At the front of the bow, six thick spikes about ten feet long appeared at some point, forming a thorn bush.

Each spike was as thick as a thigh at its thickest point, in the shape of a cone, pitch black, and exuding a sharp chill!

Sister Ping'er was the first to react from the shock, screaming, "Everyone, row with all your strength! Turn right!"

However, before others could react, the small building boat that was originally hovering in the middle of the river suddenly started again, but this time it was heading towards the ferry!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The morale was high, and the guys also copied, but who could have imagined that the other party would choose to ram the boat with a boat, and did not give them the opportunity to attack on the boat!


The ferry had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the small building boat at the bow. The six spikes instantly pierced the bow, and several people standing on the bow were directly hit by the spikes that came through, and screams rang out wildly with blood splattering!

One of them was even pierced through the chest and hung on one of the spikes, dying on the spot!

But no one had time to pay attention to the tragic situation on the bow.

The people on the side of the ship fell off the ship in this horrible collision, and the others were also shaken and fell on the deck, rolling around in a miserable state.

What's more terrible is that after the small building ship hit the ferry, it did not stop, but actually increased its strength, pushing the ferry back to the left bank quickly.


Finally, the ferry was pushed against the shore, and the left rear port was instantly collapsed. On the side of the hull, the remaining people on the ship also fell into the water.

But it's not over yet.

The small building boat continued to push the ferry to death like a monster. The river bank was much higher than the ferry. Under the double attack of the small building boat and the river bank, the hull of the ferry was constantly squeezed and collapsed. The boat was soon destroyed to only half of the boat, and finally it was completely crushed. The sails, decks, cabins, etc. were torn into pieces and scattered all over the river!

The worst thing was the rowers in the oar cabin. They were all trapped inside with nowhere to escape. No one was spared under this horrible squeeze, and all died!

The river surface was stained red with blood!

The small building boat finally stopped its forward momentum, like a victorious beast, and the sharp horns in front strung the remaining half of the ferry's bow on it, like a trophy.


"My arm! My arm is broken! Help me!"

"My leg! Help me, I can't swim!"


The screams continued, and the river within a ten-foot range continued to rise into the air. The river was full of people struggling for help, but only a few of them were not injured and swam desperately towards the shore.

On the small building boat, Xueyan and Chen Yan stood by the window of the second-floor room of the boat building, watching the tragic scene.

The former just watched the whole process and couldn't believe it ended so quickly!

Before the small building boat stopped, Chen Yan brought her here and told her to hold on to the handrail on the wall.

At that time, Xueyan was still confused and didn't know why she did this. As a result, she saw that the small building boat actually chose to die together and directly crashed into the ferry!

Da Zhou also had a navy, and the army also had ramming ships specially designed for ramming.

But this move is a tactic of mutual destruction. Sometimes, the ramming ship may not even sink the other ship, but it is almost certain that the ship will be damaged and sunk.

The small building ship is their only ship. Using it as a ramming ship is crazy!

But when the collision occurred, there was no violent shock as she expected.

Although the ferry experienced a result like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, Xueyan only felt that the small building ship was like a sneeze. Although it shook violently at first, forcing her to hold on to the handrail tightly to avoid falling, the subsequent shock was much smaller.

She didn't even need to hold on to the handrail to stand firmly.

This ship is like an indestructible body, and the recoil force it withstands is surprisingly small.

Or in other words, the recoil force is not small, but its bearing capacity is too strong, which makes the recoil force seem a little smaller.

As for the heavy casualties in the river, although she was also reluctant, she was not so shocked.

When she followed Tang Yun to fight, she had seen many more tragic scenes than this one, and she knew how fragile life was on the battlefield.

"You lost." Chen Yan suddenly said.

Xueyan came back to her senses, feeling a little complicated.

When the small building ship slowed down under Chen Yan's order, she asked what happened, and Chen Yan told her to start here. At that time, Xueyan asked him if she needed to join the battle, but Chen Yan said no, because the battle would be over in a moment.

Xueyan didn't believe it at all, and couldn't help but said, "It's not that fast."

As a result, Chen Yan immediately took the opportunity and said to her: "How about a bet? This battle will be over before I count to one hundred. If you lose, agree to one of my conditions; if I lose,I will teach you how to solve the Rubik's Cube. "

Xue Yan didn't believe it and agreed to the bet.

Originally, she was just nervous before the battle and wanted to relax with him. As a result, the facts proved that Chen Yan's prediction was correct.

When the small building ship stopped attacking, Chen Yan had only counted to sixty.

She couldn't help but look at Chen Yan and wanted to speak, but suddenly she was stunned.

She saw that his eyes were surprisingly calm. Although he was still concentrating on the tragedy in the river, he didn't have any pity or reluctance.

Instead, there was a kind of coldness as if he had seen through everything.

She trembled slightly and instantly thought of Tang Yun.

On the battlefield, the only female emperor in ancient and modern times was also so resolute.

Only a natural commander can have Such eyes!

This is another side she has never seen before. How many secrets does Chen Yan have that she has not discovered?


A light sound suddenly came from the deck.

The two turned their heads and saw a plump woman standing on the deck with a pale face. She didn't know where she came from.

Her hair was messy and her clothes were torn, but she was not injured. Only the front was torn, revealing the bright red bellyband inside, and the tender white scenery that was not completely covered by the bellyband.

The contrast between this fragrance and the miserable situation in the river was so strong that Xueyan was stunned.

At this moment, the woman also looked up at them and gritted her teeth and said, "You dog official! Give me back my brother's life! "

As she spoke, she rushed forward a few steps, and when she reached the bottom of the boat, she leaped up to a height of more than two meters, grabbed the eaves of the second floor, and used the force upwards to flip up immediately. She was extremely agile!

Xueyan was shocked.

This woman is really skilled!

And her fierceness is really amazing.

She just saw that this woman was standing on the ferry before. After the other people, whether injured or not, struggled to the shore, they all climbed ashore in a panic and fled to the forest on the shore.

But this woman actually got on the small boat and attacked Chen Yan with a direct move!

At this time, Sister Ping'er climbed up to the second floor, and with a few small steps, she came to the window and grabbed Chen Yan's chest from the window.

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