Cai Dadangjia is a big merchant in Lianggu County, running a variety of businesses.

But only a few people know that she was just a small trader at first, and later Xiong Jin took a fancy to her and invested a lot of money in her, which made her reach the scale she is today.

But because of this, Xiong Jin has to take a commission from all the business she has, and the commission is as high as 70%.

The yamen runner said cautiously: "Cai Dadangjia said that it is related to business. From the tone of the yamen, it seems that something terrible has happened."

Xiong Jin was stunned, and his heart skipped a beat for no reason.

Can't be so unlucky?

After a while, Xiong Jin returned to the yamen in an official sedan chair, and a beautiful woman was pacing back and forth in the back hall anxiously.

This beautiful woman is Cai Dadangjia.

Seeing him coming in, she immediately went to meet him and said anxiously: "Sir! Something happened!"

Xiong Jin felt more and more uneasy. He took a deep breath and asked: "What happened?"

The head of Cai said with an unpleasant face: "The tea cake business has gone wrong. The tea garden that supplies raw materials to our teahouse suddenly sent someone to inform me that they want to terminate the cooperation!"

Xiong Jin was shocked: "There is such a thing!"

The biggest business in Lianggu County is naturally fishing and hunting.

And below fishing and hunting is the tea cake business.

The head of Cai has four teahouses. They purchase tea from other places to make tea cakes, and then supply them to tea shops in big cities such as Wuyin.

Tea is cheap, and the price can be multiplied several times after being made into tea cakes. The teahouse can make a lot of money by earning the difference in the middle.

On average, there is more than 40,000 taels of water every year, and a stable profit of about 30,000 taels. Xiong Jin can get 20,000 taels of silver as a commission.

If there is a problem with this business, he will lose an extra income of 20,000 taels of silver. How can he not be anxious?

Cai Dadang sighed: "The most terrible thing is that we still have a lot of orders that are about to expire. If the supply of tea is cut off at this time, it will definitely affect our big customers!"

No matter which industry, doing business requires credit.

If they really fail to deliver the tea cakes on time, then people will not care why they are overdue, they will only think that they are unreliable and directly change their partners!

Xiong Jin is naturally clear about this.

But compared with this matter, he is more concerned about another matter at this moment.

Why is it so coincidental that everything happened at the same time?

This is the case with fish products, and so are tea cakes!

"Have you ever asked why the tea garden is like this?" Xiong Jin asked anxiously.

"They said..." Cai Dadang hesitated for a while, but finally said it, "It's not safe to do business with us. We force them to buy and sell, and they are afraid that we will do the same to them."

Xiong Jin's face lost all color, and his fat hands clenched immediately!

This is the same thing again!

No need to ask, it must be Chen Yan who spread the news to the tea garden!

Cai Da Dangjia didn't give him the opportunity to curse Chen Yan in his heart, and said helplessly: "Besides, it's not just this business that has problems. Our dye business has also had problems!"

Xiong Jin lost his voice and said: "What! Even the dye business has problems?"

Cai Da Dangjia said bitterly: "Not only."

Xiong Jin's face turned blue, and he trembled and said: "Could it be the cloth business..."

Cai Da Dangjia nodded dejectedly: "In addition to these big businesses, some of my other small businesses, especially the silk business that has just started, have all encountered problems!"

Cai Da Dangjia is a very capable businessman. At the beginning, Xiong Jin took a fancy to her, not only because he coveted her beauty, but also because of her outstanding business ability, which he could borrow.

Over the years, he has invested a lot of money in her business, and she has lived up to his expectations, making the business bigger and bigger, from the initial single business to more than a dozen businesses today.

Xiong Jin knew very well that she was different from Chang Rui, and was a person with real means.

If even she was helpless, it meant that the matter had really reached a desperate situation!

He tried to calm himself down, but his voice still trembled slightly uncontrollably: "Could the problem be..."

Chief Cai nodded vigorously: "Without exception, all of them are because the Qingshan County officials were forced to buy and sell here!"

Xiong Jin's eyes went dark, his fat body swayed, and he seemed to faint.

"Sir!" Chief Cai was startled and hurriedly supported him.

"Chen--Yan!" Xiong Jin barely stabilized his body and screamed, "You made me suffer so much!"

"What? Sir, what do you mean by this? Who is Chen Yan?" Chief Cai was shocked.

Xiong Jin supported the edge of the table and slowly sat down on the chair. It took him a while to calm down.

With a bleak face, he recounted the story of his feud with Chen Yan, but omitted the part about Tang Shuo, and only said that it was Zheng Yan who committed the crime of assault.

CaiThe boss' eyes widened when he heard this, and it was hard to believe that such a thing could happen.

"Bringing a dozen people, rushing here, and rescuing people?! How is this possible!" She murmured.

She knew Wu Ming's ability very well.

Adding three hundred people, he couldn't hurt the other party!

Qingshan County, this neighboring county, she would never have thought that there would be such a person!

Ordinarily, this should be impossible.

With such ability, he should have been famous long ago. She has been doing business for many years and has come into contact with many merchants going to Qingshan County. Why has she never heard of this person?

"What should I do now?" She came back to her senses and looked at Xiong Jin.

"What can I do?" Xiong Jin gritted his teeth, "I will issue a notice to deny the forced sale! The surname Chen spread this matter with just his mouth, and there is no evidence at all. I represent the government, there is no reason for them not to believe me!"

The boss of Cai fell silent.

She knew Xiong Jin's temper very well. He was not very capable, but stubborn.

No one could influence what he decided.

But she was not optimistic about whether this method would work.

After all, she knew Xiong Jin's reputation among the people very well. She was afraid that no one would believe him.

But now, she had to take it one step at a time!

Immediately, Xiong Jin asked someone to draft a notice, wrote dozens of copies, and posted them on the streets of Lianggu County.

The content was nothing more than denouncing the Qingshan County officials for slandering others, saying that the county did business according to conscience and never forced buying and selling.

As soon as the notice was posted, people gathered in front of each one.

"What the hell? Have we ever had forced buying and selling?"

"Look at what it says here. People came here and were forced to buy grain at a high price."

"No way? How could that happen!"

"Wait! A few days ago, wasn't there a foreigner who went to the county government office to beat the drum to complain?"

"Yes, I remember this, too. At that time, Lord Xiong didn't allow the people to enter the hall to listen to him try the case!"

"I remember that the person who complained about his injustice was sentenced to make trouble and expelled from the government office."

"Could it be that?"

"It's possible!"

"Could it be that Fatty Xiong did those wicked things again and posted notices to pretend to be innocent?"

"Shh! Are you going to die? Call him Fatty Xiong here!"

"I called him, so what! He does all kinds of shitty things every day and knows how to extort money from us ordinary people. Sooner or later, he will die a miserable death!"

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