"Budu Yuhun!" Takako, who was hiding behind the two of them, made a small face and stared at the purple-lighting demon sword in Shen Mengyu's hand.

"Oh it's you."

Shen Mengyu saw Takako's appearance clearly, and after a brief moment of confusion, he returned to his cold look.

It turned out to be a long-planned approach.

The purple light of the demon sword surged.

"Da Shen, she is Shiliyueye's sister." Xu Qinghuan explained.

It turns out she is Tsukuyomi.

"For the last time, get out of the way." Shen Mengyu pointed at the two of them with his knife.

If the two of them didn't know Japanese mythology before and didn't know that Ohichi Reiki was Amaterasu, it can be explained. Now that they know each other's identity, they still protect the girl, which makes Shen Mengyu have to doubt the identity and motives of the two. .

This matter must be written in the mission report, and Master Delu will be allowed to hang out with these two people in the future.

As for what Xu Qinghuan said about the girl in front of her being Liu Yue's sister, Shen Mengyu didn't bother to think about it at all. Whether they are the same person or they are really sisters, the other party is a god after all. Either kill them or be killed by them, there are only two endings.

Xia Yi stood in front of Takako holding a thin sword that exuded a faint golden holy light.

Xu Qinghuan's face also turned cold and he lit a cigarette.

"I don't care about being used. Being used proves your worth, but I hate being deceived." He stared at Ori Linggui with a solemn expression. "Then please tell me, Miss Takako, whether you have deceived me."

Xu Qinghuan's eyes were burning with terrible flames, and there was still a weak Japanese cigarette he bought in an Internet cafe in his mouth.

But no one present, including Takako, known as Amaterasu, dared to ask his question.

"No...no." Takako's expression was firm.

"Very good." Xu Qinghuan patted Guizi on the shoulder and said to Shen Mengyu without turning his head: "The trouble between you and the gods has nothing to do with me, but since I brought this girl here, I won't Let you do it to her in front of me."

"I am willing to talk nonsense to you just because you are Xiao Shen's brother."

Xu Qinghuan's eyes fell on Shen Mengyu opposite.

Shen Mengyu's heart tightened, as if he was in a huge whirlpool of darkness, being stared at by a pair of terrifying eyes.

Shen Mengyu looked through the personal files of Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi and knew clearly the tasks they had participated in. For Xia Yi, he has nothing to say. He is strong. He is indeed very strong. Even if there are exaggerated elements in the combat records, Xia Yi's achievements are still beyond the reach of ordinary gods. But he, Shen Mengyu, is not an ordinary person. , Xia Yi can do those things herself.

What interested him even more was Xu Qinghuan.

Although this man usually looks aloof, he was present in all these events when he hunted the black demon dog, the cargo ship monsters raided the dock, captured Li Pei, and the college ice cellar collapsed, and he was still alive and kicking after experiencing these events.

Weird coincidence.

The most important thing is that Xia Yi has such a close relationship with him. Unless a girl with terrifying strength and beautiful appearance is crazy, it is impossible for her to favor an incompetent man. In addition, according to the mission records submitted by Lin Yue and Wu Yu, they all mentioned the same thing. When it comes to the man whom Xia Yi calls the devil.

The scheming frog keeps touching your belly! Xu Qinghuan is most likely the demon king that Xia Yi is looking for, the man who Lin Yue said saved her from the black demon dog, and the man who Wu Yu said beat up a demigod!

Shen Mengyu remembered Conan's catchphrase for no reason.


Shen Mengyu held the knife with both hands, and the power of the divine blood was released to the extreme. The sound of dragon roar could be faintly heard in everyone's ears.

He didn't care about that much. The mission assigned by the principal was to kill Amaterasu. Now the target was right in front of him, and anyone who stood in his way was his enemy.

Xu Qinghuan couldn't help but pay attention to the serious man in a black coat in front of him.

At such a serious moment, the mobile phone in Shen Mengyu's pocket suddenly rang.

"You'd better answer the phone first, it might be something important." Xu Qinghuan reminded kindly.

Shen Mengyu took out her phone slightly embarrassed.

A series of unfamiliar numbers.

After picking up the phone, Shen Mengyu was startled by the voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, I see."

