The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The Sky God Slayer Chapter 298

"See." Yo said, hugging his daughters. "This is our hometown, your parents' hometown. My world, my past!!!"

Back again. The whole world had been completely different. A strange feeling began to spin in the mind.

"Lord God, what's going on." Yo began to ask his Lord God, a simple receiver. The Lord God was now still floating on the endless river of time and space.

"The world has now been reset. According to past data, the world has lost the more necessary protagonists of the two worlds of Fate Air and Godslayer, and has begun to move closer to the lower worlds."

"What does that mean?"

"The original protagonist, Haruno Yo, has transcended the world, and Kusanagi Kodo has completely merged with the world's consciousness, has assimilated, has lost the protagonist to the world, and has begun to decline."

"Is it?" yo looked at the planet, has lost the senior world's qualification.

"That's good," Yo thought so, "so that my daughters can live here in good health. "He suddenly remembered a question, will his daughters grow up?

"No." The Lord God cut him off and gave him such an answer. "When Nuwa made humans, they were made directly as adults, but the seven princesses are already directly as young girls, so they will not grow."

Seven everlasting lollies? I like it best. So says the author.


The scenery of Omu Dye is still the same, but the people passing by have changed so much.

Yoru walked down the street with the dome, and her seven daughters following her, it was still very attractive to the eye.

After all, it was rare to see such a high-quality loli. There were all kinds of gothic and Victorian outfits. 。。。。

"Ugh, Yo-kun." A black car pulled up. Two young girls walked out of the gate. It was Wakefield Kazuha and Nogi Ban Hatsutaka.

"Long time no see." Yuu smiled. "Ichiyo." Everyone remained the same, which was the same.

"You guys?" She saw the dome and the side. The seven girls. "This is...."

"My daughters." Yo said so. Straightforwardly. "My seven daughters."

"Ugh ????."

Follow Ichiha to her home. Now that it was already a ranked company in Japan, Wakefield Ichiha's status was becoming more and more important, and it was said that a number of women had tried to do something to her.

"What a surprise." Yuu said so after hearing that, after he left, Ehime Nayomi got into the university and left the area, while Nogi Board Hatsumi and Wakefield Kazuha were in a special position, and the university could come and go at any time.

So meet Yo.

"Everyone's really changed a lot." Yo said so, looking at the last picture in her hand, without Yo in it, were the graduation photos of Ehime Nayuki and the others. And Tenma was also there, supposedly still at the shrine.

"I can't believe that Yo-kun is back already." Ichiba said with a smile. "I think everyone will be happy."

"En. ,." Yoru looked at the photo and seemed to think of the past. The days that used to be.

"What are you doing now?" Yo so asked.

"I...." Ichiba obscured 。。。。 seemed reluctant to say.

"Blind date...." Nabiki Board Hatsumode said it out. "The Master wants a worthy heir. So." Her profession wouldn't, and her eyes wanted Yo to help Kazuha.

"Is that so." Yo listened with an evil smile. "I see. Who dares!!! "

Infinity and the War Lady XXII

Infinity and the War Lady XXII

"My Lord!!!" Within a compound, countless black robed figures knelt humbly, the existence of this world's Yo's followers, also known as cultists.

The black figure stood on a high platform, looking at his followers.

"Now, the entire world, belongs to us. My Lord." Japan's puppet emperor, Naoko, said so, as she excitedly looked at the believers, each of whom possessed the strength of a High Mage.

"They?" Yo looked at the believers under his command and a flame was thrown from his hand, burning everything, and all, into ashes.

All the believers howled, agonized, struggled, and grieved in the fires of hell, burned to ashes by the god they believed in.

"I don't need these wastes." Yo said, looking at the Emperor Naoko. "I already have a more suitable spokesperson for these guys, and they're completely unnecessary." A soldier in the uniform of the Chinese Empire appeared behind Yo.

"Führer!!!" They said so fervently, with complete loyalty, complete faith, a brand new empire in endless time and space. The Chinese Empire!!!!

"Now, you, you have no use for it anymore." Yo said looking at Naoko. "Japan is now an administrative region of the Chinese Empire."

Naoko looked in shock at the man in front of her, the man who had raised her to the throne with his own hands, and now pulled her down with his own hands. "Master."

"Now, you are the head of the Japanese administrative district of the Chinese Empire, Naoko." Yo said so.


This world was completely under the rule of the Chinese Empire, everything belonged to the Chinese Empire, except for Kyushu, all other places became administrative districts of the Chinese Empire.

In a splendid tavern, a banquet was being held, one of the largest families in Japan, the Arima family, for their successor, Tetsuhei Arima, to find a future wife.

And Wakefield Kazuha had entered the place at his father's request.

"Do you think he's coming back. Hatsurika. : Kazuha looked around, but even though so much time had passed, there was always one person in her heart. That was Yo....

But. Now.

Downstairs, a chariot drove over, that's right, a chariot, an amphibious weapon of land and sea, a combat weapon with an extremely high degree of freedom, and the most advanced weapon now.

A heavily armed soldier stepped out of the chariot, and on their bodies, they carried a black leader badge.

"Target, Arima Family." The officer leading the group said so. "According to the instructions from above, all Arima Family members are to be arrested, and absolutely no one is to be spared." The voice was so stern.

"Yes!!!" One warrior said so.

In the lobby, there was an invitation from Magetsuhei to a woman of his choice, a woman named Wakaba Ichiba. As one of the largest companies in Japan now, even the individual could be said to be a doorstop.

But, Junior, the world's dreams can't come true as intended.

The door was kicked open and a heavily armed soldier rushed in, his weapon pointed at everyone present. "All of you, crouch down and don't move!!!"

The soldiers in black uniforms said so.

An officer walked in. He walked straight to the old man in the center of the meeting.

"Master Arima Yixin of the Arima Family?" He said so. "I am the officer who has come to arrest you. Now, to arrest you for treason, I hope Arima-san will cooperate a little."

Arima looked at the officer in front of him and asked thus. "I'm afraid I won't be able to get out if I go in." He said so frankly. "I want to know which guy moved such a huge force to get me."

"It's not for you to know." The officer looked at him thus.

"It wouldn't hurt to let you see it." Yo walked in, stalking Liliana behind him. "I am the current Vice Consul of the Japanese District of the Chinese Empire, Haruno Yo."

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