When Tang Yun returned to the palace, several ministers were arguing in the meeting room.

"The emperor has arrived!"

The serving palace eunuch shouted sharply, and the ministers hurriedly shut up and knelt down to pay their respects.

"Stand up! Tell me, what did you come up with?"

Tang Yun didn't even look at them, and walked straight to the main seat and sat down.

Huang Liangge stood up and said without waiting for everyone to speak: "The barbarians in the northern border have many disloyal intentions! Since the time of the previous emperor, there have been many riots. When the rebellious king rebelled, many places joined in the rebellion! If we don't use thunder and lightning to eliminate their edge, it will become a big trouble!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xun Yufei on the opposite side took over the conversation directly and rudely: "Prime Minister Huang, what you said is wrong! The northern people are fierce and martial! If we confront each other, both sides will suffer! The war in my Great Zhou has just ended, the people are tired and the soldiers are exhausted, and everything needs to be rebuilt. At this time, we still need to use a large number of troops to suppress the civil unrest, which will only be counterproductive! I think that we should mainly use gentle appeasement!"

Huang Liangge said coldly: "Then according to what Duke Xuan said, Your Majesty should give in to these rioters?"

Xun Yufei was furious when he heard it: " Stop fanning the flames! I'm talking about allocating funds and grain for disaster relief and calming the people! Once the people are calm, the civil unrest will naturally subside! "

He Jinyao was not happy with this: "Duke Xuan's words are so easy, where does the grain money come from? You are also clear about the situation of the treasury. The disaster in Jizhou is so serious that more than hundreds of thousands of money and grain are needed! Could it be that they are drawn from Duke Xuan's family? "

Huang Liangge got his help and said happily: "Yes! Minister He's words are very reasonable!"

Who knew that He Jinyao turned around and glared at him and said: "But Prime Minister Huang's method is also inappropriate! If we send troops on a large scale, where will the soldiers' pay come from? Where will the food and grass come from! Duke Xuan's idea is certainly inappropriate, and Huang's proposal is absolutely not feasible!"

Everyone knows his character, he is a practical person and doesn't like empty words.

It is precisely because of this that He Jinyao is never afraid of offending others.

If the late emperor and Tang Yun had not valued his ability and tried their best to protect him, with his character, he would have been taken down long ago.

Huang Liangge was very angry, but he also knew that what He Jinyao said was true.

Xun Yufei was a warrior, but he was more open-minded. He said: "Although what Minister He said is correct, the situation is urgent now. The governor of Jizhou has sent seven urgent reports for help. We can't afford to delay! As for the money and grain, as long as you think of a way, there will always be a way."

He Jinyao didn't say anything, but sighed deeply.

Yu Du on the side interrupted and said: "I have to say this. Everyone knows the character of Minister He. If there is really a way, he will never delay here."


Tang Yun said coldly, and the room became quiet instantly.

Her beautiful eyes were cold, and she slowly swept over the crowd.

Seeing this, everyone trembled in their hearts and lowered their heads.

"The civil officials who are good at talking say they want to use force, and the military generals who are good at using force say they want to appease. When did my subjects become so flexible?"

Tang Yun uttered these words slowly, and everyone dared not respond.

"Does anyone see any difference behind the Jizhou uprising?" She asked calmly.

Everyone looked at each other.

After a long time, Xun Yufei stepped forward and said, "Forgive me for my ignorance. Please enlighten me, Your Majesty."

Tang Yun said coldly, "The civil uprising in Jizhou is not new, but why is it almost as if they had agreed this time, and more than ten places in the whole state mutinied at the same time?"

Huang Liangge was shocked and said, "Your Majesty, are you saying that someone is instigating behind the scenes?"

Tang Yun's eyes showed murderous intent, and he said slowly, "If no one is instigating, how can it be so coordinated?"

He Jinyao said with a change of color, "Could it be that the rebel king Tang Shuo is behind the scenes again..."

Tang Yun interrupted him directly, "It's definitely not him. Based on my understanding of the rebel king, he doesn't have such means."

Xun Yufei's face was ugly, "So, in addition to the rebel king, there is someone else behind the scenes?"

Tang Yun didn't say anything, and suddenly stood up.

"My dear ministers, listen to my order!"

Everyone saw her resolute expression and knew that she had made up her mind, and knelt down in a hurry.

"Lord Xun, send a message to Yongzhou and Yuzhou to send troops to suppress the civil unrest."

"Remember, the main purpose is to drive them away, and no killing is allowed unless necessary!"

"You lead the elite troops to Yuzhou and wait there."

"Lord He, allocate 200,000 silver from the national treasury, and I will transfer another 50,000 from the treasury, and allocate grain reserves from the four southern states. Order the governors of each state to rush and send them to Yuzhou and hand them over to Lord Xun!"

"Within ten days, Lord Xun's grain money will be distributed to Yongzhou, Yuzhou, and Xuzhou to relieve the disaster!"

Speaking of this, Tang Yun paused, intentionally giving everyone time to think and react.

Huang Liangchi looked up in surprise: "Your Majesty, the civil unrest started in Jizhou, why do you need to provide relief to the three neighboring states around it?"

Everyone was also stunned and confused.

Although there is actually drought in all states in the northern border, there is still aPrioritize.

Jizhou was undoubtedly the worst hit. There was a disaster in the south of Yongzhou, but there was the Fairy River in the north, so the disaster was not serious. Yuzhou and Xuzhou were also relatively mild because the Fairy River passed by Jizhou along the Tianxuan Mountain Range.

Now the emperor is actually providing relief to the less affected areas and ignoring the severely affected areas. It doesn't make sense anyway!

Tang Yun sighed inwardly.

These old ministers have no problem with their jobs, but they are really not good at dealing with emergencies.

But now the situation is urgent, and there is no point in saying these things.

"The most important thing now is time!"

"The money and grain allocated by the national treasury are not enough to solve the civil unrest and disaster in Jizhou, but it can greatly ease the situation in the other three states."

"As long as the three states are relieved, it will not be easy to be instigated to cause another civil unrest."

"At the same time, the refugees pouring out of Jizhou are scattered in various states, and the states can relieve the pressure with money and grain for disaster relief."

"In this way, the court can concentrate its efforts on dealing with the affairs of Jizhou, so as not to lose sight of one while focusing on another."

Tang Yun suppressed her temper and explained patiently.

He Jinyao couldn't help it: "But there will always be a time when money is spent and food is eaten up, and the civil unrest is only driven away instead of suppressed, so it will be difficult to quell it after all."

You know, 200,000 taels of silver has basically emptied the national treasury!

Once it's all spent, the court will have no other choice!

Tang Yun nodded and said, "Yes, that's why I said that time is the most important thing now. I roughly estimated that this can be delayed for at least a month. During this month, I want you, Mr. He, to conjure up another 200,000 taels of silver for me!"

He Jinyao was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Your Majesty is trying to force him to death!

If he had the ability to earn 200,000 taels of silver a month, he would have filled the treasury long ago, and there would be no time for troubles such as civil unrest and disasters to come to his head?

But then, he was shocked and woke up.

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