He Jinyao shook his head blankly.

"Because the target group of our Yaochi Xianniang is the rich and powerful people in the capital!"

"What these people care about most is not only the taste, but also the service and the things they buy, which can show their uniqueness!"

"For example, why don't those dignitaries buy big earthen bowls to drink? They can hold more and are cheap."

"It's because that thing can't show their superiority!"

"So since we want to sell it at a high price, we naturally have to work hard on the details. If they don't understand that this thing is expensive, then tell them that one time is not enough, two times, and two times are not enough, three times!"

"Until they all subconsciously believe that what we sell is the most expensive and unique, it will naturally be difficult for them to accept those inferior imitations."

Chen Yan explained patiently.

He Jinyao opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

This sounded so subversive to his cognition!

But thinking about it carefully, it is indeed the truth.

For example, Huang Liangge has very high requirements for all the utensils around him, and only uses luxurious things for his clothes and daily utensils.

And there are many people like him in the court.

"But when Lord Chen asked me to entertain dignitaries, he didn't work hard in this regard. Aren't they still very interested in it?" He Jinyao asked in confusion.

"That's because there were no similar competing products at the time. This fresh taste is easy to capture people's hearts."

"It is used as an initial publicity, and it has its own effect."

"But this approach can only be done once, and the sales ideas must be changed later, otherwise it will not last long."

"I emphasize again: our target sales group is dignitaries!"

"Except for some people who may particularly like it and will buy it repeatedly because of the taste, you have to give the rest of the people a reason to buy it."

"High-end, expensive, and showing status are the biggest selling points of our Yaochi Xianjiu!"

Chen Yan was talking with saliva flying, and He Jinyao was refreshed and felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

So that's it!

"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!"

"Lord Chen, I am really convinced!"

"I didn't expect you to know so much at such a young age. You are really young and promising!"

"What should we do now?"

He Jinyao sighed and asked the most realistic question.

Chen Yan did not answer but asked: "How is the matter that I asked you to find a chef to practice pork dishes?"

He Jinyao hurriedly said: "Although it may still be not as good as the chef in your county, it has been able to get 70% of the essence."

Chen Yan nodded: "That's enough, it's almost time to move on to the next step. Tomorrow night, you find a high-end place in the capital, take the two chefs, and entertain some VIPs."

He Jinyao said happily: "I will do it right away!"

I have been looking forward to it for a long time, and finally Chen Yan opened his mouth!

After waiting for so many days, he and Tang Yun couldn't wait any longer without making any money!

If this goes on, Jizhou will be finished!

"Do you know who are the guests?" Chen Yan asked.

"Yes!" He Jinyao thought for a moment and understood, "I will send invitations to all those who have bought or reserved Yaochi Xianjiu in our shop!"

"Wrong! Absolutely wrong!" Chen Yan shook his head.

"Ah? If not them, then who?" He Jinyao was a little confused.

"We are inviting the owners of those shops that followed suit!" Chen Yan said heavily.

"What!" He Jinyao jumped up from his chair and cried out in surprise.

What's going on!

Aren't we going to reopen the shop to make money? Why invite those shameless people who are only interested in money, unscrupulous, and ruining their own business?

Chen Yan smiled and said, "Let me tell you about this slowly."

As he spoke, Chen Yan spoke in detail.

The more He Jinyao listened, the wider his eyes opened.

After listening, he was shocked and said, "This... This method, I have never heard of it!"

He has been in charge of the Ministry of Revenue for many years, and has been dealing with all kinds of businessmen for decades, but he has never heard of this practice, which is really eye-opening!

But can this work?

After all, I have never heard of anyone doing it, and naturally no one has succeeded.

Chen Yan thought to himself, if you know everything, then what kind of trick is this?

"Anyway, just do what I say. I have already mentioned this to your boss."

"Remember, the banquet must also be upscale!"

"Important things should be said three times: noble! Noble! Noble!"

"It is best to make people daunted when they see it!"

He said heavily.

At this point, it is impossible not to listen to Chen Yan. There are only a few days left before the one-month deadline, and He Jinyao can only grit his teeth., nodded and agreed.

"Then I won't stay here!"

"I'll go back tonight and prepare everything tomorrow."

"Whether you live or die, it depends on tomorrow night!"

He Jinyao said resolutely.

Chen Yan could see that this shopkeeper Zhou still lacked confidence in him. Although he had to listen, he had no confidence at all.

This was not something that could be solved by a few words or a few things. Only the facts and results could prove that he was right.

After a short rest, He Jinyao left the county government office and was about to get in the car and leave.

"Wait a minute! Old Zhou, you've worked hard this time, and I should also give you the little surprise I promised you." Chen Yan pulled him, turned around and told a yamen runner a few words, and the yamen runner left in a hurry.

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