The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The Sky God Slayer Chapter 296.

The black magical swordsman came out, and a death knight with endless sorrow. Alsace.

"Now, it's the end of you." Sakura came out as well.

Infinity and Warp XIX.

Infinity and Warhol XIX

The black death knight, once the Witch King appeared in front of everyone, causing the world to despair with sorrow and pain, the magic sword in his hand making everyone tremble.

"Die!!!" The magic sword in his hand was waved out, and the powerful magic turned into a sharp sword that cut down the crowd. "

"I'll do it!!!" The square trident in the hand of Lupus showed no weakness, and rushed on, and engaged this king of the dead, and the battle began to burn between the dead horse of Alsace and the famous horse of the ancient East, the Red Hare.

The duel between the blue swordsman and the black knight, the one, King Arthur, the ancient King of Knights, the other, Jeanne, the Holy Red Lotus of the Hundred Years War of the latter days.

The duel between the magic sword known as the strongest holy sword, the sword of victory after the fall of the Oath of Victory, and the sword that was once Roland's, Dilancar.

Quintus, who was holding both swords, rushed to Sakura's face, looked at her, and said. "Now, it's time for you to die." Still so dominant and arrogant.

But it was Sakura's disdainful smile that did respond to him.

"Idiot," Sakura picked up the demon's scepter, her black clothes flying up in the wind, "You underestimate me too much. A district Yingling is nothing more than a dead man."

Black magic power was proclaimed. It was the demonic power from Sakura's body, the demonic power from the Demon King Baal, mixed with all the howls and pains of the world, and all the places it went through had turned into a wasteland with no grass, and for the next hundred years or so, this place would never produce so-called aura, magic. It was just an abandoned place.

"Come on, watch." Sakura was starting to get angry, actually failing at one so many times, it was something that would be laughed at by her master.

Magic condensed in the void, carved into a magic circle.

A huge magic formation that enveloped all of Europe. As if it was a natural disaster, everyone was shocked and disturbed by it.

"My Lord, your servant hereby calls upon you faithfully to descend upon this earth, so that all may come to fear, to despair, to mourn, to suffer. Bring disease, death, famine, and war to the world, to this end, invoke, O Great King of the Four Pillars of Solomon's Supremacy, named Baal 。。。。"

Black flames burned in the magic circle. A huge head appeared inside the magical circle. A huge demon with horns.

When he appeared, the entire world's sky changed to black, countless dead souls emerged from the magic formation, and the average temperature of the world rose.

Red skin, feet standing on the earth, muscles as strong as the ancient Olympus, and horns on his head representing the most powerful evil.

This was Baal of the four pillars of King Solomon's supremacy, the former god of the Golden Bull, the god of thunder, and the god of the sun.

"I can't believe I'm out again." He said so, looking at the crowd before him. "This world is about to become a sacrifice to me!!!" Burning flames were proclaimed and a ring of flames swept across the battlefield.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was cleared and all the weaklings were swept away. Only these spirits were left.

"Demon, suffer death." Jeanne looked at the demon in front of her and said so. "I, for one, will crush you and destroy you completely."

"What courage." The demon's hands pointed at her. "Then, I have decided that it will be nice to turn you into my pet and talk about how it feels to have a Holy Spirit to keep around."

After the demon said that, it began to change, becoming a man in white. It was precisely Yo.

"As expected, it's still the human body that's more used to it." Yo said so. "You really disappoint me, Sakura." To Sakura who was behind him, he said. "I can't believe you didn't completely kill those guys."

"Suffer death!!!" Quintus didn't hesitate to rush towards the white boy in front of him, though, seemingly without feeling anything, there was always a danger spinning around him.

"How foolish, to dare to attack me." The light purchased in the hand flickered. A huge hammer appeared in his hand and smashed Quintus out.

"All of you guys, all of you together." Yo said so as he looked at the spirits who had stopped fighting in front of him. "I'll bury you all completely."

The hammer in his hand hit the ground, and the entire earth became splintered, lava spewed from the ground and rushed up, and all of Europe had been completely turned to hell.

"Brother...." Vault flew over from behind, looking at the domineering Yo, and said. "Look, our daughter." The daisyberry in hand was held high over the top.

"Hey hey hey hey." Yo said in sudden surprise. "When we...." Waiting for a closer look before realizing, "So you did it."

Surprised, though, but still happy.

"Father-sama!!!" Seven maidens flew over from around.

At a true divine power like Yo, it was almost impossible to have descendants because. The Divine Will didn't allow it, the more powerful the creature, the harder it was to have descendants.

The few daughters of Yo could be considered to have taken a coincidence.

"Let's wait until I finish with these miscellaneous fish." Yo turned around and said to them. "Rau is considered to have a queen, and today I'm especially happy that I've decided to send you back before it's too late to beat you into shape. Be sensible and cut yourselves off."

Very overbearing, very arrogant.

"Go to hell." Jeanne remained unmoved, the holy sword in her hand cutting down at Yo, golden light radiating and sweeping across.

"Useless!!!" The hammer in her hand hammered down and a magma sprayed out above the earth, blocking her attack. "We're not even on the same level of strength, ah."

Huge demonic arms grabbed Jeanne's difficult head and lifted her in the air.

"Now, become my pet." Black magic power was poured into it, and Jeanne, who was originally filled with a benevolent light, began to fall.

The original prayer turned into a curse, and endless curses began to surround him.

"Suffer death!!!" Lupus and Quintus rushed up as well, trying to save Jeanne.

"Get out of here." The demon merely waved his hand, and the surging magma pounced on the two of them, knocking them back completely. The power of a single strike was as terrifying as it was.

When the crowd came back to their senses, Jeanne's holy light was not there, and in its place was a Jeanne called the Devil, full of curses and bloodthirsty killings.

Infinity and the War Hag XX

Infinity and War Lady XX

"You traitors!!!" The White House of the United States, where all the world leaders are.

And now the United States is in total yellow terror, with countless Chinese soldiers occupying this place, calling themselves the Chinese Empire, setting up concentration camps one after another.

America, France, Britain, Russia, all the leaders were here.

"Is that so." A soldier walked up and slapped him with his own hand. "Watch who you are, lowlife."

"You're being racist!!!" A naive guy said so. "We have."

A gun was put to his head. "Your powers?" He laughed. "Everything in the world belongs to us, the Great Han nation, everything is ours, now we, will establish the unending Great Han colonial world in this world."

In the endless space and time, the Kingdom of God called Eden, the mechanical god was constantly calculating, and countless Chinese Empire Nazi elites were making reports, unlike ordinary Nazi soldiers, mechanical angel wings appeared behind them, collecting the souls of people after they died and then turning them into mechanical angels through a special method.

Through this method, it was possible to exert S-rank strength, and already had the level of a high-grade Yingling.

On top of that was the perfect level of mechanical holy spirits, and the SSS level mechanical holy spirits.

They who had maintained their loyalty to Yo in front of them, became the cornerstone of Eden's unending after death.

"All space-time nodes are calculated." "Maximum spacetime channel output open." "The First Second Legion is fully in." "Suppressed by world consciousness. Beginning to use alien space resistance device." "Eden maximum outgoing."

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