Tang Yun was deeply impressed by the faucet.

If something that can directly produce water can be used in Jizhou, wouldn’t it be able to directly solve the local drought?

However, she also knew that Chen Yan talked for a long time last night and never revealed any secrets about the faucet. His purpose was obvious.

This guy wants money!

Originally, she planned to make money after cooperating with sugar and salt, and then try to get the secret of the faucet.

But now the situation has changed, and she has to move this matter forward.

"Buy water?" Chen Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, and the more the better!" Tang Yun nodded.

"The more the better?" Chen Yan repeated, his eyes were playful.

Seeing this, Tang Yun couldn't help but feel moved.

Water is a very common thing in Longzhou.

Mountain springs, river water, well water, are everywhere, why do you need to buy it? Take a bucket and scoop it casually.

Normal people will be stunned when they hear this.

But Chen Yan's reaction was completely different.

Just like he had known that "water" would be traded someday?

"In fact, everything in the world can be traded."

"For example, seafood, which is inexhaustible at the coast, is naturally cheaper there."

"For three or five cents, you can enjoy delicious seafood, and there is not much profit margin."

"But if it is transported inland, the price will be higher."

"But the problem is that the journey is long, and your seafood will go bad halfway, so it is difficult to sell all over the country."

"The same is true for water."

"Although the north has been dry for many years, the water there is naturally valuable!"

"But the journey is too long, and the water will be gone halfway, so how can you make money?"

Chen Yan shook his head as he spoke.

Tang Yun nodded and said, "You are right, but I know that Lord Chen has a way."

Chen Yan was at a loss: "Ah? What way?"

Tang Yun said calmly: "The way to transfer the water from the southern border to the northern border!"

Chen Yan laughed and said, "Miss Zhou, are you kidding? I am not a god, how can I have a way?"

Tang Yun stared at him without blinking, and slowly uttered three words: "Water-Dragon-Head."

"As long as the faucet can be sold to the northern border, the problem of long-distance transportation can be solved naturally!"

"Of course, I will never treat Lord Chen unfairly in this business."

"The profits can be divided into 30% and 70% between you and me, 70% for you and 30% for me!"

Chen Yan looked at her strangely.

This girl doesn't think that the water from the faucet is created out of thin air, right?


It's not that there is water just by having a faucet!

If this thing can produce water out of thin air, wouldn't he have sold it to the north long ago?

It can even be exported abroad!

But on the other hand, Chen Yan was also moved.

This Miss Zhou is too selfless, apart from her ignorance.

Such a good business, she only wants 30% of the profit?

Such a kind person who is willing to benefit others is really rare these days.

"How about it? If you still have requirements, we can still talk!" Tang Yun asked eagerly.

"This is not a question of requirements." Chen Yan sighed, thinking about how to explain to her.

"Then what are you hesitating about?"

"You can not only make money, but also solve the people's suffering!"

"Once the disaster in Jizhou is resolved, the civil unrest will naturally subside. Think about how many people can be saved!"

"Didn't you say that you care about the world? Why are you so fussy about this matter that benefits the country, the people and you?"

Seeing that he hesitated to answer, Tang Yun's face became a little colder.

Chen Yan thought that slogans are slogans, but this cat can't be sold just because you want to, at least not now!

Thinking of this, Chen Yan explained helplessly: "Miss Zhou, it's not that I don't sell it, but you misunderstood. In fact, the faucet does not produce water, it is just nature's porter."

He briefly explained the principle of the water output of the faucet.

The water from the faucet in the Nafu Camp comes from the six giant water towers that Chen Yan has set up in the camp.

The water in the water tower is drawn from the nearby mountain spring and continuously poured in.

The reason why hot water can be produced is even simpler.

There is a special large boiler in the camp, and the sergeants take turns to send people there to heat the furnace every day, so that three of the water towers are always kept with hot water.

In this way, the sergeants in the Nafu Camp can use hot water at any time.

Originally, this was just a test site for Chen Yan's centralized heating and water supply, and he was going to promote it to the whole county after the experiment was mature.

As a result, Tang Yun didn't expect that he had such a deep misunderstanding, and really thought that Chen Yan had such great magical powers that he could produce water out of thin air.

After hearing Chen Yan's words, Tang Yun's hopeful eyes dimmed suddenly.

"So, there is really no way to solve the disaster..."

She was a little absent-minded and muttered.

"Miss Zhou doesn't want to make money, but to solve the disaster?"

Chen Yan was stunned.

Tang Yun was shocked and realized that she was disappointed.Chen Yan slapped his head and suddenly realized: "So that's it. If Miss Zhou just wants to solve the drought in the north, this is simple." Seeing his relaxed expression, Tang Yun was furious: "It's easy to say! Even the court has been troubled by this for many years. You say it's simple?" Chen Yan coughed lightly and said: "It's easy for the capable. Such professional matters must be handled by professionals." Tang Yun frowned slightly, doubtful: "Do you really have a way to solve it?" Chen Yan said confidently: "If I say there is, then there is! Do you have a map?" Tang Yun became a little curious and went out to ask the Fengling Guards who were guarding outside to bring the map of Jizhou. Lu Qing'er quickly cleaned up the dishes on the table to make room for them. After a while, the Fengling Guards brought the map. Tang Yun spread the map on the table and said, "This is the map of Jizhou. What do you want to see?"

Chen Yan looked at the map on the table speechlessly: "Can this be called a map? Where did you pick it up?"

Maps are not easy to make. In addition, there have been constant wars in recent years. This map was made twenty years ago and is inevitably old and damaged.

Some places have even been worn out so that the traces on the map can't be seen clearly, and some places have been worn through.

Tang Yun said helplessly: "Just make do! It's hard to get you a new one now."

Chen Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He searched for a long time on the map, but couldn't tell which was which.

He thought about it again and again, and finally made up his mind: "Forget it, this broken map is useless! Come, I'll show Miss Zhou something good!"

Tang Yun couldn't help but cheer up.

What new thing is this guy going to show her?

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