In fact, Chen Yan was also very excited.

Since he had traveled to an ancient world, he couldn't have no ambitions in his heart.

However, compared to ambitions, Chen Yan felt that enjoying life and living his own life was more important.

Now that he had the opportunity to build a steel plant, Chen Yan was naturally very happy, so he agreed to Xun Yufei's craving.

"Okay, I asked someone to kill a pig this morning, so you'll have a treat."

Xun Yufei's eyes lit up immediately, and he pursed his lips gently, as if he had smelled the aroma of braised pork.

"It's just pork, is it really that delicious?" He Jinyao still didn't quite believe it.

"Pork needs to be processed in some way to taste delicious. The people of Dazhou don't know how to raise pigs, let alone how to kill pigs, so it tastes bad and is called cheap meat." Chen Yan said with a smile.

Hearing this, He Jinyao immediately became interested.

Pork, which is related to people's livelihood, is exactly the management scope of the Ministry of Households.

"How should we raise and kill pigs?" He Jinyao asked.

Chen Yan shook his head and did not answer in a hurry: "It is useless to say anything now. Butler He does not believe that pork can be made delicious. It is not too late to discuss it in detail after dinner tonight."

He Jinyao deeply agreed that what he heard was false and what he saw was true.

As for whether pork is really delicious, you will know after tasting it yourself.

Chen Yan looked at the time and it was indeed time for the kitchen to prepare dinner, so he instructed: "Qing'er, let the kitchen start preparing now. There must be two dishes, braised pork and braised pig's trotters. You can decide for yourself for the rest."

Lu Qing'er bowed slightly, "I will do it right away."

Several people continued to chat about the steel plant. About an hour later, the kitchen had prepared the meal, and several people went to the dining room.

As soon as they stepped into the dining room, a smell of meat came to their noses.

"Yes, yes, that's the smell!" Xun Yufei was overjoyed and his eyes lit up.

"Well, this smell... can really be said to be fragrant." Tang Yun was slightly surprised. As an emperor, he usually ate very well, but she rarely smelled such a strong meat smell without any unpleasant smell.

In the palace of Da Zhou, the most common meat is venison, followed by beef.

In addition to making meat soup, some braised beef or venison are also made.

Meat in Da Zhou is basically cooked in this way.

Occasionally, there are cooking methods, but because of the meat smell, few people are willing to eat it that way.

But the smell in front of him is obviously different from the meat he had eaten before, and Tang Yun also became interested for a while.

"Look at the dishes on the table, why are they so different from the last time I came?" He Jinyao glanced at the table and said subconsciously.

The last time he and Tang Yun had dinner at the county government, Chen Yan treated him and Tang Yun with traditional food from Da Zhou.

Although there were braised beef and venison, which were also good wine and food, they were obviously not as good as today's many dishes, which made people's eyes shine.

"Humph, that day was nothing more than fooling you and me." Tang Yun said unhappily.

She was not stupid. If Xun Yufei had not been with her today, Chen Yan would still not have taken out so many exquisite dishes to entertain them.

Chen Yan said perfunctorily: "Today, we just slaughtered pigs. There happened to be pork, but there was no pork that day."

Tang Yan and He Jinyao certainly did not believe it, but neither of them continued to say anything.

Everyone sat down, and almost everyone's eyes fell on the crystal clear amber braised pork.

There was no way. For the people of Da Zhou who were used to eating beef and venison, this form of meat was too rare and too tempting.

"This is the braised pork, you can try it." Chen Yan smiled faintly.

The host spoke, and everyone could start eating.

He Jinyao suppressed his curiosity and looked at Tang Yun.

Tang Yun was the emperor, so naturally he had to taste it first.

Tang Yun was relieved about Chen Yan, so there was no need to taste the poison. She stretched out her chopsticks and picked up the braised pork.

However, at this moment, the piece of meat that Tang Yun was aiming at was taken away by someone.

It was none other than Xun Yufei.

He Jinyao was still secretly observing the etiquette between the monarch and his subjects, but Xun Yufei had already forgotten it.

As soon as the braised pork was put into his mouth, a sense of happiness arose spontaneously.

Xun Yufei subconsciously closed his eyes and tasted the distinct taste in his mouth, enjoying it very much.

"Ah, it's delicious, so delicious."

"Brother Chen, it seems to be even more delicious than last time."

Xun Yufei opened his eyes, his eyes emitting an extremely happy light.

"Well, now we have white sugar, which is much better than using maltose."

Chen Yan said everything.

Xun Yufei actually said it casually, and he was very happy about the braised pork.He didn't care much about how to cook it, because he couldn't learn it anyway.

"This braised pork is the most delicious thing I've ever eaten in my life. It's satisfying, not greasy, and melts in your mouth. Meat can actually be cooked to this extent. It was absolutely unimaginable in the past."

Just as he was praising it, he felt a chill. He turned his head and found Tang Yun's cold eyes. Xun Yufei couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

What's going on? Did I do something wrong? Why is His Majesty staring at me?

After thinking about it, Xun Yufei didn't know how he had angered His Majesty.

Helplessly, he squeezed out a smile and whispered, "Miss Zhou, try this braised pork."

Tang Yun snorted coldly. She was not a person who cared too much about etiquette.

It's just that she felt that the piece of meat with the most suitable fat and thinness was snatched away by others, and she was a little unhappy.

Tang Yun has always been like this, and she is quite competitive.

However, she didn't say anything more at this moment.

When Tang Yun put a piece of braised pork into her mouth, the expression on her face changed instantly.

The extremely cold face seemed to melt instantly.

Tang Yun did not smile, but gave people a warm and gentle feeling.

When the aroma of meat exploded in her mouth, Tang Yun's eyes suddenly widened.

This was the first time she had eaten such delicious food.

Logically speaking, as an emperor, what delicious food had she not eaten?

She had eaten tributes from various countries and rare treasures from overseas.

But to be honest, in terms of the satisfaction it gave people, this braised pork should be the best in the world, at least Tang Yun thought so.

Subconsciously, Tang Yun raised her head and looked at Chen Yan.

Suddenly, there was an urge to tie Chen Yan to the palace and let him make braised pork for her every day.

This guy, even the dishes he created, made people think he was a genius.

Not to mention that pork is not a mainstream food, even his way of cooking has never been seen before.

How on earth did this guy come up with this idea?

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