Shen Mengyu put away the knife silently.

Tokyo International Airport at around seven in the morning.

This kind of international airport has flights to and from all over the world 24 hours a day. Even if it is seven o'clock in the morning, the airport hall is full of tourists.

What is eye-catching is that a group of men in black suits are guarding the exit of the VIP channel. The leader is an old man in a kimono. Although he is old, he is energetic and has a serious expression, as if he is waiting for someone important enough to be greeted at the airport in person. guest.

Pedestrians passing by turned their heads and looked sideways. Many foreigners saw the tattoos exposed on the bodies of the group, and immediately quickened their pace and did not dare to stop.

Naturally, the other heads of the Gosho family were also present, standing behind Fujiwara Chiba.

Several people had questions in their minds. They had just met Mr. Fujiwara last night. At that time, he was so old and weak that everyone was worried that he would die at any time. After just a few hours, they already felt clearly different.

Perhaps it was because he was about to meet his enemy for many years, and his inner passion was ignited, so he looked a little younger.

Two middle-aged men walked out of the VIP aisle. The man walking in front was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, his steps were vigorous and energetic, and the tall man behind him was dragging his suitcase. He was an old acquaintance of the demons. He had single-handedly defeated the Japanese Kendo master. Man—Li Yi.

Hanyu Taki in the crowd tightened his grip on the handle of the knife at his waist.

Principal Long completely ignored this group of people who came to greet him, even though this group of people controlled the economic lifeline and political power of various industries in this country.

Fujiwara Chiba looked ugly and coughed. The Kujo family leader behind him walked out of the crowd knowingly and greeted the two of them.

"Principal Ryu, I am Kouki Kujo, the head of the Kujo family. Patriarch Fujiwara is waiting for you over there." Kouki Kujo has taken over the power of the family from his father for twenty years. His status is so noble, but in front of this Principal Ryu, Have to show respect.

Principal Long stopped and asked thoughtfully: "Who are you, Hideo Kujo?"

"It's my father." Kouki Kujo replied with an ugly expression.

This is not a good question. Kujo Kouki certainly knows what Principal Ryu is talking about.

"Is he dead?" Principal Long asked.

"My father passed away ten years ago." Kujo Koki replied respectfully.

"What a pity." Principal Long sighed and expressed regret.

Kujo Kouki was confused by Principal Long's reaction.

"We have an old saying in China, which is that good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years." Principal Long said calmly, "I came too late, and let a beast like your father live for so long."

"Principal Ryu!" Kouki Kujo suppressed his anger, "Don't forget, this is Japan!"

Principal Long put Kujo Koki aside, took Li Yi to find a nearby seat, sat down, and lit a special hand-rolled cigarette.

"Go and call Fujiwara Chiba." Principal Ryu said to Kujo Koki.

Kouki Kujo returned to the team and dismissed all the servants who followed him. After all, this kind of thing was too embarrassing.

"Everyone is worried about this..."

Before Kujo Koki finished speaking, Fujiwara Chiba raised his hand to interrupt him.

"I'll go in person, you stay here."

Fujiwara Chiba retreated from the crowd and walked alone towards Principal Long who was smoking.

"Seeing is worth hearing a hundred times." Chiba Fujiwara stretched out her right hand, "I am Chiba Fujiwara."

Principal Long stared at the old face of the visitor and sneered: "I have been worried about one thing every day for these years. Do you know what it is?"

"Appreciate further details."

"I'm particularly worried that you will die of old age before my knife cuts off your head."

Fujiwara Chiba's face was gloomy, and she slowly spoke: "I believe that Principal Long's visit to Japan this time is not just to humiliate me."

"Didn't my secretary tell you that I came here to find two students from our school who lost contact in Japan?" Principal Long flicked the ashes from his cigarette.

"Such a childish reason..."

Before Fujiwara Chiba finished speaking, he was interrupted by the voice of a young man from behind.

"Mr. Fujiwara has used this kind of childish excuse before." Hanyu Taki, who was wearing a kimono and carrying a long sword at his waist, walked over and stared at Li Yi next to Principal Long.

"There are indeed good young people in Japan." Principal Long laughed twice and looked at Li Yi beside him.

