This girl is obviously a very capable craftsman. The questions she asks are often to the point. She ponders from time to time and often shows an expression of gaining something.

Fortunately, accompanying a beautiful woman is not a hard job, so Chen Yan patiently accompanies her.

"It's a pity that Miss Xueyan already has an employer. With your accomplishments, if you come to Qingshan County to be a craftsman, you will definitely make a difference!" Chen Yan sighed.

Xueyan was also a little happy to hear him say this.

She asked no less than a hundred questions. From Chen Yan's answers, she could tell that this Mr. Chen might not be very good at actual craftsmanship, but he did have amazing ideas and creativity in structural design!

Compared with him, her level in this area is almost the same as that of a beginner.

Being praised by him is a great affirmation of her craftsmanship.

Originally, Tang Yun's original intention of training Fengling Guards was not just to learn boxing and kicking.

Skills are naturally the most basic aspect.

But in addition to this, she deliberately selected women with different abilities to form the Fengling Guard.

For example, there are those who are good at investigation, those who are good at traps, those who are good at layout and planning, and even those who are good at cooking.

One of the most important reasons why Xueyan was selected is her extraordinary attainments in wood products from her family.

But after becoming a Fengling Guard, most of the things she made were small gadgets, which were not very challenging, let alone innovation.

Tang Yun was concerned about the general situation of the world, and did not pay attention to her abilities. She rarely heard praises like Chen Yan. When she heard it at this time, she felt that her most proud skill was appreciated by others, and she felt like she had met a mentor, so she was naturally happy.

After studying back and forth for half an hour, Xueyan sighed: "The wooden ox and flowing horse have already amazed Xueyan, but today I saw this car, and I know what a real artifact is!"

The practicality of the forklift is not her focus.

The design of the transmission and steering device on this car completely broadened her horizons, and that was what she really cared about. She had never known that there could be such an ingenious design in the world!

This Lord Chen was still modest and said that it was not as magical as the wooden ox and the flowing horse, but this was much more magical than that!

Chen Yan said perfunctorily: "Thank you for the compliment."

He was tired of standing for so long, and was thinking about whether to find an excuse to leave and rest.

But Xueyan said excitedly: "Sir, can I go up and try it?"

Chen Yan didn't care, and guided her to get on the car and briefly explained how to operate it.

Xueyan held the steering wheel nervously and stepped hard.

The forklift didn't move at all.

Chen Yan slapped his forehead: "Oh, this is a four-pedal design, which requires two people to work together. It's really hard for you, a girl, to step on it. Forget it, I'll do a good deed and help you."

He climbed onto the car and sat down behind Xueyan.

"Oh!" Xueyan didn't expect him to come up. She felt the heat coming from behind and was startled. Her cheeks flushed and she subconsciously wanted to dodge forward.

"Don't move. Sit still, lean forward slightly, and step on the pedal well."

"Feel my pedaling rhythm, and let's work together."

"Don't think this is a physical job. It also requires a lot of skills. The coordination of the two is very important."

"Wow, your waist is so thin!"

Chen Yan said seriously while holding her slender waist with both hands, and couldn't help but sigh.

Thin and soft, the touch is really amazing!

"Master Chen, you..."

Xueyan was caught off guard and her body trembled.

Oh my God!

Could this guy take advantage of her by helping her?

But when she thought about it, it was true that in the forklifts she had seen before, the person sitting in the back would hold the body of the person in front to maintain balance, otherwise it would be difficult to exert force on the pedal.

But she was a girl, unlike those big men!

Chen Yan was stunned and said, "What's wrong?"

Xue Yan said with red cheeks, "Sir, can you change...change your hand to another place?"

Chen Yan suddenly realized, "You are ticklish, right? Okay. How about here?"

As he said that, he raised his hand and put it on her fragrant shoulder.

But the man's hand is big, if he puts it on her shoulder, his fingers will inevitably touch her neck.

Xue Yan's body trembled slightly, and she felt the tingling and heat brought by his fingers touching the skin on the side of her neck. Her cheeks were red as blood, and she said in panic, "This...this is not okay!"

Chen Yan was stunned and said, "Then where to put it? Should I put it here?"

The hand slid down and put it under her armpit, and the fingertips immediately felt a little arc.

Xue Yan was horrified and reflexively clamped her arm: "This is even worse!"

Chen Yan was secretly happy in his heart, but on the surface he said in embarrassment: "Then where should I put it? There must be a place to hold it!"

Xue Yan's ears were allHer face was red, and there was nothing she could do, so she had to say, "Why don't you just put your hands on my waist?"

Chen Yan smiled and put his hands back on her slender waist.

But he didn't do anything more, instead he urged her, "Step on it! I'll count the beats, and you try to keep up. One, two, three, one, two, three..."

Xue Yan barely suppressed the confusion in her heart, and felt that he really didn't seem to be taking advantage of her intentionally. She cursed herself for being too suspicious, and hurriedly followed the beat and stepped on the pedals hard.

With such concerted efforts, the forklift finally moved.

Xue Yan immediately forgot about everything else, excitedly and nervously controlled the steering wheel, and went forward.

I have to say that the steering wheel is really easy to use. Soon she mastered the skills and drove the forklift back and forth on the open space, excited, like a child playing with a new toy that he had never played with before for the first time.


"Ah! It's fast! Slow down!"

"Which brake is it? I forgot!"

"Master Chen, please use more force!"


Chen Yan was pedaling hard in the back. He usually did less physical work and had less physical strength, but even though he was sweating all over, he still pedaled hard.

The main reason was that Xueyan was so focused on driving the forklift that she didn't notice that his hands moved up and down on her waist from time to time with the rhythm of the pedaling action, satisfying his desire to use his hands.

Oh, why didn't I think of this trick in the past? I should find more girls to drive this forklift later. Of course, it's mainly for exercise, and it has nothing to do with taking advantage of others!

Or just get one and put it in the county government office, and drive it with Qing'er. It must be very interesting.

When Chen Yan was pedaling and thinking about it, Xueyan suddenly exclaimed: "Oh no!"

The next moment, he suddenly pulled the handbrake.

The forklift suddenly braked. Chen Yan was caught off guard and fell forward due to inertia, pressing Xueyan's whole body onto the steering wheel.


Amid Xueyan's screams, Chen Yan frantically pushed and pulled away from her for a long time. Before she could scold him for taking advantage of her, he bit back and shouted, "Why did you brake so suddenly when there was nothing wrong!"

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