The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 302.

Iron Man was fighting with the guards of this city. These people did not have the slightest bit of magic on their bodies, but the items in their hands had special abilities, magic items.

"Your Majesty. Someone is attacking." Several ministers knelt in front of an old man. "The other party is attacking with powerful magic puppets!!!"

"We can't stop them."


Adras, Fallen.

Diary of a Rose Maiden's Conquest IV

Diary of a Rose Maiden's Conquest IV

Adras, as the reverse of this world, is only a passing phase in the plot, but it is definitely no less important than the original world.

This world has completely fallen. All the legions flooded into this world and were stationed in it. Then, the magic guide factory that was carried with them began to operate.

This was to facilitate the creation of puppets that could make a large number of magic guide puppets, but there were levels that touched the magic guide factory, the lowest level could make stone ghosts, iron magic statues, these low level things, the higher level could make, colossal statues, Amanda magic snakes these, and the highest level could make things like mechanical dragons and titan puppets.

And there is also a level that can make the most powerful puppets, such as Typhon Giants, multi-headed dragons, and evil gods that are second to none in mythology.

But the materials needed for this were troublesome, and Liliana had only brought a few over, and the Demon Puppet that stood in this world's capital today was one.

A powerful demonic puppet that possessed strength rivaling that of an ordinary demonic ruler, holding a giant axe, and wearing a huge magic guide trench coat, it was named the Terminator.

"Now, you guys, call upon the resources of this world with all your might." Liliana commanded so to her men, the Lamp Gods with human minds and intelligence were special puppets made without extremely powerful fighting abilities, but they could unleash some that couldn't, at the same time, they also had the ability to learn, and it was said that there was once one that learned the ultimate wishing technique and became a legendary existence.

"Yes, master." The Lamp Gods said so and retreated.

Liliana, who was sitting on the throne, began to think about how to enter the positive world, which, unlike Adelas, as the world of Yin and Yang, possessed special characteristics that the negative Adelas did not.

The ancient land of dragons, and Geral who could create demons, none of them were simple characters.

"It seems that the search will require even more powerful puppets." Liliana thought so and took out her magic guide book and began to search for how to make more powerful puppets.

Countless drawings went through it, none of them matching her goal.

Finally, she stopped at a place where she saw a special magic guide puppet, an ultimate puppet that represented ominousness and disaster.

"In a small world, a puppet was once made, not from the original civilization, but a special puppet that was a combination of a foreign civilization and its own, creating an existence that even the Celestial Immortals and Gods could not match."

"A terrifying giant with three heads and twelve arms that can set off all kinds of disasters and possesses the ability to destroy everything."

Then, she saw this drawing of the ultimate puppet that used the three main items of magic, alchemy, and cultivation as its core.

"Now, make this weapon with all your might!" She so decided.

The magic factory was started in full force, and all the equipment was put in. One by one, the formation was produced and transported to a place to start assembling.

The combat power of magic guide puppets might be quite inferior compared to their counterparts, but there were some special ones, for their materials and magic connections, and also, they weren't afraid of death.

That was the essence and arcane meaning of the Magic Guide Puppet.


This is the positive world, and the main world.

Goblin's Tail.

A young girl stood in the doorway, blonde hair, ponytail, blue blouse. She was one of the main characters of this world, Lucy Hartfelia.

"Is this the tail of the legendary dry goblin." She looked at the red haired man next to her, the famous magician, Fire Dragon Naz.

"That's right." Naz replied with such a smile and slowly walked in.

As soon as she walked in, a cake flew over. It smashed into Naz's face. It was followed by a soft lil' voice.

"Ooh, my cake." It was the voice of Daisy, the little loli who was named the cutest magician by Magic Weekly with at least ten cakes a day. No, it was the youngest girl.

"Little Dotty Daisy." It was the voice of Canary, who thought she was the smartest kid ever, but was actually a little dork.

And then the hall was the sound of their two noises, more fun than the original goblin's tail.

The rest of the Goblin's Tails were happy to watch the joy they brought.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that in front of them was the daughter of the most evil existence, the relative of the most evil existence in the world, and his recipient had come to peer into this world.

O foolish humans, tremble in the abyss of blood and darkness and kneel.

"They are." Lucy looked at the noisy two lollies, "So cute 。。。。." Flew up. But, unfortunately.

"Touch." A voice rang out, and an invisible pincushion blocked her.

"Useless." Naz said. "They're carrying at least ten magical guides for defense, so a normal person can't get close to them."

'Unless you're carrying a guild medallion with a goblin's tail. "

"I want in!!! "Lucy so said. Looking at the little lorries with the eyes of one who has found prey.

A cold wind blew.

"Daisyberry is so cold." The daisyberry suddenly said so.

"So am I." It was the voice of a canary.

Then they heard this voice, "Welcome Lucy to our goblin tail!!!" It was the voice of Chairman Makarov.

The two young loris looked back. A blonde girl servant came over.

"So cute." Held the daisies and canary. Rubbing the two little loli with her body 。。。。 "It's so happy 。。。。." So enchanted.

"So scary." Two little lollies struggling so much. "It's so painful." Feeling such friction and making unfortunate noises.

"Oooh." It was a struggling figure, though. It sounded like. "What a lovely sound." A group of people with goblin tails said so.

"No, pull away!!!" One man reacted. "Did you guys forget the mission?!!!"

"!!!" Everyone just remembered their mission. "Protect the two until their people come to pick them up." Then, saw the two lollies who had fainted.

"Pull away!!!" The gang so rushed up and pulled Lucy away in happiness.

The Rose Maiden's Conquest Diary V

Diary of a Rose Maiden's Conquest V

"It's finally done." Looking at the giant standing in front of Lilliana, she said with such emotion.

A giant with three heads and twelve arms, a terrifying battle power that even the gods couldn't match, a terrifying existence that had once nearly destroyed several small worlds.

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