full output would have no problem scrapping a quarter of the Earth, and after it was blown up, it would also descend Earth and bring it into the Ice Age World.

And that was when. The last Berserker. Descended.


The leader of Sparta, the man who killed Ares, after learning the truth, has killed his father and the gods, and when he destroys the world, he finds that he is left with such emptiness and loneliness. This was, a little girl asked him. "Do you want to resurrect your own daughter, too?"

He became a hero, fighting for himself and for victory in a different time and space.

Now, this Spartan god of war is about to descend upon this land, this world without inhibitions, where he will encounter the most powerful enemy he has ever faced.

Above the massive figure was an ancient tattoo, red tattoos all over his body. A bald head. But the burning twin blades made it clear to others. He was no mere mortal.

"This time, just destroy the enemy. You will be able to resurrect your daughter."

An ethereal voice said so.

"Alicia 。。。。." Quintus said so lonely. Looking around. Standing in front of him. A little girl with blonde hair.

"You, are you my masater." He was standing in front of the little girl, so huge.

"Who are you?" The little girl, however, asked rawly.

"Me?." He looked at the little girl. Ringing his own daughter, the originally stern voice lightened. "You called me. Spartan will do."

"Spartan?" The little girl looked at him, then said. "Me. My name is Maria VanHorsen." (Izuko Princess Lover).

"To go. Uncle Spartan." She asked so.

"Going where?" Quintus asked so.

"Demons came to my home, they. They killed my family, my sister took me, and now, we are separated." Maria said so.

"Demons?" Quintus asked so. Then. He saw it. A group of soldiers tangled in evil magic were closing in.

"Have they been discovered." Quintus felt the scent around him, then, no longer hesitated. The burning twin blades were wasted out. The twin blades of Chaos, which were attached by the fire of hell, pierced into the chest of a soldier, and then pulled the enemy over. A powerful force that even Hercules couldn't match.

In an instant, the soldier was thrown back out and smashed into one of them.

"This guy. Be careful" the surrounding soldiers shouted so, their guns firing at Quintus. But.

"Heh." Quintus striped up, then. The double blades flew away. The remaining soldiers in the as if stormy attack. All died.

This was the Spirit of Sparta, the God of War, Quintus.

"Uncle is so powerful." Maria said so, and Charged ah witch had incredibly praised it.

"Let's go, Maria." Quintus put his twin blades on his back and said to the little girl. "Let's go. Go to your family."



Germany has been completely reunited, and even the most advanced technology cannot resist their attack, the Avengers from the temporal depths of the Temple of England.

Germany and France have become a territory ruled by the Nazis.

This is a villa in Berlin, and although it looks plain, it is inhabited by the Mission of the Incredible. Spring Wild Vault, or as it is also called. Gabrielle.

Don't think of Gabriel as a good angel, she's definitely an orderly evil one.

You know that in the Last Judgment, the first one to sound the trumpet of doom was Gabriel, and also the guy who opened the gates of hell.

And now, for the angel is playing with one of her artifacts.

An artifact that belonged to the beyond-SSS class according to the Lord's classification method. The Trumpet of Ascension of the End. This item was an innate treasure that Yo had extorted from God. Of course, it was just an ordinary innate spiritual treasure that was received as a kind of Hatsune Miku's escrow fee.

As soon as this trumpet was blown, the world would be enveloped by the laws of disaster and eventually be swallowed by it, completely reduced to nothingness.

A weapon of very impressive power.

But. It was given by Yo to the Vault who knew nothing as a birthday gift. This divine weapon that could destroy several worlds, the Doomsday Horn was given by Yo to his own sister.

Are you going to let your own sister destroy the world as well.

Finally, Vault Bar put the horn down in his hands.

"Lily. Do you think it's okay for me and my brother to make a child." So asked Lilliana.

"Make. Make a child?" Lilliana said shyly. "This. This."

"Yeah. Making children. ' Then, picking up a book, Nikolai Meller's Alchemical Guide. "What do you say to making a Holmonkus."

"So it's just a Holmonx ah 。。。。." Liliana was so relieved 。。。。

"Right." The vault nodded a bit and then said. "Do you think it's better to use the Sage's Stone as the core, or to use the artificial spiritual system." One was one of the highest achievements of magic, the other was something scientific.

"It's still better to use the Sage's Stone, Miss." Lilliana said so. "There are some things that science can never give."

"Yeah." The vault necklace for a moment, then said. "I've decided that the first one will be called. Mercury Lamp it is."

Mercury Lamp. It was what her brother had said to him. "If you have children then the first one will be called Mercury Lantern." And Che even showed her looks....

And so, by arrangement with the daughter-controlled author, Chairman Water is about to make an appearance.

Infinity and the Warhols IX

Infinity and the War Lady IX

"Report, our military base in XX has been attacked." "The attacker is confirmed to be this man." A station piece fell down, and it was the man who hit Maria and searched for her parents and sister for her, the Berserker Quintus.

"The other side is also an Inquisitor, Führer." The one who spoke was Heinrich, a soldier who had once followed Hitler and had now managed to appear above this world.

"Yes, the other man is indeed a quarter-collar. But have you found his information." The führer looked at the person in the station piece, even though it was an ordinary station piece, there was still a violent air rushing towards him.

This power 。。。。 It was as if the gods were mourning. It caused everyone to tremble.

"No lord." Heinrich said so. "I've searched everyone's sources and can't find his mythology... Perhaps he's an overhead Yingling, Fuhrer."

"An overhead?." The Führer said after a moment's thought. "It's possible, send someone to contact him, and tell them I wish to join forces with him. If you can, pull him onto our chariot, if not. I'll do it myself."

"hillHitler," Heinrich so retreated.

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