It's OK to host a banquet.

But if you don't reveal the origin, how will people know where to buy it?

After Chen Yan finished speaking, he went into the house and took out the documents that had been prepared long ago and put them on the table.

"That's all for now. Here is the exclusive sales authorization letter. Please take a good look at it."

"It also contains specific measures on pricing and packaging."

"After signing, our cooperation is done."

"In the future, the exclusive rights to sell Xianjiu in Sili will belong to your Zhou Chamber of Commerce!"

"Old Zhou, congratulations in advance. You have made such a great contribution. Your boss will definitely reward you heavily when you go back, haha!"

Chen Yan laughed and slapped him on the shoulder, almost knocking him off the stool to the ground.

He Jinyao had a bitter face and didn't say anything.


With this way of selling, if the emperor doesn't kill him when he goes back, it will be a bargain for him!


The next day, He Jinyao returned to the capital.

"What! What kind of crooked method is this? You actually signed and sealed it?!"

Sure enough, after hearing the details and reading the contract documents, Tang Yun was furious.

"I have no choice. Your Majesty, didn't you decide to bet everything on the cooperation with Chen Yan?"

He Jinyao had a sad face.

Tang Yun frowned: "So, you blame me?"

He Jinyao knelt down in fear: "I dare not! Your Majesty, should we just hide it from him and use our own method..."

Tang Yun calmed down and frowned: "How can that be! The penalty for breach of contract in this document is so detailed. If he finds out, he will be fined thousands of taels of silver."

He Jinyao hurriedly said: "I have thought about it. Anyway, Chen Yan is far away in Qingshan County. He doesn't know what we do."

Tang Yun shook her head: "No, since the document has been signed, we must follow the agreement. If I can't set an example, what is the use of the documents in the world? Forget it, what about the Yaochi fairy wine?"

After a while.


Tang Yun put down the Yufeng cup in her hand while burping. She felt the sweet milk tea fragrance in her burp, and her body and mind were greatly satisfied.

But when she raised her eyes, she saw He Jinyao staring at her in amazement, and her cheeks blushed slightly.

She was also wondering in her heart. Normally, she didn't like eating and had good concentration.

But why couldn't she hold back just now?

Not only did she drink up the immortal wine that He Jinyao poured for her, she also poured several cups herself!

The bucket was not small. Half of it had been drunk by her in a short while!

It was all because of that damn Chen Yan, who made her lose her composure!

In the distance, Chen Yan sneezed.

Who is scolding me behind my back?

"This wine is really good."

"Just do it as agreed! If it doesn't work, negotiate with Chen Yan to change it."

"By the way, how much did you bring back this time?"

Tang Yun avoided the topic and changed the subject.

He Jinyao stammered: "Just... just this one bucket..."

Tang Yun was stunned, and then her face changed: "What!"

She originally thought that there would be more than a dozen buckets, but she didn't expect that there was only one bucket!

Only half a bucket is left, what else can she sell?

"Chen Yan said that this thing is valuable because it is fresh."

"You must go to him to pick up the goods for sale every day, and you must not sell them after overnight!"

"So I will bring this bucket back first, please taste it, Your Majesty."

"By the way, prepare to use the rest to entertain colleagues."

"New goods will be delivered tomorrow, and then they will be sold."

As He Jinyao spoke, his face twitched a few times.

According to the written agreement, not only must the sales profit be divided in half, but also the purchase of goods must be paid.

This bucket cost 500 taels!

Your Majesty drank 250 taels in this feast...

Tang Yun said awkwardly: "Invite fewer people, one cup per person should be enough."

But looking at the bucket, she hesitated for a moment and changed her words: "How about... half a cup per person?"

He Jinyao: "..."


That night, He Jinyao held a banquet at home and invited several colleagues and princes to the banquet.

"It's rare that Minister He would take the initiative to invite us to a banquet. The sun is really rising from the west, haha!"

As soon as Minister Yu Du of the Heavenly Official arrived, he started to joke.

The rest of the people also laughed.

He Jinyao himself is not good at socializing. Unless it is necessary, he basically does not go to banquets invited by others. Today, he actually took the initiative to invite us. It is really rare.

He Jinyao was a little embarrassed and said, "You have worked hard for Jizhou these days! But after the hard work, you also need to take a break. It just so happens that someone gave me a good wine recently. I dare not enjoy it alone, so I will share it with you! Come on, please take a seat!"

Fengge Internal History Han Zhaokun smiled and said, "I don't think this meal is that simple. Could it be that Minister He has some official requests?"

He Jinyao waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, no! Tonight we will only talk about love, not official business!"

Everyone chatted for a while before taking their seats.

Soon, the banquet was set up with rich dishes.

King Ning Tang Qian looked at the banquet and said in surprise: "Banquet, banquet, you have banquet but no wine, where is the good wine you promised?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Tang Qian is Tang Yun's cousin, and was conferred the title of King Ning, but he doesn't care much about state affairs.

He is idle all day long, and spends all his energy on eating, drinking and having fun. He is an expert in wine.

He Jinyao clapped his hands lightly, and two pretty servants from the mansion walked in.

One of them was holding an exquisite wine tray with an exquisite porcelain pot on it.

The other was holding an exquisite porcelain bowl with a dozen thumb-sized ice cubes in it.

"Huh? Where did Mr. He get this ice cube? Was it given by the emperor?" Yu Du said in surprise.

"No, this is what I bought. "He Jinyao said, while signaling Shi Huan to pour cups for everyone.

Soon, half a cup of Yaochi fairy wine was poured into the small cups in front of the dozen guests, and ice cubes were added.

"This... Mr. He is a bit too stingy." Tang Qian was a little amused.

"It's not that I'm stingy, it's just that this wine is so much, there is no more!" He Jinyao smiled bitterly and picked up the cup, "For the fate of my Great Zhou, let's drink this cup together!"

Everyone raised their cups, toasted from afar, and then drank it.

At the moment of taking a sip, at least half of the people's faces changed drastically.

When the fairy wine entered the throat, everyone present was even more surprised.

Tang Qian did not drink it all in one gulp, but took a sip of half, tasted it in his mouth for a moment, and said in surprise: "Huh? What is this! I have never tasted such a taste in my life! "

After saying that, he couldn't help but put the cup to his lips and took another sip.

After a few seconds, he couldn't help but take another sip.

The cup was already empty.

He was used to tasting wine, and thought that he would just take a sip, but he never thought that the taste was like a seductive vixen, tempting him to drink the cup empty.

After drinking, he looked around and couldn't help but move to Han Zhaokun on the left: "Han Shangshu, you seem to have more, can you share some with me?"

Han Zhaokun poured all the rest of the cup into his mouth, and then turned to look at him incoherently: "Your Majesty, what did you just say?"

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