"Miss Zhou, how is it?" Xun Yufei asked with a smile.

Tang Yun nodded repeatedly: "It's really good."

Xun Yufei knew Tang Yun, and being able to get a good evaluation from her proved that it was excellent.

"Is there sugar here?" Tang Yun asked.

Chen Yan said: "Put the sugar in the pot and fry the sugar color, and the meat will not be greasy."

Tang Yun nodded and sighed: "I didn't expect that pork could be so delicious."

Chen Yan chuckled: "Pork is not only delicious, but also low in cost."

Pork is cheaper than beef, which is something everyone knows, but pork tastes bad, and many people don't like to eat it. Only some low-level people have to eat it to satisfy their cravings and supplement nutrition.

Tang Yun's eyes lit up. She was still very interested in matters related to people's livelihood.

Before she asked, she heard He Jinyao exclaim, "Well, not bad, delicious, really delicious. I didn't expect that pork could be so delicious."

Chen Yan pointed to a porcelain pot on the table and said, "Braised pig's trotters, the taste is also very good."

Tang Yun frowned slightly, pig's trotters, can you eat that thing?

Braised pork looks good, Tang Yun didn't feel any burden when eating it.

Braised pig's trotters are different. That thing makes people uncomfortable. The color is attractive, but the shape is a bit unappetizing.

"Haha, I heard Brother Chen say last time that pig's trotters are a good thing. It's a pity that I didn't arrive late. I have to try it today." Xun Yufei laughed, he didn't have any psychological burden.

"Well, not bad, delicious, very delicious."

Soon, Xun Yufei ate a piece, his eyes lit up, and he praised it repeatedly.

With Xun Yufei taking the lead, Tang Yun and He Jinyao also ate a piece one after another.

The taste of pig's trotters was somewhat beyond their imagination.

He Jinyao sighed and said, "I know that most people in the Great Zhou Dynasty don't eat pig's trotters, but I didn't expect that after being cooked by you, a cook in the county government, this thing would be so delicious."

"Did you come up with this?" Tang Yun asked.

After saying that, Tang Yun suddenly felt that she was asking a redundant question. This method had never appeared in the Great Zhou Dynasty before, and it must have been created by Chen Yan.

Chen Yan said perfunctorily: "I guess so."

He Jinyao was impatient and asked: "Brother Chen, why is the pork you cook here so delicious? It's not just because of the different methods and the superb cooking skills of the chef. I think the taste of this pork seems to be very different from the pork I ate before."

Xun Yufei echoed: "Yes, I have eaten pork before. It is dry and not fat. It is mostly lean meat and tastes very bad. The pork here is completely different. When I ate it for the first time, I felt that it was not pork."

Tang Yun also nodded slightly. She was also eager to know.

Chen Yan did not intend to hide this matter. It was not a very advanced technology.

If there is a chance, it will be a good thing for him to make pork popular in Da Zhou.

The cost of raising pigs is too high now. After all, there are not many people raising pigs in Da Zhou, so it is not cost-effective.

Once pork becomes popular, more people will raise pigs, and the price of pork will drop, so it will be much more convenient to eat pork.

"Haha, if you want fat pork, the first thing you need to do is to castrate the pig." Chen Yan chuckled.

Tang Yun didn't react at first, frowned and asked: "Castration, what is that..."

Halfway through the sentence, she reacted.

Every year, the first thing the eunuchs who just entered the palace did was castration.

In an instant, Tang Yun's face turned red and she glared at Chen Yan.

"Why are you staring at me? I'm telling the truth. Only after castration, the pigs will be fat and plump. More importantly, the pigs will grow fat very quickly after castration."

Xun Yufei widened his eyes and murmured, "Is it because once the pigs are castrated, they will be calm and not think about other things, so they will grow fat and the meat will be very plump?"

Chen Yan laughed, "Haha, what Brother Xun said makes sense."

Tang Yun wanted to kill someone. After all, I am an emperor and an empress. Is it really okay for you to talk about this kind of thing in front of me?

It's okay for Chen Yan, after all, he doesn't know my identity, but you don't know it, Xun Yufei?

Guys who don't know the rules, look at He Qing, he knows the rules.

Just when I thought of this, I heard He Jinyao suddenly say, "In that case, pig farmers should also make more money after castrating their pigs?"

It's about people's livelihood and the responsibility of the Ministry of Households. He Jinyao is very interested in this.

Tang Yun rolled his eyes and looked helpless.

I was just thinking about praising you, but you didn't give me a chance!

Chen Yan nodded and said, "The meat has grown a lot, of courseIt will also help pig farmers make more money. "

He Jinyao was overjoyed and had already started thinking about trying it out after returning. If it works, it should be promoted throughout the country.

"Apart from castration, is there anything else to pay attention to?"

Chen Yan thought for a while and said, "Raising pigs is the simplest, but when slaughtering pigs, you must also pay attention to bleeding the pigs first. If the blood is not drained cleanly, the meat will not taste good."

He Jinyao remembered it in his heart and sighed, "He actually knows this. County Magistrate Chen's talent is really all over the world."

Chen Yan shook his head and said seriously, "In fact, raising pigs is very important to the current Da Zhou. It's not just about making money."

Tang Yun was stunned. Isn't it just raising pigs? What's the big deal?

She was curious about what kind of importance Chen Yan was talking about.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you also know that the supply of beef and venison, the staple food of Da Zhou, is definitely not much. "

Chen Yan murmured.

Everyone nodded. Cows are first and foremost a means of production for farmers. They cannot be slaughtered at will. The beef on the market is basically old cows.

Deer meat is even less. It cannot be raised and can only be hunted by hunters in the mountains. Because of this, the price of deer meat on the market is extremely high.

"The supply is small and the price is high. The people can't afford it. The people can't afford it. In terms of nutrition, do you think it will affect the quality of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the quality of the labor force of the Great Zhou Dynasty? Will malnutrition affect the life expectancy of the people? "

Chen Yan said seriously.

The Zhou Chamber of Commerce is very powerful and must have connections with the ministers in the court, and Xun Yufei himself is a duke.

Chen Yan wanted to emphasize the importance of pig farming, because who knows who would mention it to a senior official in the court.

If scientific pig farming can be promoted, it will be easier for him to buy good pork in the future, saving him the trouble of raising pigs.

Besides, if this thing is really popularized, it will be very good for the Great Zhou.

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