Sister Ping'er had dropped the spear she was holding earlier, but even with bare hands, she was able to capture this officer who obviously had never practiced martial arts!

By then, with a hostage in hand, even if the other party still had subordinates, she could turn defeat into victory!

Chen Yan sneered slightly and did not dodge.

It was childish to think that she could deal with him on the boat!

The soldiers hiding in the dark had already prepared with crossbows and arrows, and they were guaranteed to shoot her full of holes!

But Xueyan, who was standing aside, didn't know that he had already made sufficient preparations, and exclaimed: "My lord, be careful!"

After saying that, she jumped onto the windowsill in one step and kicked Sister Ping'er first!

The latter couldn't help but be surprised. She didn't pay much attention to Xueyan at first, thinking that she was just a concubine or a maid, but she didn't expect her skills to be so amazing.

She was standing on the narrow and slanted eaves at the moment, and there was no room to dodge at all. She had to retract her hand that was grabbing Chen Yan and block Xueyan's kick.


Amid the sound of fighting, Sister Ping'er was shocked and fell back to the deck.

Xueyan did not give her a chance to breathe. She jumped down from the second floor like a young swallow, landed lightly on the deck, and swung her fists repeatedly.

Because it was inconvenient to carry a knife when serving Chen Yan, she usually took off her sword and could only fight with bare hands at this moment.

But the Fengling Guards were all experts in fists, feet, swords and guns, and even with bare hands, every move was sharp.

For a while, even though Sister Ping'er was agile, she was attacked and retreated repeatedly. She retreated five or six steps before finally finding an opportunity to counterattack and launched a counterattack.

On the window sill on the second floor, Chen Yan looked at the two women fighting each other below in astonishment and made a gesture.

The soldiers of the Nafu Camp who were about to take action in the dark all temporarily suppressed the crossbows in their hands and did not attack.

He had never seen Xueyan take action. He was used to her gentle and obedient service and her shyness in letting him tease her. Now, seeing her sharp skills, he couldn't help but have a different kind of appreciation.

Although she couldn't compare with the soldiers in his Nafu Camp, it shouldn't be a problem for her to deal with a dozen ordinary strong men.

Oh, if she could wear that hollow nightgown and fight with others, it would be perfect!

Chen Yan sighed in his heart while lying on the windowsill with relish, squinting his eyes to appreciate the fight between the two women below.

A soldier quietly came to Chen Yan from behind and whispered, "Sir, do you want someone to help Miss Xueyan?"

Chen Yan said without turning his head, "What help? The two young women below are sexy and slender. Look at their arms waving, their fingers grasping and twisting, their long legs intertwined, and their waves surging. How beautiful! It's over so quickly, don't you think it's a pity?"

Wei Chuan was confused when he heard it. The two women were fighting to death, but the scene was said by the adults. Why did it taste different? Although the description was indeed true.

He stared at it for a moment, and was immediately moved: "Your Excellency is wise! It's really different to watch the fight between two women from a different angle!"

Chen Yan was in the mood and said, "How about we make a bet? One tael of silver, just play it casually. Let's bet whether they will end up pulling hair, slapping, and pinching thighs."

Wei Chuan laughed and said, "Your Excellency is joking! Let's not talk about that female thief. Miss Xueyan is very skilled. How could she do such a shrewish thing? One tael of silver, I bet!"

Just after he finished speaking, Sister Ping'er below suddenly exclaimed, retreated several steps, and folded her arms.

Just now, she had counterattacked repeatedly and had forced Xueyan to the side of the ship. The latter was in danger. In a hurry, she suddenly grabbed the other's torn collar and tore off most of it!

"You are shameless!" Sister Ping'er was shocked and angry. The outer shirt was torn, and the bellyband inside was small and tight, covering a limited area. If she didn't use her hands to block it, her spring scenery would immediately leak out!

"Hmph!" Xueyan completely lost her usual calmness. She snorted coldly, ignored the other party's words, and attacked again and again.

She and Tang Yun fought outside, and knew the truth that life and death were ruthless on the battlefield. Being soft on the enemy was being cruel to yourself!

As long as you can win the opponent, do whatever it takes!

Moral dignity, that is something you can only have when you are sure of victory!

The situation of the battle turned in an instant. Sister Ping'er defended for several rounds, and could only fight with one hand. After a few moves, Xueyan seized the opportunity and swept her to the ground with a sweeping kick.

Sister Ping'er didn't care about protecting the torn part of her clothes. She hugged Xueyan's left leg and pulled it hard.

Xueyan screamed, lost her balance, and fell on her.

Sister Ping'er no longer had to protect her chest. She grabbed Xueyan's hair and pulled it wildly.


Xueyan felt the pain and grabbed her hair, biting the side of Sister Ping'er's neck.


Sister Ping'er screamed in pain and grabbed the soft flesh on Xueyan's waist with her other hand and twisted it violently.Xueyan couldn't help but let go while crying. Sister Ping'er immediately turned over and pressed her down, slapping her face fiercely.

Xueyan had to let go of the hand that was pulling her hair to protect her head and face. With the other hand, she grabbed Sister Ping'er's bright red bellyband and pulled it with all her strength.


The bellyband rope broke!


Sister Ping'er quickly withdrew her hand while screaming, hugged the bellyband that was about to fall, and Xueyan took the opportunity to flip her over.

Chen Yan was very excited watching from above!

Here it comes, it finally comes!

This is how beautiful women fight, it's fun!

Wei Chuan was dumbfounded.

This scene was completely going in the direction predicted by the adults!

If it weren't for the wreckage of the ferry still floating on the river, proving the cruelty of this battle, just looking at the fight between the two women, who would have thought that this was a fight between life and death, it was simply a fight between street shrews!

"You lost, give it to me! Haha!" Chen Yan stretched out his hand while staring at the bottom.

"Your Excellency is wise, I am convinced of my defeat!" Wei Chuan said sincerely, took out a tael of silver and presented it respectfully.

"This can't be blamed on you, you are just too young and have too little life experience!" Chen Yan took it and said with a smile, "It's almost over, catch that woman, and deal with the others according to the rules."

"Yes!" Wei Chuan received the order, stepped directly onto the windowsill, jumped down, stepped forward to block Xueyan who had just climbed up and was about to pounce on Sister Ping'er, "Miss Xueyan, you have worked hard, leave it to me."

"This woman is quite strong, you... be careful!" Xueyan had just finished half of the sentence when she was surprised to see Sister Ping'er climb up from the deck and kicked Wei Chuan, who was facing away from her, in the back of the head!

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