The main body of the car is a box-like structure, with doors on the left and right, and windows in the front and back.

Two people sat in the box, one in front and one in the back, stepping on the pedals at the same time, and the person in front was holding a disc-shaped object in his hand.

Under the box were two sets of wheels of different sizes, which seemed to be a car, but there were no cattle, horses, donkeys, mules or other livestock to pull it, so it moved forward slowly.

There was also a strange bracket in front of the box, and the box containing the "secret weapon" was placed on the bracket, which was stable and could transport four boxes at a time, from under the ship to the ship through a long special gangway, and then directly to the cargo hold.

After the people unloaded the boxes, the car turned around, got off the ship, and went to load and unload the boxes and continue to carry them.

During the whole process, except for the time when loading and unloading the boxes, human help was needed, and the rest of the time the two people on the car were responsible for stepping on the pedals and adjusting the direction.

This not only saved a lot of manpower, but also had high efficiency. Half of the boxes were loaded in a blink of an eye.

"Oh, this is called a 'forklift', which is specially used to transport goods." Chen Yan explained.

"How can this car move without anyone pulling it?" Xueyan asked in confusion.

"Did you see the two people on the car? They can move the forklift by stepping on the pedals."

"There is a chain under the pedals, which can drive the wheels, and the disc on it is the steering wheel, which is convenient for controlling the direction."

"When the time comes, I will arrange twelve forklifts and put them on the ship together. When we reach the place where the goods should be unloaded, we will use them to unload the goods."

"The advantage of this is that it is more stable and efficient than manual handling, and it can also save some effort."

Chen Yan tried to explain the situation in a way that she could understand.

This was developed by Chen Yan based on the forklift in his previous life memory. Qingshan County has gathered many skilled craftsmen. After Chen Yan told them his ideas and the general shape and ideas, they studied and designed it accordingly.

This version of the forklift is naturally very different from the forklift he had before. For example, the most basic power can only be powered by manpower. If one person is alone, the load capacity will be much less, so he chose the two-person driving mode.

Another example is that the electric probe lifting device cannot be realized, and it can only be adjusted manually with a fixed fork frame.

Many other parts are also relatively rough.

But even so, it has far exceeded the efficiency of ordinary manpower in carrying goods, so now the loading and unloading of goods at the artificial port is basically done with it.

This is just one application of Chen Yan's vehicle research. He has many other ideas, which are now gradually being carried out in the workshop.

Some vehicles can even be used in actual combat, but due to various reasons, Chen Yan has not promoted them vigorously, and only used tools such as forklifts.

"This seems a bit like the legendary wooden ox and flowing horse." Xueyan said in surprise, staring at the forklifts coming and going without blinking.

"How can it be so magical? Theirs is semi-automatic, mine is manual. But then again, how did Miss Xue know about wooden oxen and flowing horses?" Chen Yan was a little surprised.

Could it be that there are also divine craftsmen in the Great Zhou Dynasty who can actually develop wooden oxen and flowing horses?

However, wooden oxen and flowing horses can be used in places with inconvenient transportation. But in flat areas, their use is not as good as ox carts and horse carts, and their speed is extremely slow. They can only run a few dozen miles a day at most, and their use is quite limited.

When Chen Yan first started to study forklifts, he also tried wooden oxen and flowing horses, and made several versions, but later he felt that this thing was a special tool. He built cement roads in Qingshan County, and there were flat roads everywhere. It was really inconvenient to use it, so he put it aside.

Xueyan was watching a forklift passing by and said casually: "My father is a craftsman. He got the blueprint of the wooden ox and flowing horse from a strange man. Later, we adjusted some details and made a batch."

Chen Yan was moved and said: "'We'? So, Miss Xue is also good at this?"

Xueyan was stunned, turned her head to look at him, and suddenly her cheeks turned slightly red. She said shyly: "I used to think that I did have some knowledge in this area, but when I saw the forklifts here, I realized that what I knew was far from the master craftsman in your county, and it was not worth mentioning!"

Zhang Dabiao interrupted: "What master craftsman? These forklifts were all designed by our master!"

Xueyan couldn't help but shudder, and looked at Chen Yan in disbelief.

Chen Yan coughed lightly and said, "Don't talk nonsense. I just provided some ideas. The real heroes are the craftsmen of Qingshan County."

Zhang Dabiao said quickly, "Yes, yes, I am sorry for saying too much."

Xue Yan smiled sweetly, "You are so modest."

This is not just about this matter.

Tang Yun actually broughtMany Fengling Guards.

However, most of the time, Fengling Guards were responsible for the outer guard duty, and she usually kept only a few confidants around her. Especially after knowing that Qingshan County was so safe that there were no thieves or gangsters, she often only brought one or two people with her.

Therefore, Xueyan followed Tang Yun almost every time she came here, but only on the periphery.

Not only did she see Chen Yan say that he didn't want to be famous, but just wanted to stay here to make money, but she also heard from the people that this Lord Chen has always been low-key and not fond of publicity.

Combined with the forklift incident at this moment, she couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of her heart.

At this time, she smiled, and her color instantly increased a lot, like a begonia blooming, which made the two grown men stunned.

Xueyan's cheeks flushed even more, and she quickly put away her smile and said, "I wonder if you can let me take a closer look at the so-called forklift?"

Chen Yan came back to his senses and said happily, "Of course there is no problem. Biaozi, take Miss Xueyan to find an idle forklift."

Zhang Dabiao immediately said, "Yes, sir!"

Xueyan hesitated for a moment, but said, "Xueyan dares to ask you to accompany me, sir, I wonder if it is possible? I have some questions about forklifts, and I hope someone can answer them."

Zhang Dabiao and Chen Yan looked at each other in astonishment, and the former showed an envious look.

It seems that peach blossom luck is really mysterious.

He Zhang Dabiao is also a mighty man, why do these beauties always like to be alone with you?

Chen Yan can see through his thoughts, and he can't help but feel moved.

Could it be that this Miss Xueyan is really interested in him?


Anyway, accompanying a beautiful woman is not a hard job, just go.

While the goods were still being loaded, the two found an idle forklift and pushed it to the open space nearby.

Xueyan looked at the forklift up and down, left and right, and back and forth several times, and was amazed.

She was originally a quiet and calm person. She rarely showed surprise when she saw many new things in Qingshan County.

For example, cosmetics, or various snacks with white sugar, and clothes of various styles, etc. Although she was curious, she was not as easily startled as other Fengling Guards.

But at this moment, she seemed to have changed into a different person, and was amazed again and again beside the forklift.

The ingenious structure of the car, the delicate parts, and the many strange parts made of steel made her feel like she saw her favorite toy. She was excited and excited, and she kept asking Chen Yan questions.

Chen Yan soon realized that he and Zhang Dabiao were wrong.

She looked for him not because of her luck in love, but because she really just wanted to ask him technical questions!

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