As the sun breaks, there are more and more pedestrians on the street.

A group of four people, two men, two women, searched for the small bar called Gao Tianyuan on the street based on Xu Qinghuan's vague memories.

They escaped from the pursuit of the Samurai God Guild, or rather the Samurai God Guild did not pursue them at all, and just watched a few people swagger away.

Xu Qinghuan used magic power to hypnotize Wen Ting to make her forget what happened tonight, and called a taxi to take her home. The magic power Xu Qinghuan gave her to save her life remained in Wen Ting's body, and ordinary minions were vulnerable to her. Don't worry about safety issues. The funny thing is that Xu Qinghuan asked the frightened people from the Samurai God Association for the taxi fare.

Xu Qinghuan originally planned to use the hypnosis trick on Guizi after sending her to Shen Mengyu, so Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi spoke freely in front of Guizi, and Xia Yi even took out the holy sword.

But since this girl is a god, there is no need for this trick. After all, we are not ordinary humans.

"So she told you early in the morning that her name is Da Ri Linggui?" Shen Mengyu looked at the slovenly girl huddled next to Xia Yi, peeking at herself from time to time, her eyes full of caution and fear.

It was really hard for him to imagine that this girl was actually the famous Amaterasu.

"Yes, I testified on her behalf that she did not hide anything." Xu Qinghuan walked at the front, flaunting the signs of the surrounding shops.

Xia Yi also nodded.

"Even so, you didn't realize she was Amaterasu?" Shen Mengyu wondered.

"I did check the information about Amaterasu on Baidu Encyclopedia, but there were too many names so I couldn't read it." Xu Qinghuan said without looking back, "Besides, who would have thought that Japan's supreme god could actually steal donations? The little beggar with the incense money in the box.”

"It's not stealing." Takako quickly explained.

Shen Mengyu glanced at her and said, "It really can't be considered stealing. After all, the incense money was originally offered to her."

"My sister, I think your introduction on Baidu Encyclopedia is pretty cool. Why are you so miserable?" Xu Qinghuan turned to Guizi and expressed her doubts, "I also met a god before, although the name was not very nice. What is his name?" He is a liar, but he is very stylish. He drives a convertible on rainy days and wears a three-piece suit in the summer. Wherever he goes, he looks like he is paying for everything here."

Takako had an expression of surprise on his face and said, "Are you talking about Mr. Loki?"

Xu Qinghuan was shocked and said, "Do you know that kid too?"

He thought to himself that this person on Wednesday was indeed notorious, and recalled a theory he had read online, saying that it only takes six people to establish a connection between two strangers in this world.

"We met many years ago. When he came to Japan to find his elder brother Odin, I helped him and later gave me a gift." Takako said proudly.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wang was once Japanese.

In Xu Qinghuan's mind, he recalled how Xiao Wang looked like an angry young man wearing underpants in the dormitory and vowing to go on an expedition to the East in his lifetime, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

It would be a pity if Xiao Wang was still here and I had to make an international phone call to mock him.

"Where is Mr. Loki now? Have you found his elder brother?" Takako asked.

"He is dead and buried underground together with his elder brother." Xu Qinghuan sighed.

Shen Mengyu listened to the conversation between the two of them quietly. If anyone heard the conversation between the two of them, they would think that they were crazy. This kind of thing related to the gods would be treated as top secret no matter where they were. The two people next to them actually started talking on the street.

He had long guessed that the collapse of the ice cave in the college was related to a few people, but at the moment he was more concerned about how Loki and Odin died than the details. These two are the main gods in Norse mythology, especially Odin. He is also the king of gods. Once his soul awakens, it will bring unimaginable disasters.

"Ah, then it will be a long time before we meet again." Takako said regretfully.

Xu Qinghuan stopped and Guizi bumped into his back unexpectedly.

"You can't see him anymore, he's dead." Xu Qinghuan said lightly.

Takako wondered: "Don't you know? No matter what kind of damage a god receives, he will not die. He will only enter dormancy temporarily, just like I did before, unless it is another god or artifact that kills him." At this point, Takako seemed to have thought of something, "Could it be that Odin woke up and killed him? That's not right. Loki once said that they had a blood pact and couldn't really kill each other."

"It's very simple. I used Tianyu Yuzhan to cut off Loki's head." Xu Qinghuan continued to move forward, and his mood suddenly became bad. He didn't want to mention these memories. If he hadn't been worried that Shen Mengyu would betray him after he left, he would have gone to find the Evil Ghosts to get back Xiao Wang's relic, the Eternal Spear, and then fly back to Linjiang.

Shen Mengyu and Guizi were stunned at the same time.

Shen Mengyu never expected that the sword god would be Xu Qinghuan.

Takako blurted out: "So you are the thief!"

"What thief?" Xu Qinghuan turned around and frowned. After a moment, he and Xia Yi both reacted.

"It turns out you are a Japanese thief who came to my house to steal things!" Xu Qinghuan scolded.

"I didn't steal! That's my brother's thing! I took it, I took it!" Takako defended.

Xu Qinghuan and Xia Yi looked at each other, obviously irrational.

"What about the Eternal Spear! If you just took away the broken sword, I wouldn't say anything. You also took away my friend's relics! You also mocked my taste in eating potato chips!" Xu Qinghuan counterattacked, " Is this finally stolen? Let’s forget it?”

"How could anyone like to eat cucumber-flavored potato chips! And I didn't take away the Eternal Gun you used to dry your clothes! I took back the Tian Yu Yu Zhan you put under the bed and left!" Takako's face turned red. .

The eternal gun? Clothes pole? Tianyu Yuzhan? Put it under the bed?

These two artifacts, which are well-known in mythology around the world, are placed casually in the mouth of the two of them like ordinary rags.

Shen Mengyu felt that these two people were simply insane, but Xia Yi, who had been silent all the time, was normal.

"Hurry up and give me the clothes drying pole, you liar! I came here to celebrate the Chinese New Year and didn't even get to watch the Spring Festival Gala!" Xu Qinghuan locked his arms around Guizi's neck like when he met Guizi for the first time. Takako is half a head taller, and this scene looks like an adult bullying a child.

"I'm telling you, the fate of those who offend me will be very miserable. Hurry up and get leniency if you confess. If you resist, get leniency and hand over your things!"

"I really didn't take it!" Guizi grabbed Xu Qinghuan's messy hair with both hands in panic, "I never take other people's things."

Xia Yi stopped the childish fight between the two.

"If she had taken it, she wouldn't have taken the initiative to mention it." Xia Yi said.

"That's hard to explain, this girl doesn't look very smart." Xu Qinghuan said angrily.

"That's right."

Takako coughed a few times and his face turned red.

"Also, although Tian Yu Yu Zhan is my brother's sword, it cannot kill gods."

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