The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 301.

"Eloisa is back!!!" Just Jerami's words. Everyone was quiet. Everyone looked at Eloisa who walked into the door.

"It looks very intimidating." Luvi said so. "That way I can feel free to leave the princess to her."


"I am Chairman Makarov. Are you the ones who want to issue the mission." A small old man came over. The president of Goblin's Tail, Makarov.

"We want to issue a quest." So said Luvi. "It is to take care of our princess."

"Princess?" Makarov looked at the daisies and the canary. "Are those the two of them."

"Yep." Luvi said. "As long as you can take care of our hosts and their father sends someone to greet them."

"And as payment." With a flash of light in their hands, countless treasures came out of the rings in Canary's and Daisyberry's hands. Countless jeweled crystal magic weapons.

Every single thing was of great value, and the highly charged scent of magic even made the surrounding magical elements start to chaos.

"These, are the rewards."

Rose Maiden's Conquest Diary III

Diary of a Rose Maiden's Conquest III

"These things...." Everyone looked at these props in shock, and it was no exaggeration to say that each of these items could buy a large city if they were taken out. Besides, there were so many of them.

"I guess these things are enough." Luvi said so proudly.

No one could resist the temptation of wealth, one of the original sins of mankind, greed, and one of the most common human weaknesses. Makarov, the old man, was instantly trapped.

Human nature is inherently greedy.

"No problem." Makarov said so. "The safety of the two of them is wrapped up in our hands." So confidently said, this was the guarantee of being a Holy Tenth Grade Magus.

"He's not strong, but it's enough." Luvi and Lua communicated with each other mentally, and in their evaluation, Makarov was only not weak.

"Then we'll retire, Princess-sama." The two of them said so their figures dissipated into the air.

"They are! Magical items?" The crowd was horrified at the two people who disappeared. Such an advanced magic tool, and with its own consciousness and soul, this was the first time to see such a thing.

This magic world, although magic was extremely developed, but the application of alchemy was completely incomparable to other worlds, such as the Magic Council's Ultimate Destruction Magic Array, was actually able to be absorbed by those crystals. Although the material was special, it was also explained. The alchemy level was low, and the magic tended to be destructive.

What Yo was using, however, was orthodox magic from the ancient magicians on the Nesser Secret Scrolls.

For example, a secretary that could suspend time and replace the god's sealing technique.

Compared to those ferocious ancient magic, this world's magic could be said to still be at a low level. Magic can be more than just destructive, ah.

But, for those who succeeded it, just destruction was enough.

As a result, the ancient magicians also declined, becoming heretics that were hunted down in the mouth of heaven. Ancient magicians possessed the ability to dominate beasts, replace gods, and create the world in various different ways.

But nowadays, the wizards could only hide in their old homes and have all kinds of nasty dreams.

Saying that like that those wizards would be sad.

Was that how it was supposed to be.

That's how the daisies and canaries lived in the tail of the world's goblins.

For good measure, Luvi and Lua also bought a house with a cake shop attached. The money that was spent wasn't money at all.

Every day is spent living a so-called happy life, except for the cake snacks, which are still cake snacks.


In the endless space and time, a castle was moving fast. It was the Castle of the Sky, one of the highest crystals of the ancient Nether Empire, and also one of the preparations of the traveling mages.

Traveling mages, the most powerful lineage of magicians.

If they had to be given a definition, it would be a traveler.

Active travelers, walking in every world, seeing different things, trying everything different, this was the travel mage, the most powerful travel mage once almost stole the power of the abyss, equal to the kings of hell.

His name was Mephisto, the demon who once made a deal with Faust.

Unfortunately, in the end, he was also assimilated into a demon by the power of the Abyss.

"It's a pleasure though 。。。。 But why did you come too?" Lilliana looked at Sekiyoin Ena who was sitting off to the side. "Why else did the master send you here."

"Probably because I'm worried that you're not smart enough to be fooled." Seikyuuin Ena said so. "After all, we're the ones who have been with the master the longest, and we understand his mind better than anyone else."

Lilliana quieted down and asked. "Understand the master's mind?."

"You understand the master's meaning as well." Seikyuin Ena said so. "He doesn't care about the destruction of the world, all he cares about is the decision of the person next to him."

And this people around him were the ones closest to him. Like his wife. The Vault or his own seven daughters.

"This time I just want to see if my own daughter's heart is hard enough." Seikyuin Ena said so. "We're just assisting, he's planning to leave his decision in the hands of his own daughter."

"Is that so." Liliana thought so. However, it was clear that Liliana, who had been completely dedicated, had only Yo in her mind right now, and there was absolutely nothing else.

"What a big idiot." Seikyuuin Ena said so.

I don't know how long it was.

The entire sky city stopped.

"Here it is." Looking out the window at the deserted landscape, Liliana felt confused, "Is this where the princesses are?"

"No, no." Seikyuin Ena said so, looking at the magic guide book in her hands. "The world with the princesses is a world with multiple dimensions, this is a part of this world called Adelas, which is the reverse of the world the princesses are in."

"Yin and Yang like that." Liliana asked so.

The Yin and Yang of the East was considered to be the most profound of truths. Hongjun Laozi Fuxi's group of people were closely related to this.

"In that case, let's conquer this world first." Liliana said so.

The Sky City hung high in the sky, and a light flickered on the ground. The legions of magic guide puppets began to attack in full force.

Numerous magic guide puppets began to move, stone ghosts and obsidian destroyers flew in the sky, iron men, and magic snakes began to move forward on the earth.

The giant Titan puppets set off vibrations and began to attack.

In the distance was a city, and the capital of this world.

"Now, is the first step in our conquest of this world!!!" Lilliana rode the ancient crystal dragon and began to give orders. "All Magic Puppets, now begin a full-scale attack!!!"

"Ho ho ho ho!!!" Powerful thunderbolts appeared on the titan's hands and began to attack, and the Arulman demon serpent's mouth sprayed flames.

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