The Good-For-Nothing Demon King's Road To Killing Gods

Chapter 108 Meeting The Lord On A Moonlit Night

A man and a woman are walking down the street.

Xu Qinghuan was carrying a shopping bag, which contained the game console he had just bought. Izayoi Yue was carrying a lot of snacks bought by Xu Qinghuan in one hand, and an oden in the other hand, and kept eating with his mouth.

"How did you find me?" Xu Qinghuan asked curiously.

"Guess." Shiliyueye took a sip of Oden soup and showed an expression of enjoyment.

Xu Qinghuan knew that she was perfunctory with him and was too lazy to continue asking.

"Your sister is looking for you, why don't you go see her?"

"She? She will never find me in this life." Liu Yueyue said as she took aim, threw the bamboo stick in her hand into the trash can not far away, and winked at Xu Qinghuan proudly.

Xu Qinghuan felt relieved after hearing this.

If they were found so quickly on Shijiyueye, wouldn't his escape have been in vain? Within two days of his comfortable life, he had to accept Xia Yi's supervision again.

If it is really like what Shizuyue Ye said, Takako will never be able to find her in his lifetime. A stubborn brave man may not really accompany Takako to search for his whole life. You can get rid of the brave man forever. From now on, everyone will communicate via video and never see each other again.

"Why are you so confident?"

Shiliuyueye stopped, frowned and asked, "Why are you so concerned about this matter?"

Without waiting for Xu Qinghuan to answer, she took another step forward and said to herself, "Have you never heard of the story of Amaterasu Tsuyomi who never met again?"


On a sixteenth-month night, I kicked the stones on the roadside boredly.

"Then you are really ignorant."

"My sister Amaterasu represents the sun and controls the day. I am the incarnation of the legendary beauty and wisdom. Tsukiyomi represents the moon and controls the night."

On the night of June, he picked up a stone on the ground with his foot. His expression was serious like a football player taking a penalty kick in the World Cup. This goal decided the final outcome. He raised his right foot and kicked the stone away hard. The stone was in the air. Draw a perfect arc and land in the trash can in the distance.

On the sixteenth night, I jumped up and down happily, celebrating this perfect kick.

Pedestrians passing by looked at the two of them curiously. Xu Qinghuan unnaturally took a few steps back and pretended not to recognize the girl.

Although Izayukiyo and Takako have the same appearance, they have completely opposite personalities. It seems that their well-behaved appearance during the day trip was just an act.

"I once killed a god, who was my sister's subordinate when she was in charge of Gao Tianyuan. Because of this, we had a quarrel, and my sister said she would never see me again. From then on, the sun and the moon were separated, and we never met again. "Juney Night shrugged.

Xu Qinghuan said: "From a scientific point of view, the sun and the moon..."

Sixteen Yue Ye said in surprise: "Are you talking to me about science?"

"Oh, it's just a metaphor that the sun and the moon will never see each other again. I met her once later, but she was already dead at that time. It was me who pulled out the Tian Yu Yu Zhan that was inserted into her body."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in your nonsense." Xu Qinghuan was too lazy to listen to these things anymore. He was about to return to China. These nonsense had nothing to do with him.

"It wasn't a coincidence that I met you that night, right?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

"Of course not. Your every move since you got off the plane has been monitored, including the bar you went to. Someone also deliberately guided you." Izayoyuki said without any concealment, "Including when you met me Sister, she should also be in their plan."

Xu Qinghuan was a little surprised by Izayo Yeyue's magnanimity, and he suddenly felt that this girl was pretty good. In other words, everything that happened from the moment they stepped onto this land was arranged.

"What do those people want to do with all their efforts?" Xu Qinghuan was suddenly in a good mood.

Instead of feeling angry, this feeling of being targeted made him feel a little valued.

That's right. If you want to defeat the devil, you must work hard and plan carefully. When you feel that your plan has been completed and celebrate with champagne, the devil will use his absolute power to tell you that all your childish tricks are in vain. Kung Fu, then you will realize how powerful the devil is, so powerful that even if he walks into your trap according to your plan, you have absolutely no chance of defeating him, not at all.

"I don't know, I don't care, who cares." Izayoyoyuki shrugged again.

"I'm curious, aren't you a god? Who can control you? Is it possible that you are also short of money?" Xu Qinghuan asked.

