The emperor is talking about the business with Qingshan County!

In other words, this means that everything is bet on the cooperation with Chen Yan!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty understands!"

He Jinyao fell to the ground and responded loudly.

At present, this is the only way!

"In addition, Prime Minister Huang and Yu Aiqing, you two have the heaviest burden these days. Stay in the Shangshu Mansion for me and dispatch officials from all over the country to Jizhou to relieve the disaster!"

"Especially Prime Minister Huang, although Jizhou is in a critical situation, other places cannot be neglected!"

"Order the governors of all states to check the state borders and investigate anyone suspicious!"

"I want to make the person behind the scenes powerless!"

When she said the last word, Tang Yun's eyes were full of murderous intent, which made everyone feel both frightened and relieved.

Before she came back, everyone had already lost their composure and no one could convince anyone.

The fundamental reason was that everyone felt that there was no solution to this sudden disaster!

But Tang Yun's calmness and composure calmed everyone down.

Your Majesty is the backbone!

If she is not in chaos, the world will not be in chaos!

"Your Majesty, I obey your order!"

They don't know whether these measures can turn the tide.

But at least, now we must work together to have hope!

After discussing with the sleeping subordinates until the evening, Tang Yun returned to the palace.

After sitting on the dragon chariot, she couldn't help but show a little fatigue.

Too many things happened in the past two days, and she almost didn't sleep, so it was inevitable that she was a little tired.

But she didn't rest, and immediately summoned Li Rui, the current acting commander of Fengling Guard.

Li Rui was originally a capable person under Qingyuan. Now Qingyuan was injured and Bai Lu was suspended, giving her an opportunity.

"Is there any news from Jizhou?"

"Your Majesty, there is no news yet." Li Rui replied respectfully.

"Send more people and make sure to find out the instigator behind the scenes!" Tang Yun said decisively.

"Yes!" Li Rui responded and retreated.

Tang Yun looked at her back as she disappeared outside the door, her eyebrows furrowed.

As early as when she heard about the large-scale civil uprising in Jizhou, she had already understood that someone must be secretly doing something bad.

Tang Shuo was definitely not the only one in the Great Zhou who was dissatisfied with her as the empress!

Therefore, before returning to Beijing, she sent her capable Fengling Guards to Jizhou as quickly as possible to investigate secretly.

However, Tang Yun herself knew that the two states were so far apart, how could there be news so quickly?

But she was anxious and couldn't help but ask someone to ask.

After a short rest, Tang Yun's mind flashed the most important thing again.

All the discussions in the court were only temporary solutions, which could only temporarily solve the current crisis in Jizhou.

To truly solve it thoroughly, the root cause of the problem must be solved.

Among the methods that can be thought of now, artificial digging of rivers for diversion and water transfer from South to North are all labor-intensive and costly practices.

Moreover, the relevant costs had been estimated clearly long ago. Any plan would not be effective without millions of taels of silver.

Even if the Great Zhou could come up with so much silver, it was still unknown to what extent the effect would be.

In comparison, the method provided by Chen Yan not only cost less, but also took less time, and required not many workers.

"It seems that I have to try to get together 300,000 taels of silver..." Tang Yun murmured.

It was just a thought, how could she have so much money at the moment?

The national treasury had just allocated 200,000 taels of silver, let alone 300,000, even 30,000 taels was difficult!

And she allocated 50,000 taels of silver from the treasury, which basically emptied the treasury.

Tang Yun thought about it and couldn't think of a solution. She became irritable, so she simply summoned Fengling Guard and left the palace.

Whenever she was upset, she loved to go out for a walk to relieve her mood.

It was dark at this time, and the night market had already opened in the East Market of the capital.

Tang Yun casually shuttled through the streets and alleys, looking at the vendors and shops on the street, always feeling that something was wrong.

After walking for a while, she suddenly understood what was going on.

The capital is the most prosperous city under the feet of the emperor, the Great Zhou.

But now even the night market here is far less lively than the market in Qingshan County!

"I didn't expect that the capital I governed with my own hands is not as good as a small town governed by a small county magistrate."

Tang Yun smiled bitterly and shook her head gently.

"Boss, look over there!" Li Rui, who was accompanying her, suddenly said in surprise.

Tang Yun looked in the direction she pointed, and saw that the end of the street was full of people, and it was very lively.

She couldn't help but be a little surprised, so she walked away to see what was going on.

When she got closer, she saw that there were at least forty or fifty people, and most of them were women, blocking a shop.

"Tian's Cosmetics?"

Tang Yun took a look at the sign and was stunned.

What kind of store is this?

Just then, a beautifully dressed woman walked out of the store, holding her hands together.At the corner of her mouth, she shouted, "Everyone, please go back. The limited edition of the fairy fat jade dew for tonight's night show has been sold out. Please go early tomorrow!"

"What? I've been queuing for three hours!"

"How can this be! You told me earlier that it was sold out, and made me queue for so long!"

"Sister Lizhu, didn't you tell me yesterday? My young lady has been waiting for your fairy fat jade dew for many days! Can you please give me two bottles?"

"Don't listen to this little hoof, sister Lizhu, I don't need two bottles, just one bottle! My young mistress will never treat you badly in the future!"


The people in front of the store complained, cursed, were helpless, begged... The voices intertwined, and there was no intention of dispersing.

Tang Yun was extremely surprised, and seeing that there were people watching the excitement next to her, she said, "Li Rui, go and find out what's going on."

Li Rui agreed to go, and ran back after a while.

"Boss, I've asked clearly. This is Tian Baiwan's rouge shop. It recently changed its name to Tian's Cosmetics."

"It's said that it specializes in cosmetics for women's home use, and it has added a lot of novelties."

"These people are waiting for his new moisturizer, called 'Xianzhi Yulu'."

"I heard that after applying it, the skin will be softer, smoother and more elastic, and it can moisturize and will not dry out!"

Li Rui is a girl after all. When she talked about these things, her eyes were shining.

"What are moisturizers?" Tang Yun opened her eyes wide.

"It seems to be something that is applied on the face, hands, and body. I heard it smells good." Li Rui explained according to her own understanding.

"What does moisturizing mean?" Tang Yun asked in confusion.

"I heard that people's skin will lose moisture and become dry and rough. Moisturizing is to lock the moisture in the skin, so that the skin can remain soft and smooth." Li Rui asked a long time ago.

"What a pity, I can't buy it anymore." Tang Yun was a little tempted, but the seller said it was sold out, so she couldn't buy it.

"Even if I can buy it, I can't afford it. It's too expensive!" Li Rui said regretfully.

"What else can you say is expensive in front of me?" Tang Yun couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, it's certainly not expensive for the boss, but for me, a year's salary can't even afford a bottle." Li Rui sighed.

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