The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 297

"War Emissary Simplified, Mechanical General Force fully operational."


Africa. In a vast grassland, a blue ball appeared on the ground, growing from small to large and finally reaching fifty meters high.

Then, as the sphere spread out, it appeared in the middle. It was a giant robot.

The simplified version of the War Emissary, the Mechanical General, with their superb electromagnetic destructive ability and medial cannon, they could be said to be the unmanned robots with the highest performance.

And there is a special self-destruct device inside, an explosion can turn a city into a flat bottom, unlike the high temperature radiation of nuclear bombs, is absolute field energy repulsion, although the range is small, but the power is more than dozens of times of nuclear bombs.

These robots that appeared in Africa, began their first mission. Attacking the Middle East!!!

As for Africa?

These niggers were no different than ants to the empire's strongest machine.

"The entire world is about to come under the rule of our Great Han!!!" So much propaganda has been spread all over the territory of China that tens of millions of people have already died in just three days, for the simple reason of purifying the bloodline of the Han race.

All people must be de-ranked, and all ethnic groups, except the Han Chinese, will be severely investigated.

Then they are purified and processed.

Then a group of so-called Manchu legacies are the ones who scream the loudest. What my Great Qing Dynasty clouds. And tangled up a bunch of people marching, and then, they were flattened by Imperial troops in apocalypse tanks.

The entire empire has been living under a panic.

However, the news of the occupation of Japan, the United States has greatly encouraged them what, Japan, the United States has conquered, what is our opponent?

All the people suddenly discovered that the empire was so powerful. Countless people came together and began to cheer for the empire.

"Sometimes, a message can decide everything about an empire." Ling Bo Li said as she looked at these troops.

As for the Ancestral Dragon that was hunting her?

Bastard, the Celestial Armor was too fast. Zoro was under a lot of pressure. So, running off to find the culprit, the demon god on the European battlefield.


"All of you scum, all of you together." Yo dropped the Jeanne in his hands, and it would take some time to fully demonize them. For now, dispose of them first.

"All men are created equal." A book appeared in Washington's hand. Declaration of Human Rights, use all the treasures under this one to ignore the expended magic.

"Holy Sword!!!" A glorious and radiant sword appeared in Quintus's hand, Quintus's strongest weapon, the holy sword that wrote the splendor and destruction of the Olympian gods.

"Ghost God's Square Trident!!!" Lu Bu's body was filled with an endless killing aura 。。。。 This is the battle intent of all three kingdoms, the man who inherited the name of the strongest martial art and war god, Lu Bu!!!

Tesla was silent, but a sphere appeared in his hand, the Tunguska Explosion, the power of this explosion that brought doubts to the world compressed to such.

The Qin Shi Huang who had given up on Limboli raised the king's negative sword in his hand high, and added all the power of the Great Qin to it, this was the empire that had unified the chaotic world of China, the immortal dynasty that had influenced China for two thousand years!!!!

"Come on, come on!!!" The flame burning in Yo's hand looked at them, "You are so weak and impotent before me. Let's show you guys, a true god!!!"

Flames flew into his hands from between the magma of the earth.

Black magic wrapped around the speech, turning it into a black and red magic ball. The power in it was enough to destroy the moon, the Earth's satellite.

"See, this is my power!!!" The red magic ball was crushed, and countless speeches turned into monstrous meteorites that smashed down. It was a nightmarish disaster.

Countless meteorites rolled in, like a magnified version of Armageddon.

"Go to hell." An even more massive meteorite smashed down after the countless small meteorites as well. Target. It was this battlefield!!!

"Now, you go to hell." The figure was so terrifying that it held firm amidst the countless meteorites, and even the flames didn't block it, letting them fly by.

All the spirits began to take out their final attacks.

This was the moment that would decide everything about this planet, this world of humanity.

The light shone on the earth, shooting out from the earth to fight the disaster in the sky. This is the myth of mankind, as if the ancient heroes shot 9 to save mankind and get rid of demons.

But, this time, they failed.

Infinity and the War Hag twenty-one

Infinity and War Lady XXI

"How can mortals rival God?" Yo looked at the kneeling captives and said so. "I am evil, the world is evil in the first place, and as long as you possess evil in your hearts, you, will never be able to defeat me!!!"

All the English spirits had been destroyed by Yo, and their treasures, which Yo had unceremoniously taken away, the Holy Sword of Olympus, the original treasure of the pair of gods, had been transformed by Yo into a treasure named Solomon's Magic Sword, which possessed Solomon's strongest spell and seventy-two abilities.

A treasure tool that surpassed the EX level.

And Yo, gave this weapon to the Mercury Lamp. As the first born daughter of the Rose Maiden, Yo was not shy about giving some gifts.

An army of demons numbering up to 100 million. Baal stated that the demons in hell were the most worthless, worth less than fallen souls.

The other daughter, Yo, also gave a bunch of treasures.

"As expected, the little loli is the cutest." An inexplicable voice came out. It was the voice of the great and supreme author (big mistake).

Lori Control retreated.

"Thank you, Father-sama." Chrysanthemum climbed onto Yo's shoulder, hugging Yo's face and smiling. "Father is the best man."

"So touching." Yoru hugged the daisies down and Goldilocks climbed onto his shoulder, one left and one right, and it was so much fun.

"Father-sama!" The seven loli said so together, in unspoken harmony. Yo's heart was so happy that these were his daughters, the daughters with their own blood flowing inside them, the successors of his own.

"Thank you. Vault." Yo said so gently to Vault. "Nothing happened to you here." Yo looked at the dome in front of her and asked so.

"Nothing, Oni-san," the dome said so hugging Pale Starstone and Jade Starstone. "I, I want to take them back."

"Go back?" Yo asked, "Where to?"

"Go back to your own world." The Vault said so. "We, the bit of origin, the world. The one we came from."

"Hometown?." Yoru's eyes saw a world, his own homeland, the world that the Godslayer and the Air of Fate had joined, a world that was small but, nonetheless, infused with everything from his past.

"Is that so." Yo looked at the blue planet. "I'll just go back with you." So saying, hands raised from above the demon's throne to all of them. "Let's, let's go back one last time 。。。。."

The world that recorded its own past.


Flames engulfed the world, the entire world had been turned into hell, and ruling the world were the seven demon worshipping witches named Cecilia, Satilesa, Charlotte, Jeanne, Lavra, and Shino-no-Shizuku.

The great black dragon pulls the chariot of hell, the chariot of the demon gods, the authority that belongs only to the gods, and no one can stop them.

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