In the county government, Xiong Jin was completely unaware that this matter had caused heated discussions among the people. He was quite proud of it and felt that his move was quite clever.

One day after the notice was posted, Xiong Jin asked Cai Dadangjia to go and negotiate with the business owners and downstream parties the next day. He was confident that there would be no big problem this time.

As a result, Cai Dadangjia returned to the county in the evening with a frosty face.

"How is it? How effective is my move?" Xiong Jin asked anxiously.

"Good, the effect is really great!" Cai Dadangjia gritted his teeth and said.

"The effect is good, why are you so angry?" Xiong Jin was dissatisfied.

Cai Dadangjia wanted to punch him in the fat face!

She suppressed her anger and spoke slowly.

It turned out that she went to find the people in the tea garden and assured them that there was no forced buying or selling. Even the government office posted a notice to prove that this matter was a rumor.

As a result, the other party's words made her feel cold.

"Master Cai, I have read the notice."

"Not only have I read it, I have also asked the people here."

"Do you know what they think of the notice?"

"I have asked more than 30 people, and no one believes what is said in the notice!"

Xiong Jin froze after hearing this.

After a long time, he said with difficulty: "Do other people also..."

The head of Cai sighed: "They all say the same thing. Sir, this method will not work."

Xiong Jin slammed his fist on the table and said viciously: "In this case, don't blame me for being rude! Send them an invitation tomorrow for me to invite them to Hongtu Tower for a banquet!"

The head of Cai said with a pale face: "My lord, what do you want to do!"

Xiong Jin gritted his teeth and said: "I will never allow those transactions to go wrong! They don't eat soft, so I'll use hard! Isn't it said to force buying and selling? I will force buying and selling to them to see! Let them know who has the final say in my Lianggu County!"

The head of Cai said in shock: "My lord, absolutely not!"

Xiong Jin glared at her fiercely, his eyes full of murderous light: "Do you want to go against me too?"

The head of Cai felt cold in his heart, how dare he say anything else?

The county magistrate, who was used to being domineering here, had been forced into a corner. If he really went against him again, he would do anything!

She had no choice but to agree and prepare to leave.

"Wait! They may not agree if you go there. I will send someone to accompany you."

Xiong Jin suddenly changed his mind and changed his words.

How could the head of Cai dare to refuse? He could only listen to him calling the yamen runners and go to the inn together.

The matter was getting bigger and bigger. She had no idea how to solve it. She could only take it one step at a time and do her best and leave it to fate!

At night, the largest restaurant in Lianggu County - Hongtu Tower.

As Xiong Jin expected, seeing the yamen runners coming together to "invite", several merchants did not dare to refuse and came to Hongtu Tower obediently.

"Please sit down, everyone, you're welcome!" Xiong Jin was already waiting there, forcing a smile on his fat face.

Several merchants sat down tremblingly.

The head of Cai lowered his head and sat down next to him.

"You all should know why I invited you here today, right?" Xiong Jin was not interested in beating around the bush with them, so he got straight to the point.

"Master Xiong, I really don't understand." One of them said boldly.

"Okay, if you don't understand, I'll tell you clearly." Xiong Jin paused, "It's rumored that there are forced sales under my jurisdiction. I invited you all here today to tell you in person that this matter is completely false and has never happened!"

Several people looked at each other, and no one said a word.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything. Anyway, I have my personal testimony, so you should believe that there is no such thing, right?" Xiong Jin continued, "So, you have no reason to stop your business cooperation with Mr. Cai. Are my words clear enough?"

When he said the last sentence, his tone had turned cold.

Several people couldn't help but sweat on their backs.

Completely false? Isn't what he is doing now forced sales!

But looking at the guards around, no one dared to refute.

If you go against him now, wouldn't you be courting death?

They are all outsiders. What if he gets angry and fabricates a crime and puts them in jail? They won't be able to complain at that time!

If I had known that this trip was so dangerous, I would never come here!

"Master Xiong, may I ask what you are doing now, isn't it forced buying and selling?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Several merchants were shocked.


Who said this in their heart!

"Who said it! Stand up!" Xiong Jin didn't hear who said it clearly, he slammed the table and glared at the merchants.

"No, no, no, I didn't say that!"

"It wasn't me either! I didn't say anything!"

Several merchants were frightened and spoke in a hurry.

But the head of Cai wasShe was stunned and turned to look at one of the walls.

"Sir, the sound seems to come from the next room." She blurted out.

"What! Who is next door?" Xiong Jin shouted even more angrily.

"I am Li Feng, the county magistrate of Qingshan County. If you are interested, you can come over to have a chat." A voice came from the next room, and it was indeed the voice that questioned just now!

Xiong Jin was shocked when he heard the number "Qingshan County Magistrate".

He stood up suddenly and rushed to the next room with several yamen runners. When he pushed the door open, he saw a man sitting alone at the table, drinking.

"Are you the county magistrate of Qingshan County? Why did you come to my Lianggu County?"

Xiong Jin looked at the other person up and down in doubt.

The man put down the wine glass and looked at him sharply: "Why are you here? Isn't it clear to you? Of course, it's because of the grain silver you owe me."

Xiong Jin was shocked. The other party was so direct, it was obvious that he came to his house deliberately to cause trouble!

He thought of the power of Chen Yan's group, and his heart trembled. He looked around.

"Don't worry, I came alone this time."

"Although my county magistrate wanted me to bring a few people, I refused."

"After all, Lord Xiong is a smart man, and he will not mess around."

The man said leisurely.

Xiong Jin's face was dark, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't understand what you mean, what do you mean by owing you grain silver?"

The man said lightly: "I was sent to your county to purchase grain, but the county magistrate instructed the grain merchants to forcibly take away 30,000 taels of silver. Did you make it clear enough?"

Xiong Jin was stunned: "What 30,000 taels? It's obviously 6,000..."

He suddenly reacted at this point, and secretly said that it was a close call, and he almost let it slip!

The man shook his head: "No, it's not six thousand taels, it's thirty thousand taels."

Xiong Jin laughed in anger: "Haha, it's interesting, he actually blackmailed me! Come on, arrest this blackmail liar for me!"

How could he not know the silver he had counted with his own hands? It was clearly six thousand taels! But this guy directly said it was thirty thousand taels, which was obviously to blackmail people!

At this moment, since he knew that the other party came alone without help, how could he be polite? Take him back to the county government first!

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