"Why are you following me here!" Fujiwara Chiba scolded.

"I have long admired Mr. Li Yi's demeanor in the past. I am the grandson of Shinto Musen-ryu Hanyu Juro, Hanyu Taki." Hanyu Taki bowed slightly towards Principal Long and Li Yi.

"Your father and I are old friends, and I received a lot of care from him during those two years in Japan." Li Yi said with a smile.

Of course, the two of them knew who the protagonist of this meeting was, and they both knew it and kept silent.

"Principal Long, in your capacity, please stop saying such childish things." Fujiwara Chiba suppressed the anger in her heart. He had been in a high position for most of his life, and no one had ever dared to talk to him like this, but now he was at a disadvantage and had no choice.

Principal Long looked at the watch on his wrist nonchalantly, stood up and said, "I do have some questions to ask you, but now I have more important things."

What could be more important than meeting yourself!

"Do you want to drive? I need a driver. Your Japanese taxi fare is too expensive."

The Rolls-Royce was riding on the viaduct, followed by a row of black Mercedes-Benz cars.

Principal Long and Li Yi were sitting in the back seat with their eyes closed, while Chiba Fujiwara's personal secretary was sitting in the passenger seat, and Taki Hanyu, who volunteered to drive, was driving.

Hanyu Taki drove the vehicle to the address provided by Principal Long and parked it at the door of an old house on the outskirts of Tokyo.

Such a luxurious motorcade attracted the attention of surrounding residents, who stopped to watch, and the evil ghosts' personnel cleared the streets.

Principal Long got out of the car, followed by Li Yi who was carrying a big bag.

Since Principal Long only brought Li Yi with him on this trip, this contemporary swordsman had no choice but to carry his bags.

The other heads of the Wushe family also got out of the car and stopped to watch, wondering what the principal of the Night Watch Academy was doing in such a remote place. Could it be that he had friends and acquaintances in Japan.

This is a common two-story single-family house in the suburbs, with a yard.

Principal Long rang the doorbell politely and waited at the door.

The head and servants of the Wushe family, including Chiba Fujiwara and the contemporary swordsman Li Yi, were waiting quietly outside this private house with him.

The person who opened the door was a woman wearing an apron. Seeing such a group of people at the door, she was frightened and at a loss.

Principal Long took out a folded list from his arms.

"Ask her for me if this person lives here." Principal Long handed the list to the female secretary, pointed to the name and said.

The female secretary glanced at the list and was stunned. In an instant, she knew what this man from China was going to do. One name after another was neatly written on the paper, followed by the home address and the crime committed. It can be seen that the paper is old, and some of the people recorded on it have died of old age, and their names have been crossed out.

The female secretary looked at Fujiwara Chiba in the distance with a pleading look, and Fujiwara Chiba nodded.

Fujiwara Chiba guessed what Principal Long was going to do from the moment the car stopped at the door of the house.

The owner of the house was a high-ranking official who was listed as a war criminal after World War II. He was an acquaintance of Fujiwara Chiba. After the trial, he was placed here incognito with the help of Fujiwara Chiba.

After receiving a confirmed answer, Principal Long ordered the female secretary.

"Let all irrelevant people leave this place."

The evil spirits removed all servants, children, men and women from the house.

Li Yi opened the suitcase belonging to the principal. There were no clothes or belongings, only a big knife sitting quietly in the suitcase.

Principal Long picked up the sword and walked silently into the room.

He walked up the stairs step by step and opened the innermost door.

There was only a simple big bed in the house, and an old man lay quietly on the bed. He was so old that he needed all kinds of instruments to maintain his life, and he was so old that he didn't realize that death was coming.

Principal Long frowned.

"Why can a beast like you live so long?"

He silently took out a test tube filled with light golden liquid from his arms, walked to the old man's bedside, and roughly poured the liquid in the test tube into the old man's mouth.

Although divine blood is a fatal poison to ordinary people, it can still restore a person's vitality in a short period of time and then drain the person's internal organs very quickly.

People waiting outside heard the wails of pain and despair from upstairs.

Principal Long walked out covered in blood with a big knife in hand.

"Let's go to the next place."

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