"I'm just saying that that crappy academy is unreliable! I won't take any classes on the history of the development of alchemical weapons from now on!" Xu Qinghuan cursed.

"We still know too little about the gods. Most of the information is derived based on past experience and relevant literature, so it is normal to have errors." Shen Mengyu explained calmly, keeping his gaze on Takako.

His hand was always holding the hilt of Butu Mitama's sword hidden inside his coat.

Budu Yuhun, Tian Yu Yu Zhan and Tian Cong Yun Sword are equally famous artifacts in Japan. If Tian Yu Yu Zhan cannot completely kill the god, then Budu Yu Hun will most likely not be able to either.

"There is only one god's sword in Japan that can truly kill, which is my father's Juken Sword." Takako explained.

"Isn't Tian Yu Yu Zhan another name for the Ten Fists Sword?" Shen Mengyu couldn't help but ask.

Most of his knowledge of Japanese mythology comes from the comics he has read. The Juken Sword, also known as the Juken Sword, is the ancestor of all swords in Japan. The name comes from the fact that it is a short sword with a blade only ten fists long. Izanagi was the first holder of this sword, and the second holder was Takako's younger brother Susano'o, who used the Ten Fist Sword to kill the Yamata no Orochi and found a snake at its tail. Tian Cong Yun Sword was dedicated to his sister Amaterasu.

In ancient Japan, the big snake was called Yu Yu, so the Ten Fist Sword was also called Tian Yu Yu Zhan.

As he said, humans know very little about the gods. Over the long years, the real myths have been changed beyond recognition and modified by those in power to look like what they want.

The person standing here now is a real god, although she looks like a beautiful Japanese girl with a simple mind and a soft voice. There are tens of thousands of shrines dedicated to her throughout Japan, and the Japanese royal family claims to be her descendant to consolidate their dominance.

Being able to talk to such a god is the dream of theologians all over the world.

"Strictly speaking, they are not the same one." Takako shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Shen Mengyu unknowingly became more and more interested in what Gui Zi said.

"During the battle to kill Yamata no Orochi, my brother's Ten Fist Sword broke into three pieces. He used the extremely hard bones and three fragments of Yamata no Orochi to create three new weapons, namely Tian Yu Yu Zhan. , Tian Congyun Sword and Budu Yuhun, he gave Tian Congyun Sword to me, Budu Yuhun gave it to Tsukuyomi, and Tian Yuyu Zhan kept it in his hand."

"The three swords only contain part of the Ten Fist Swords, so they lose the ability to kill gods." Takako added.

"So that's it." Shen Mengyu thought thoughtfully.

"I don't know much about the resurrection of gods. For example, if I blow him up with a bomb and turn him into ashes, how can he be resurrected?" Xu Qinghuan asked this question that had troubled him for a long time.

He has never understood that human weapons have become so advanced. Isn't it easy to deal with a carbon-based creature? Times have changed. The overwhelming missile bombing has turned the so-called gods into ashes, allowing the gods to see the power of technology.

Is it possible that the self-healing ability of gods is so strong that they can return from a pile of ashes to a physical body? In Xu Qinghuan's opinion, Wednesday's self-healing ability, which claims to exclusively possess all the beliefs of the Asa clan and is unprecedentedly powerful, is just that.

"After a god dies, he will enter a period of silence, waiting for resurrection. "

"Silent period?" This was the first time Xu Qinghuan heard this word.

"It means that the soul will randomly possess a newly born human baby in this world and absorb his soul until the strength is restored and the soul revives." Takako explained.

"Like parasitism?" Xia Yi suddenly said.

Takako nodded.

"This is a very cruel process. The soul of the god lurks in the human body. The parasitized human beings are no different from ordinary people in the early stage, but because their vitality has been stolen, they usually don't live long. Of course, one person's soul is not enough to revive the god. This requires hundreds of years of constant...continuous parasitism until the power is enough, and the consciousness of the god will suddenly awaken one day or when it is stimulated, and merge with the host." Takako looked remorseful, even though she is a god, she still feels that this way It's too cruel for ordinary humans who are parasitized.

