The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate. The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 309.

"They're not dead." The first president, Maybys so clubbed. "I can feel the magic I've attached to them. It's just imprisoned."

"Then let's go and get them back." So said the crowd of goblin tails. "We have to come back on them, Chairman."

"But." Hatsuneji calmed down and said, looking at the crowd who still had a glimmer of hope. "If we go, I'm afraid the other side is all ready for us to go over there." She shattered the crowd's expectations with such words.

"The other side holds more power than we do, but why would they still let their magic radiate?" The first generation said so. "They're either dumber not to have us in their sights, or they are. Waiting for us to pass." She said so.

It was displeasing, but the other side was far more powerful than she could have imagined.

"I'll go...." A young man stepped forward.

He was the first generation brought over from Wolf Island. Geoff!

Once a poor and vicious black magician. However, understood the meaning of life, and in the end, the powerful magician who created a life like a demon.

Now, he was just losing his memories, but actually, his magic power still existed.

But it was just a loss of memory, but everything else was still there.

"I'm going to save them." He said so. "I can't watch them fall into each other's hands.

"I'll stay with you!" "I'm going too!" Many people stepped forward. "We goblin tails are never in the habit of leaving our companions behind."

The first generation watched everything silently and smiled in delight. This was now. A goblin's tail.

"If you're going, I'll go with you." She said so. "I'm also a member of the Goblin's Tail, I'll accompany you guys."


Everyone is so passionate about it. But what they were facing. The very evil of the world, an existence that a poor lifetime could not even glimpse.


Diary of the Conquest of the Vee Maiden XII

Diary of a Conquering Vixen Girl XII

The old world had been completely destroyed and in its place was a new world run by puppets, a new world without magicians.

"This is the world that should be under my rule." Yo watched the actions of everyone in those kingdoms on the ground under the sky, a kind of orderly world.

As a demon, it was a chaotic existence, but Yo was special, as a demon, but had his own view of order, and although he often acted chaotically, it was all according to order.

The order among demons, the King of Demons.

"Those bugs aren't dead yet." Yuu said so at the report from the Lantern. "Are those creepy crawlies actually trying to attack back into my territory?"

"Yes." So replied the Lamp God, who, despite possessing extremely high intelligence, was after all just a puppet that followed orders.

"Just let them come." Yo so ordered, "Deliver my orders, everyone don't stop them, pretend not to see them and let them in. '

"I'll crush their dreams with my own hands!" Saying so, closed his eyes as if he was sleeping on this throne. It was Yo's habit to go into a state of becoming asleep, to improve one's thinking when thinking. Or carry out rest.


Above the earth, a group of people converged.

The magicians, led by the goblin's tail, included the Green Pegasus, Serpent Hime's Scale, and others. All the remaining guilds and even the Dark Guild, all of them united together.

What was originally just an ordinary act of saving people had been misrepresented as an assassination of the local supreme leader to save the entire world. It resonated with those remaining magicians, all of whom were planning to join forces to destroy the other's supreme leader and free the entire world.

Quite a great goal. Unfortunately, the imagination was beautiful and the reality was harsh.

All of them began to move, the ones with low strength, led by one of Serpentine Hime's Scales' Holy Ten's Magus Jura Regis, attracted the other party's attention and lured away the other party's puppet soldiers.

The remaining elites, however, infiltrated the city to assassinate the other party.

After this scheme was devised, the group actually thought it was seamless. The intelligence of this world had reached a certain level.

After all, it was a world where magic was used to decide everything, and in this world, the magicians were the god-like existences on earth, and they were the ones who decided every history.

Unfortunately, these god-like existences have now been knocked off the altar.


Night. Yo was in her room, with Liliana by her side.

And just as the two were sleeping. The earth began to shake, and the entire sky city began to tremble. When Yo woke up, it was seen. A huge rock giant wreaking havoc on the sky city.

"Coming." So looking on, not caring in the slightest that everything was already within his grasp.

"When it's over, go back." Yo said so to Liliana, who had woken up. "I'm tired of playing with the whole world."


The rock giants wreaked havoc on the earth, the puppet giants were controlled by Jura in order to draw out all the soldiers, he succeeded and countless puppets began to come crashing down on him.

"That's it." A group of people caught the loophole and managed to run among the castles of the Sky City.

"What should we do now?" The blue Pegasus of the night asked thus.

"First go save the others, then go kill them." Guilf said so. "Let's go to the prison first."

"You know how to get there?" One suddenly saw him skillfully moving forward so to ask.

"It's written next to it." Everyone turned around and saw a map: a diagram of the plan of the Sky City Fortress.

Fuck. Fold oh degree could be, though many were blinded by the brightness, and continued on, oddly enough. On the road, not a single puppet guard was seen.

"Have they all been transferred away?" A man asked so strangely. "Still." He was about to say something. A huge axe struck from the head!

"Uhhh !!!!" With a miserable scream, this elite magician was sliced in two.

Then, the crowd, saw it. A demon in armor. It should be said that it was a Great Demon level Bull Demon. And underneath the bull demon was a young girl with golden hair. Lucy.

"Lucy!!!" The crowd that knew Lucy's goblin tail called her name, but she didn't respond.

The hollow eyes lost their color. The crowd was about to go over, but Geoff stopped them. "Don't go over there. She's already under control."

So uttered the whole cruel news.

And Lucy opened her mouth and began to speak. "Now, it is my Lord who commands me to give you hospitality." Black keys appeared in the hand, small items that Yo made himself, there were seven of them, magic items, dark keys, each dark key sealed with a great demon level demon.

This one was a bull-headed demon that represented fury.

It possessed an extremely terrifying power.

"Everyone together! Stop her!" The crowd said so, and countless elites rushed up and surrounded the bull-headed demon. Attacks were launched from all sorts of different angles.

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