Tang Yun followed Chen Yan to the back in confusion, only to find a huge house in the back, more than ten feet long and wide, like a warehouse.

The door was locked tightly, and there was not even a crack in the window. If you want to peek inside from the outside, forget it.

"I won't show it to ordinary people, but since we are going to cooperate in a big business, you are naturally different."

Chen Yan mysteriously took the key to open the door, let Tang Yun in, and locked the door with his backhand.

Tang Yun had no time to care about his actions. Looking at everything in front of her, her body was shocked and she cried out: "What is this!"

In the warehouse in front of her, which covers an area of ​​about two acres, there are square pits piled up with cement one after another, about waist-high.

Each square pit is filled with sand.

And on the sand, there are models one after another, with mountains, trees, lakes, rivers, and even cities.

These models are all fired porcelain, very delicate.

They were placed in different positions, with more than ten squares showing more than ten different landforms.

"This is a three-dimensional map that I made exclusively!"

Chen Yan was quite proud.

Tang Yun was shocked: "How can there be such a map!"

She had seen countless maps, and even during the war, she led the troops personally and made several maps by hand.

Usually, it was made with silk cloth or animal skin as the base, and bark or bamboo strips were used when conditions were insufficient.

Occasionally, paper was also used.

The content on the map was drawn with pen and ink.

But I have never seen such a vivid and specific map!

Suddenly, Tang Yun discovered something, walked quickly to one of the cement square pits, and said in surprise: "Is this Longzhou?!"

The layout inside was clear and clear, and she quickly found the location of Qingshan County, and the more she looked, the more surprised she was.

Mountains and rivers, cities and villages, and even road markings between various places, even the location of the Nafu Camp can be clearly seen.

And because it is all three-dimensional, the visual effect is several times or dozens of times stronger than ordinary maps!

She looked carefully and even found that different hills had different heights, which were obviously adjusted according to the actual situation.

If the army also had such a map, it would be of great benefit to the battle!

It was unexpected that Chen Yan was not only good at business and governance, but also good at marching and fighting!

Of course, she didn't know that although Chen Yan never left Qingshan County, he spent a lot of money to establish intelligence systems in various places.

If you want to make money, how can you not do a good job of intelligence?

The asymmetry of information can often earn huge profit margins.

At the same time, you can always grasp the situation of wars in various places and respond to possible wars in time.

Therefore, this money must be spent.

Just like the matter of Jizhou, even Tang Yun, the emperor of a country, had just received an urgent report, and Chen Yan had already obtained first-hand intelligence on the war in Jizhou.

When Tang Yun mentioned buying water at the beginning, he was indeed a little surprised.

Because he had been thinking about the north for a long time.

And it happened to be selling water!

The main reason why ordinary vendors cannot do water business is still the transportation problem.

But he already had a rough blueprint in his mind, and he was sure that he could expand the water business!

Just now he thought Tang Yun was so smart that she actually saw through his plan, but later he found out that it was not the case, so he was relieved.

Another thing brought by the intelligence system is the giant sand table in front of him.

Each square pit represents the terrain of a state, and all the square pits together form a terrain sand table of all the territories of the entire Great Zhou.

Based on the intelligence sent back, Chen Yan asked the craftsmen in the county to burn the model according to his requirements, and then placed it by hand, and updated it from time to time according to new intelligence to ensure the timeliness of the sand table terrain.

In this warehouse, except for him, Lu Qing'er and Zhang Dabiao, no fourth person has ever come in.

Originally, he didn't plan to let Tang Yun see his treasure.

But thinking that this person might be one of his biggest partners in the future, and the business to be discussed now is difficult to explain without a map, he had to let her have a broad view.

"Don't look at Longzhou, we are going to look at Jizhou now, and maybe Yongzhou next door."

Chen Yan said as he walked towards another square pit.

The shock on Tang Yun's face never faded. She followed him to the square pit, which was the terrain of Jizhou.

"I didn't expect that the whole picture of Jizhou was like this!" Tang Yun blurted out.

She still had the map she brought with her in her hand. She used to regard it as a treasure, but now she wanted to burn it!

Relying on the old map, she also had a topographic map of Jizhou in her mind.

But now she knew that the real picture of Jizhou was very different from the one in her mind!

"The main part of Jizhou is a large plain, and it is a state with relatively few mountainous terrains in the territory of Dazhou."

"The soil is fertile, but the rainfall is too little, which makes it difficult to grow a lot ofCultivate crops. "

"According to my guess, this plain should have been formed by the erosion of rivers in the past."

"But later the terrain changed, the river was blocked, and it became what it is now."

"Look, there are many traces of rivers in the territory of Jizhou Prefecture, but they are dry."

"Of course, the terrain changes may have happened tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Chen Yan pointed to the terrain of Jizhou and said casually, regardless of whether she could understand it or not.

Tang Yun said in disbelief: "You even know things that happened tens of thousands of years ago?"

Chen Yan grinned: "How can it be so magical, I just guessed... Anyway, this is not important. What is important is that in the northeast of Jizhou, there is a mountain range called Tianxuan Mountain that stretches thousands of miles to the northwest."

Tang Yun suppressed the shock in her heart and nodded: "I know. ”

She knew this because she had led the army to surround a group of King Yan’s elite soldiers there the year before last, and it took half a year of climbing through the mountains and forests to finally defeat the enemy.

The hard work was unbearable!

Chen Yan continued, “This mountain range cuts off the road between Jizhou Prefecture and the neighboring Yongzhou Prefecture, because it is hundreds of miles thick. To open up the passages on both sides, relying on the national strength of my Great Zhou, it will probably take dozens or hundreds of years.”

Tang Yun was greatly inspired by his eloquent talk, and asked humbly, “Your Excellency’s insight is indeed true! But what does this have to do with solving the disaster in Jizhou?”

Chen Yan pointed to the other side of the Tianxuan Mountains and said, “Is there a Fairy River on the other side of the mountain? "

Tang Yun followed the direction of his finger and moved her eyes from the sand table of Jizhou Prefecture to the territory of Yongzhou Prefecture next door. There was indeed a big river rushing down from there.

However, when the river reached the edge of Tianxuan Mountain, it was blocked by the mountain range and changed its direction, and could not reach the territory of Jizhou Prefecture.

Her eyes gradually brightened and her voice began to tremble: "Master Chen, are you saying..."

Chen Yan said heavily: "Yes, to solve the drought in Jizhou, we must rely on this Fairy River!"

"But how can we lead the river water to Jizhou if the mountains are blocking it?" Tang Yun asked involuntarily.

"It's simple, just break through Tianxuan Mountain. "Chen Yan looked relaxed.

Tang Yun: "..."


Just break through it?

He had just said that even if the whole Zhou Dynasty was mobilized, it would take dozens or even hundreds of years to break through it!

Is this guy kidding her?

Chen Yan smiled and said, "What if I can make a river in this mountain in just one or two years or even a few months?"

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