"That is, the resurrection of a god requires the sacrifice of many humans." Xia Yi continued.

"So simple?" Shen Mengyu couldn't believe it.

Compared with the resurrection of gods, the cost of dozens of lives is too simple.

"Easy?" Xia Yi said.

"You underestimate human souls too much. Gods are just creatures who are lucky enough to have power, and the souls of gods are not nobler than humans."

The moment Takako said this, her expression was indifferent. She was no longer the soft and soft Japanese girl, exuding a majestic and sacred aura.

Shen Mengyu's expression remained unchanged and she looked directly into Guizi's eyes.

He has seen too much death. The high-sounding words that everyone is equal can only deceive children, even if humans are divided into three, six or nine levels. The value of human life can even be measured in money, so how could he believe that a supreme god would care about human life?

Xu Qinghuan suddenly interrupted: "In fact, when the gods revived, the memories and consciousness of humans and gods merged, and they could no longer tell who they were, or they became the same person."

He thought of Xiao Wang.

Takako nodded: "There will be such a situation. God has the memories and feelings of each parasite. Their joys and sorrows are the same, and they have experienced pain and beauty."

"Wait a minute, I killed Wednesday before, that is Loki, and he showed up again within a few days."

"Did he leave any bones after his death?" Takako returned to his soft and cute look.

Xu Qinghuan thought for a while: "No, I remember that time his body turned into golden liquid."

"Then what you killed was not his true body. His true body should have escaped long ago, leaving behind a puppet made of blood. Mr. Loki is very good at this kind of trick."

"What if, if his body is buried deep underground, will it enter a silent period and randomly parasitize new-born human babies as you said?" Xu Qinghuan glanced at the side with a guilty conscience. Chen Mengyu, he didn't want people in the college to know that he was the instigator of the Ice Cave Building. He was dead on Wednesday. It would be bad if the college blamed himself for this bad debt and asked him to collect debts.

"Yes." Guizi nodded.

Shen Mengyu turned to Xu Qinghuan and then looked at Xia Yi. He has determined that Xu Qinghuan is the devil in Xia Yi's mouth.

His enemy is a weak god, and two of his teammates can join forces to kill the awakened god. This task should be very easy, but unfortunately his teammate's position is unclear and his relationship with the enemy is very ambiguous.

"This is going to be difficult." Xu Qinghuan frowned. According to what Guizi said, Wednesday is equivalent to a baby now and may not even be born yet. Not to mention how so many people in the vast world will find him, even if he is found. Xia Yi would never sit idly by and do nothing. Moreover, Xu Qinghuan would never do it if his moral standards were extremely low.

"Is there any way to directly resurrect the dead god?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

Takako was surprised: "Do you and Loki have such a big grudge?"

"The kind that won't stop until death." Xu Qinghuan said, "If Tian Yuyu's slash doesn't work, the worst I can do is spend some time looking for other weapons that can kill him completely."

"Mr. Loki has some friendship with me. I will not betray him." Takako refused to answer.

"Does that mean there actually is?" Xu Qinghuan narrowed his eyes.

"No! I didn't say anything!" Takako said in a panic.

"I can kill Loki, and of course I can kill you." Xu Qinghuan looked cold and threatened.

"I'm not afraid. You can't kill me completely. I'll be resurrected in a few hundred years. Just take a nap." Takako put his hands on his hips and looked indifferent.

This frail girl was uncharacteristically tough on the matter.

Seeing this, Xu Qinghuan took out his mobile phone.

"Your sister is Twelve Moon Night, right?" He said while typing on his mobile phone.

"What are you doing?" Guizi asked confused.

"Your name is Amaterasu, then the brother in your mouth is Susana." Xu Qinghuan's fingers on the screen of his mobile phone kept typing.

"What are you doing!" Guizi squeezed next to Xu Qinghuan and stood on tiptoe, trying to see what he was doing.

Xu Qinghuan deliberately raised the phone. Guizi jumped to look at it, so he turned the phone to the other side.

"Do you have any other relatives? Wait for me to search on Baidu." Xu Qinghuan searched on the mobile website, "Are your parents still alive?"

