Jin Ze paced back and forth in the room for several circles. The more he thought about it, the greater the possibility became.

After a long time, he stopped and nodded, saying, "You make a lot of sense! So according to you, you want to give the five thousand taels?"

Zeng Hong said helplessly, "It's not okay not to give it! If you don't give it, Chen Yan might really send the two adults back for a strict trial. By then, the adults will let the two of them steal evidence of corruption and bribery, which will be exposed, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

This matter is serious. Chen Yan can sue Jin Ze for framing him. Even if he fails, it will definitely have a great impact on his career!

And more importantly, his reputation as an honest official in this life will be completely ruined if he is tarnished with the reputation of "framing officials"!

Jin Ze's face changed several times, and he finally sighed: "Alas, how can I come up with five thousand taels of silver?"

Zeng Hong coughed lightly: "Ahem, just because you can't come up with it doesn't mean that others can't come up with it."

Jin Ze looked at him in shock: "So, you want to help me..."

Zeng Hong was shocked and said hurriedly: "I can't come up with so much silver either!"

Jin Ze frowned and said: "Then what's the point of saying so much?"

Zeng Hong whispered: "If one person can't come up with it, everyone can come up with it together."

Jin Ze finally understood, his eyes lit up: "That makes sense! Originally, this matter was something that everyone agreed on, and it was everyone's responsibility, so naturally we should share it together!"

Zeng Hong went out and called the others in, closed the door, and explained the reason.

Everyone changed color.

"Well, there are only a few of us here, so each of us has to pay nearly a thousand taels?!"

"Yes! How can I afford so much!"

"If it's a few dozen taels, it's fine. I can't afford more."

Everyone was talking, and everyone was frowning.

Jin Ze was furious.

When they came up with bad ideas before, everyone rushed to do it.

Now that they have to pay the silver, everyone is like a penniless family!

"Humph! In this case, there is no need to mention this matter anymore!" Jin Ze said gloomily, "When this matter is exposed, we will all take it together!"

Everyone looked at each other, speechless for a while.

Zeng Hong said anxiously: "Please calm down, Minister! My lords, things have come to this point. If you can't get the silver together, it will be a problem whether you can keep your official positions! Can't you see which is more important?"

Everyone was still hesitating.

Zeng Hong sighed and said, "We are all family, so there is no need to hide it. If you ignore this matter today, it's fine. Lord Jin and I will work hard to collect the silver. But it will not be nice to meet in the court in the future!"

Everyone was shocked.

There is something behind his words!

The highest-ranking official here is Jin Ze, who is from the first rank, and he may even be promoted in the future. If he does something bad, they, the third and fourth rank officials, will have trouble in the court!

Zeng Hong saw the change in everyone's expression and softened his tone: "How about this? Everyone, do what you can, and I will take care of the rest!"

At this point, someone finally said, "Lord Zeng is right, I agree to pay 400 taels."

Someone spoke up, and the others finally relaxed.

"Then I'll take 300 taels. I really can't take it out."

"I can take 600 taels at most. I can't take more."

"I'll take 200 taels too."

After everyone finished speaking, the total amount was only 2,000 taels.

Zeng Hong looked at Jin Ze, who hesitated for a moment and said helplessly: "I'll try to get 200 taels."

There were still 2,800 taels left. Zeng Hong said decisively: "The rest, I'll find a way! Please agree to Chen Yan's request at that time, and tell him that he doesn't have enough silver with him. I'll give it to him when I get back to the shore."

Jin Ze was relieved and nodded, saying: "Master Zeng, you've worked hard."

Zeng Hong hurriedly said: "This is what I should do."

The rest of the people cursed in their hearts.

Zeng Hong is indeed better than them in currying favor with his superiors!

Although he spent 2,800 taels of silver, Jin Ze will definitely help him if there is something good in the future, and he will make a lot of money!

"Then let's go take a rest first, and we'll talk about it later when we catch up with Chen Yan." Jin Ze said again.

Then everyone said goodbye and left.

When he got outside and watched everyone disperse, Zeng Hong's eyes suddenly flashed with a strange look, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

It's done!

Jin Ze, this tough guy, finally showed his flaws this time!


Soon, Sister Ping'er realized that something was wrong.

Although the small building ship in front slowed down, it still maintained a speed similar to the maximum speed of her ship.

As a result, although her ship could see the small building ship, it could not get closer and always maintained a distance of about fifty feet.

If she didn't want to lose it, sheThe boats on the other three boats kept running at the fastest speed.

As time went on, the sailors on the other three boats gradually couldn't hold on and slowed down one after another.

Only the boat she was on, under her orders, the sailors dared not relax. Although they were exhausted, they still rowed hard and chased after them.

"Sister Ping'er, the other boats are far behind." Mangzi stepped forward cautiously and said.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we follow closely and don't lose them, the others can turn around and catch up." Sister Ping'er said coldly, her eyes never leaving the small building boat.

The boats in the river gradually became scarce.

The sun gradually slid towards the west.

When there were about 20 miles away from Chengtang Lake, there were almost no other boats on the river.

The small building boat suddenly stopped quickly and stopped quietly on the river in front.

Sister Ping'er was startled and hurriedly asked her brothers to slow down and slowly approach the small building boat.

At this time, there were no other boats around. If her boat stopped again, it would look strange. She had to pretend to pass by and pass by the small boat first.

Just when the ferry was less than ten feet away from the small boat, a shocking scene suddenly appeared.

The small boat hovering in the middle of the river suddenly rotated on the spot!

"Something is wrong!" Sister Ping'er felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart and shouted, "Everyone, be alert!"

"Sister, has that guy discovered us?" Mangzi also became alert.

"Most likely they have been exposed. In this case, let's just do it directly!"

"Even if we can't take them down, we can entangle them and wait for the brothers to catch up."

"Catch them all in my net and take them to see Master Tan!"

Sister Ping'er said viciously, while she lifted up the hem of her skirt and tucked it into her belt. She tied the belt tightly again, and suddenly she looked heroic!

However, this also made her waist even slimmer, and her front looked even taller. Several men nearby couldn't help but secretly stare at her, swallowing their saliva.

"Everyone, get ready!" Sister Ping'er picked up a spear gun and shouted.

"Okay!" Everyone responded loudly, and they all picked up their weapons.

Some picked up the lasso and the springboard, ready to kill directly on the ship after the two ships approached.

At this moment, the small building ship turned 180 degrees on the spot and stopped.

Originally, the stern was facing the ferry, but now it became the bow facing the ferry.

Instantly, everyone on the ferry was petrified!

"What...what is that!" Mangzi's face changed drastically and he exclaimed.

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