Tang Shuo's rebellion caused chaos in the world.

Chen Yan had just started to build Qingshan County at that time, and did not want the war to affect here, so he sent a large number of people to investigate the rebel king who had raised troops and started a rebellion, so he knew Tang Shuo's background.

Even Tang Yun's understanding of Tang Shuo was probably not as deep as his.

Tang Shuo's current troops had long been dispersed by Tang Yun's imperial army. With his playboy-like character, it was impossible for him to have a trump card.

However, he could not tell Wu Ming about these things.

"What should I do now?" Wu Ming asked humbly after a long time.

"Simple, go to Jiangzhou as usual, play for a few days, and then come back." Chen Yan said calmly.

"Ah?" Wu Ming did not expect this answer.

"If you go back and tell Xiong Jin that Tang Shuo made it up, there are only two possible outcomes."

"One is that he believes you and beats up the Tang guy."

"The other is that he doesn't believe you and beats you up."

"Based on my understanding of him, I'm afraid the latter is more likely."

"After all, this man is greedy by nature. As it concerns his future wealth, he will most likely choose to believe Tang Shuo."

"So I suggest you pretend that you know nothing and continue to do as ordered."

"Isn't it nice to travel at public expense?"

"Why do you have to get yourself into trouble?"

Chen Yan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Wu Ming thought about it carefully and couldn't help but be moved.

Although this Lord Chen didn't seem to have much contact with Xiong Jin, his analysis was indeed reasonable!

Especially in terms of controlling Xiong Jin's personality, I'm afraid that even the worms in the fat man's stomach are not as precise as Lord Chen!

"I understand! Thank you for your advice!"

After Wu Ming left in a hurry, Chen Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy, it seems, is not worth further training.

He has only martial arts and a dull mind, and he is so disobedient.

Zhang Dabiao is also dull, but he has one good thing, that is, he always remembers what Chen Yan says in his heart, and he is always sure of what he says. He can't even pry him out of his mouth if he is told not to mention something!

As he was thinking, a man came in a hurry.

"I see you, sir!"

The man was of medium build, square face, thick eyebrows, righteous face, and bright eyes. He was Li Feng, the current county magistrate of Qingshan County.

"County magistrate Li, you came at the right time. I was just looking for you. How are you going with the silver shop?"

Chen Yan pulled him to sit down and asked kindly.

"This matter is almost done, and we can open in the next few days. I came to see you for Lianggu County. The people I sent have returned."

Li Feng said solemnly.

Chen Yan smiled and said, "What's Xiong's reaction?"

Li Feng said calmly, "He was furious, but he couldn't do anything. He probably still doesn't understand that Li's fish products are ours."

Chen Yan sneered, "There are still many things he doesn't understand. This is just the beginning. If he plays dirty tricks on me, I can't kill him!"

Li Feng smiled slightly, "Such a scum should be dealt with by a bad person."

Chen Yan was surprised and said, "Do you mean that I am still a bad person?"

Li Feng nodded, "A well-deserved big bad person. I don't think anyone in the world is worse than you."

Chen Yan said in a lost voice: "So this is how I look to you?"

Li Feng said frankly without any polite words: "Yes. When I first met you, I knew you were a bad guy."

Chen Yan asked in surprise: "Why are you still with me?"

Li Feng said slowly: "Because I know that your evil is always directed at bad people."

Chen Yan smiled dumbly: "I feel comfortable listening to your words. Forget it, let's move on to the next step. Within three days, I will make that fat man unable to even cry!"

Xiong Jin naturally didn't know that Li's fish products were exactly what Li Feng was running.

But this industry actually belonged to Chen Yan's county government, and Li Feng was just running it.

As the county magistrate, Chen Yan handed over the finances, livelihood and other affairs of Qingshan County to Li Feng.

In order to ensure the stability of people's lives and the abundance of goods, Chen Yan developed a series of targeted livelihood industries, most of which were handled by Li Feng.

For example, grain procurement is one of them.

For example, Qingshan County was short of fish, so it set up Li's Fish Products to buy fresh fish from outside and then transport them back to sell to the people at a fair price.

Lianggu County happened to produce fish, so it was naturally the first choice.

This matter has always been kept secret, so Lianggu County has always thought that Li's Fish Products is a big merchant from the neighboring state of Sili, and did not know that it was actually an industry of Qingshan County.

After this incident, Chen Yan decided to deal with Xiong Jin and directly stopped the purchase of lake fish from Lianggu County.

Li's Fish Products originally had several targets for purchaseJust stop buying from this place and directly expand the purchase volume from other places.

But Xiong Jin's fishing company now has only one big customer like him. Once the cooperation is broken, the loss can be imagined.

Moreover, this is just the first step.

Soon, Xiong Jin will understand that his losses have just begun!

Two days later, the fish warehouse outside Lianggu County.

Xiong Jin's face was extremely ugly. Looking at the dead fish in the warehouse, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Chang Rui next to him looked even uglier than him and was dejected.

In the past two days, he tried his best to meet more than 30 fish merchants in other counties who had cooperated with him in the past.

As a result, no fish merchant was willing to take over!

This result is actually foreseeable. After all, Xiong Jin was greedy for high prices and broke the contract with them. Who would believe him now?

And more importantly, the forced buying and selling has spread to other counties!

Some of them, upon hearing that it was Chang Rui who was visiting, did not give him face as the county magistrate, and directly asked the doorman to turn him away!

Although the rest met, no one was willing to take over no matter how low Chang Rui pushed the price and promised to guarantee a long-term contract in the future.

This made Chang Rui and Xiong Jin realize that now it was not just about the tens of thousands of catties of fish in Curry.

The future business cooperation of the entire fishing company might be in trouble!

"Brother-in-law, what should we do now?" Chang Rui finally blurted out.

"Take all these dead fish out and sell them in small quantities!"

"One penny per fish, as many as you can sell!"

"Don't let them all go to waste!"

Xiong Jin roared with red eyes.

Chang Rui: "..."

This is tens of thousands of catties!

There are only a few thousand people in Lianggu County. If they eat as much as they want, they may not be able to finish eating until they get worms!

What's more, these are dead fish. Unless they are starving to death, who would eat this!

They don't even want it for free, let alone buy it with money?

Don't say that a penny is not money. For ordinary people, every penny is hard-earned money. How can they waste it on this!

But he didn't dare to refute Xiong Jin. The latter, who was heartbroken about the loss, would definitely be irritable at this moment. He must not be provoked, otherwise his position as the county magistrate would be lost!

"I understand, call someone to do it immediately."

Chang Rui said as he turned around and called someone.

Xiong Jin couldn't stand the smell of the fish depot, so he turned around and walked out of the fish depot quickly.

When he got outside, before he had time to catch his breath, a yamen runner came quickly: "Sir! The head of Cai came to the county government to find you, saying that there is an urgent matter!"

Xiong Jin said impatiently: "What urgent matter can she have? Tell her not to bother me!"

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