"No more." Takako replied subconsciously, but suddenly felt uncomfortable, "Why are you asking these questions!"

Xu Qinghuan finished typing the last word and showed the phone screen to Guizi.

There are densely packed names on it, including Wednesday's, Amaterasu's, Susana's, and Tsukuyomi's. After the word Tsukuyomi, there is a special note in parentheses on the night of the 16th month.

"I have put the names of your younger brothers and sisters into my enemy list. If you are not afraid of death, then I will kill your younger sister and younger brother. Now that I know that Shiliyue Ye is your sister, then I will kill her first. ." Xu Qinghuan patted Guizi on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I will definitely help you find your younger brothers and sisters."

"No!" Guizi said, going to grab Xu Qinghuan's phone, "Delete it quickly, delete it quickly!"

Xu Qinghuan raised the phone high: "I will not let the two of them die easily. I have many torture methods to ensure that they will kneel down and beg me to end their lives quickly."

"Stop making trouble." Xia Yi stopped the childish fight between the two.

"You just said that after death, gods will randomly parasitize babies born." Shen Mengyu asked coldly.

Takako nodded.

"You just mentioned that you have experienced death." Shen Mengyu asked.

"According to what you said, your soul should randomly parasitize on a human body after death. So is the sister you are looking for the sister of the original owner of this body, or is it Amaterasu's sister Tsukuyomi?"

Xu Qinghuan looked at Shen Mengyu and said in his heart, you have been going around in circles for a long time just to ask whether Shiliyueye is a human or a god.

"Tsukuyomi. But I didn't revive by parasitism." Takako explained.

"Sure enough, there is another way!" Xu Qinghuan said in surprise.

"The gods control the power of rules and feed on faith. As long as the body is intact after death, it can be resurrected by human faith." Guizi specifically turned his head and stared at Xu Qinghuan, "But this process is very long, much longer than parasitism, especially... Not many people really believe in gods anymore.”

The four of them walked and talked.

"Is this here?" Xia Yi pointed to a small door with a sign in incomprehensible Japanese and a roll-up poster hanging on the side of it.

"Yes! Look there's a poster of Miss Shirley Moon Night there!" Xu Qinghuan said, pointing to the poster on the side.

A seaside city in Northern Europe.

A blond man wearing a beige casual suit came out of the cinema with his arms around two hot blondes and walked towards a convertible grandpa car parked on the roadside.

They had just finished watching a late-night movie.

"Actually, I'm very dissatisfied with the setting in The Avengers, which makes many people think Loki is the son of Odin."

"Isn't it?" the girl in the red dress asked casually.

The blond man stopped the girl in the red dress from pulling the car door. He stood on the car door and took out a cigar from his suit pocket.

"Sorry, beautiful Lina, I think this car is not here to welcome you." The blond man lit the cigar in his mouth.

"My name is Julie!" The woman in the red dress threw her bag at the man angrily, and then walked away on high heels.

The man who was beaten didn't care. He walked to the other side of the car, opened the passenger door, and invited another woman in black skirt to get in the car, while muttering a sentence in Chinese.

The car started and drove away.

"My dear, what do you mean by what you just said?" the girl in the passenger seat asked.

"Chinese means that most women with plump breasts are not very smart. Chinese is profound and profound. My dear, you can learn it when you have time."

"Is she the only one with big breasts?" The woman in the black dress puffed up her chest.

"Yours is not bad, and you are smart enough to know that Loki is not Odin's son." The man complimented casually.

"Yes, Loki was adopted by Odin and can only be regarded as an adopted son."

Grandpa's car came to a sudden stop, leaving two long colored tire tracks.

"Julie, I don't think you're welcome in this car anymore," the man said with a smile.

"My name is Lina!" The woman in the black dress angrily slapped the man in the face, opened the door and got out of the car.

The man shouted to the woman who had not gone far: "Lina, you seem to have forgotten to take the diamond necklace I gave you."

When the woman heard this, she turned back and bent down to retrieve the shopping bag from the passenger seat.

The man recalled the sight of the woman's breasts exposed when she bent over, and touched the slap marks on her face.

"It's worth it!"

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