The Godslayer in the Sky of Fate

Fate The God Slayer in the Sky Chapter 310


Drink! The giant demon stomped down, creating a storm that blew everyone away, and the body leapt high, the giant axe chopping. Guilf!

"Death!" Fingers wiggle, and a black rippling cover spreads out.

The most powerful mage of 400 years ago, no, the most powerful magician in the history of magicians. Geoff. Black magic swallowed everything, even a daemon level bull demon couldn't resist it. The giant axe and arm were devoured.

"Since this doesn't work, let's change it." Seeing the defeat of the Bull Demon, there was a Key of Darkness that was summoned.

A fallen angel with wings on its back appeared before everyone's eyes.

Representing the arrogant demon, the fallen angel.

The hand purchased dark elements were gathered, the magic from the ancient heavenly realm had become more corrosive and destructive after the fall.

Dark magic versus fallen divine magic.

And in the other room. Yo was watching all of this with his daughters in his arms, and behind him was a red-haired woman in black armor. Eloisa.

Black armor, the curse of the fallen knight.

Diary of a Rose Maiden's Conquest XIII

Diary of a Rose Maiden's Conquest XIII

"The Black Death Storm!" The spell in the Fallen Angel's hands was cast, and darkness enveloped the arena, powerful corrosive magic clinging to each person.

"Ahhhhh!" Many began to wail, corroding their skin, and some had begun to show their bones.

"Death!" Geoff didn't move a muscle, his magic power was raging, constantly using his strongest single magic, as the most powerful magician in history, his strength was needless to say, even a fallen angel couldn't possibly defeat him.

The death magic expanded in an instant, engulfing everything around him, and the black cover instantly engulfed the fallen angel as it expanded.

"Ohhhhh!!!" The fallen angel's howl came out of the magic. When the black cover disappeared, all that remained 。。。。 Only Geoff, and the fallen angel had disappeared.

It was clear that she had completely disappeared.

"Now, only you're left, I guess." Geoff turned back to the completely fallen Lucy in front of him.

"That's not necessarily oh." Lucy smiled so suddenly. A dark shadow flew out from behind Lucy and stood in front of everyone.

Dressed in black knight's armor, in his hand was a huge zanpakuto, equipment from the Black Knight of the Underworld, forged in the use of the Demonic Iron of Hell, a terrifying armor created.

Pulling one's heart completely to the dark side, using terrifying dark magic, it could cut everything in two.

"Eloisa!" The crowd of the Goblin's Tail looked so at the woman in black armor before them, and though her name was pronounced, she did not respond, being completely seduced by the armor of darkness and becoming a dark knight.

"Those who disobey my lord will be destroyed!" Black magic power continued to emanate from her body, and the countless evil spirits bound by the terrifying zanpakuto had been thoroughly brainwashed.

"Dark Massacre!" The zanpakuto in her hand slashed at the leader, Gyrf.

On the other side, Lucy once again used the Key of Darkness, "Greed from Hell, summon!" After fury and pride were defeated, greed was summoned.

A black dragon. From the Abyssal Inferno that fed on other giant dragons, it had legendary and private in adulthood, and when it reached old age it even had the power of a demigod.

However, they were not real dragons, but a kind of demon born from imitating them.

Even the five-colored dragons known as evil dragons were extremely repulsive to this dragon, and every Abyssal Dragon was an existence wanted by the dragon race.

"Juggernaut!!!" Everyone looked at the being in amazement, the dragon?.

"I'm not one of those lowly reptiles!!!" The Abyssal Dragon spoke up, speaking to all. "I am the great Lord of the Abyss, Spala the Evil Dragon!"

So called himself, the magic dragon from hell said so. "You insects. All of you die!" The black flames burned the world. The Abyssal Dragon spat.

The black dragon fire burned everything to ashes.

At this time, Eloisa had already engaged in a fight with Jelf. Although the black zanpakuto had an unpleasant name, its power was definitely the sharpest that everyone present had ever seen, and even the once strongest magician, Geoff's magic, couldn't shatter the blade.

Huge black knives flew, and black magic kept clashing.

This was a confrontation between the local dark magic power and the foreign dark power.

The powerful energy captain, knocking all of them flying, the terrifying power was instantly detonated in the center of this hall, the entire space was a storm caused by the energy collision.

And right at this moment.

On the other side, a huge dragon had defeated all the rest of them. Outside of the individual captives who came out, the rest of the people were burned to death.

"How dare you think of the great Lord Sparrow and challenge, I don't know if this is foolishness or self-inflicted death!" He said so, spreading his mouth wide to swallow them whole.

"Stop!" Lucy said so suddenly. "These slaves belong to the Great King, and you have no right to dispose of them." So saying. "Do you want to make an enemy of the King."

"The Great King?." The dragon shuddered visibly as it heard the name, "Take these as my sacrifice to the Great King."

"Damn it!" Geoff looked at the captive crowd and tried to save them, but, unfortunately, they were all blocked.

"You won't be able to go forward without killing me." Eloisa said so. "I will never let you pass."

"Damn it," he looked at the brainwashed Eloisa, "Have you forgotten those people? They are your past family, Eloisa!"

"I don't need these things!" Eloisa said so, her face beginning to twist, "I just need the power, the power to get my revenge!"

"Why?" Geoff asks. "Why do you seek power so much!"

"I.. Want revenge!!!" The zanpakuto in his hand instantly grew in output. "I will take vengeance on everyone, those magicians, the Black Magus Guides, all of them, for me, for all! '

"Slaughter the beings! "

The strong magic turned into blade qi that tore everything apart, everyone was shocked by this terrifying power. The powerful blade Qi flew at Jelf, but it was dodged, and the blade Qi flew into the distance, shattering the gate of this fortress several times. The stone giant.

In a split second, the great blade energy shattered many of the puppet's long-suffering stone giants.

The puppets were completely brother ah yes by one slash.

"I, will kill you. Geoff. "Eloisa said so." Sacrifice your blood and souls to my Lord, and in exchange for greater power. "

"That's not necessarily true." A figure walked in and said. "I'll save you myself, Eloisa."

Blue hair and a white robe, the youngest of the Holy Ten Magi. Geral.

"I am now, already here to save you, Eloisa!"

Outside the fortress. Countless killing sounds rang out.

"Right now, all the magicians are heading here." Geoff said. "Everyone has joined forces. Including. The Dark Guild!"

The Six Demon Generals, the Heart of Hades, the Gate of the Underworld, and the three strongest dark magician guilds were also gathered together.

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