"I understand! I'll arrange it right away!" Zhang Dabiao said immediately.

After watching Zhang Dabiao leave, Chen Yan breathed a sigh of relief, climbed up from the recliner, and turned to walk towards the inner hall.

Qing'er's yoga class is now halfway through. I guess those young and beautiful girls in it are already sweating profusely, and their clothes must have been stuck to their bodies because of sweat...

Some moving scenery, it's the best time to see it!

After all, he is the owner here, it's normal to go to the warehouse to get things dozens of times! And to go to the warehouse, you have to pass by the door of the practice room, and he has to go back and forth there, which is reasonable!

Thinking of this, Chen Yan couldn't help but whistle, humming a song, with his hands behind his back, and walked into the inner hall leisurely.

Yesterday, Tang Yun sent Bai Lu to deliver a letter, informing that the ship and the customs clearance documents along the way have been prepared, and no government officials will come to inquire at the checkpoints.

The ship will arrive at noon today.

At that time, as long as his people get on the boat, they can go upstream to Tianxuan Mountain.

In addition to the escorting soldiers of the Nafu Camp, Chen Yan also arranged experts who are familiar with the characteristics of gunpowder to be responsible for the command of gunpowder transportation.

In total, there will be about 60 people.

Of course, he will not be included.

The journey is long and the boat is tiring. How can it be comfortable at home?

What's more, as the magistrate of Qingshan County, how can he leave here casually?

Although the county government of Qingshan County has been subdivided under his management, and all aspects of affairs have been handed over to his trusted county officials, even if he ascends to heaven on the spot, this place will not fall into chaos and can still operate well.

But of course, this matter cannot be known to others, otherwise if people guess that he did this for laziness, wouldn't it damage his image?

Before noon, the four large ships sent by Tang Yun arrived at the artificial port.

Chen Yan and his men were waiting there. More than a dozen women came down from the boat. The leader had a pretty face and a gentle temperament. Although she was not the kind of beauty that could overwhelm a country, she was very pleasing to the eye and made people want to get close to her.

"Master Chen, I am Xueyan, the guard of our boss. The boss asked me to be in charge of this trip to the north. Please give me more guidance, Master." The woman got off the boat and said softly.

Chen Yan had an impression of this woman. He remembered that she was one of the followers who had come to Qingshan County with Tang Yun. She was not talkative and was a relatively quiet type.

In the past, she was basically responsible for guarding the periphery, but Tang Yun let her be in charge of the trip to the north, so she was obviously not incompetent.

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Xue!" Chen Yan said with a smile, "There is no time to lose. I will have people go aboard to arrange it."

"Arrange? Isn't it just moving your secret weapon up?" Xueyan said in surprise.

"Move it directly up? If you are not afraid of being crushed to pieces on the way, then you can move it directly up." Chen Yan said lightly.

"Ah? Is it so serious? What arrangements should be made?" Xueyan was a little surprised.

"Not much, we need to have someone build a special gangway for boarding the ship first. Your kind won't work. We need to make the segmented iron plate longer, wider and thicker to prevent people from falling when standing unsteadily during transportation, and to reduce the effort of transportation."

"Then we need to lay down the padding in your cargo hold, and it needs to be three layers, and then lay down the non-slip mat on top."

"Then put the fixing frame on the mat and fix it with ropes, nails, etc."

"We also need to put anti-collision pads on the contact points to avoid too much vibration during transportation."


Chen Yan talked non-stop, and Xueyan was confused.

Is this for transporting goods or for sending me? So many preparations are needed to transport something?

Chen Yan looked at her expression and was secretly happy.

It's good to tell these to outsiders. No matter what he says, the other party can only believe it!

After finally listening to him, Xueyan said solemnly: "I didn't expect this matter to be so time-consuming, Lord Chen, I took it for granted! Then let's get started and try to set off before dark!"

Chen Yan immediately asked the boatmen to get busy, and the gunpowder experts on the ship were responsible for supervision and command.

He himself hid in the shade to rest, eat snacks and drink herbal tea, waiting for everything to be done.

While there were no outsiders nearby, Zhang Dabiao stood next to Chen Yan and asked in confusion: "Sir, I still don't understand why these protective measures you prepared are so much more than the items in our usual training?"

Some of the steps that Chen Yan said just now are indeed for anti-collision, waterproof and fireproof, etc., to ensure safety.

Gunpowder is an extremely dangerous and extremely important material. Places such as Nafuying and gunpowder factories usually include training on the transportation and storage of gunpowder, which will involve the steps that Chen Yan just said.

However, Chen Yan said more thanAmong the sixty measures, at least thirty-five of them were ones that Zhang Dabiao had never heard of!

Although he prepared those things according to Chen Yan's instructions, he still didn't understand why so many items that had never been added before were added.

Hearing this, Chen Yan smiled slightly.

"Biaozi, this is called business, understand?"

"This order is worth two hundred thousand taels of silver!"

"If our preparations seem too simple, people will think that we make money too easily and that their money is not worth spending."

"So we have to complicate the process and make everything look special!"

"This is called a sense of ritual. With it, even if I increase the price five times, they will think that the money is worth spending!"

Zhang Dabiao nodded as he listened, and slapped his thigh after listening: "Your Excellency's words really made me suddenly enlightened!"

Chen Yan glanced at him: "How much did you understand?"

Zhang Dabiao grinned: "When you talk about the complexity, I was confused..."

Chen Yan couldn't help but smile, and tapped him on the forehead: "Learn, learning is endless!"

Hundreds of people were busy on the four ships for two hours before the preparations were completed.

Then they moved the gunpowder onto the ship.

All gunpowder was packed in square wooden boxes. The wooden boxes were specially made. Each box had iron interlayer inside and was waterproofed to avoid accidents caused by misfires.

Seeing that the boxes were so painstaking, Xueyan was even more moved. It seemed that this secret weapon was really extraordinary, otherwise why would it be so serious?

However, when she saw the strange-shaped cars delivering the gunpowder boxes onto the ship, she was stunned.

"Sir, what is this?" she asked in surprise.

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