Izayoi Yue was unhappy and said, "Don't talk nonsense. What is a messenger? I agreed to help just because I was very interested in that guy named Chen Mengyu."

"Am I not much more handsome than him?" Lord Demon King suddenly became more competitive.

"Superficial." Izayoyoi took out the dorayaki from the bag and continued eating, "I didn't expect you to be such a superficial person."

"if not?"

"I just simply want his body." Izayoyuki said.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're a girl and you're just talking nonsense, but there are so many people on the street."

"Where are you thinking?" Izayo Yeyue glanced at Xu Qinghuan with disdain, "I have been looking for a body these years. The person who asked me to do something told me that one of the three people who came this time was very suitable. my request."

"Come on, come on, tell me how my body is different from his? It can be said that I am stronger and stronger." Xu Qinghuan was unconvinced and posed to show off the muscles on her arms and thighs.

Izayoi Yue's disdain became even stronger.

"My clothes are too thick and you can't tell." Xu Qinghuan said as he took off his coat, took Izayo Yeyue's hand and touched her body, "Come and feel it. You can evaluate it after you feel it."

On a 16-month night, he broke away from Xu Qinghuan who was acting like a hooligan.

"That's why I said you are superficial. What I am looking for is a body that can withstand the power of gods."

Xu Qinghuan said proudly: "Then you have found the right person, sister. You can't imagine how much energy my perfect body contains. Not to mention the power of a mere god, even the power of the devil can be absorbed by my body." That’s right. That guy named Shen is strong on the outside but smart on the inside. Compared to me, he is as good as in the sky."

"Can you calm down that weird competitiveness of yours?" After finishing the last bite of Dorayaki on Izayukiyo, he took out a box of octopus balls from the plastic bag and ate it.

"You should know that when gods revive, they either parasitize in human bodies and devour human souls one after another to accumulate strength until their consciousness awakens and take control of the body, or they rely on human faith to repair the holy remains, but My situation is special, very special."

"There is a Chinese word for saying that the soul occupies another person's body, which is called... called..."

"Seize the body." Xu Qinghuan said.

"Yes, yes, seize the body." Izayoyuki said excitedly. Because there was food in her mouth, her words were slurred, and she almost choked after swallowing the food.

"I just want to seize him!" Izayoi Yeyue said confidently, and then sighed: "His body is too perfect and can perfectly withstand the power of the gods. How can I put it in his entire body? It's like he was born to be... People take away their homes.”

Xu Qinghuan looked troubled: "Sister, can you let someone else take her away? That Shen Mengyu is my friend's brother. Now that I know you want to take him away, I can't ignore him. It's quite troublesome."

"Are you going to the market and bargaining for food? Do you know how difficult it is to find such a perfect body? Even the body of a god with the best blood cannot withstand the direct injection of divine consciousness."

Xu Qinghuan sighed and said, "Sister, I usually don't give people a second chance, but we seem to have hit it off, your sister is a nice person, and you and Shen Mengyu are a good match. I also told many friends about your gossip."

"So I'll give you a second chance, and you can take over someone else's body. And now that technology is so advanced, if you really want to be a man, you can do more than just take someone else's body. How about this? I'll help you find out after I return to China. I’ll introduce you to a Thai doctor.”

"What if I don't?" Izayoyoyuki replied lightly.

Xu Qinghuan spread his hands.

"Then things will become more troublesome. I can only kill you, but it's okay anyway. You can be resurrected in a few hundred years. By then, Da Shen should have died of old age. You can find someone else." He His expression was sincere, as if he was really thinking about this issue seriously.

"Kill me? What an interesting idea." Izayoiyuki said with a smile.

Xu Qinghuan had long noticed that there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street while the two were talking, and it was now empty.

This is a trap, but why would the Demon King be afraid of these little tricks?

Xu Qinghuan's whole body exuded a terrifying aura of black and red, and his whole person became terrifying and majestic.

The majestic power spreads from the heart to the limbs.

"Girl, I told you earlier that I was... hasty!"

There was a sudden sharp pain in his left wrist, and an inexplicable force surged out to suppress the demonic power in his body, forcing it back bit by bit.

Xu Qinghuan rolled up the sleeve of his left hand in shock, and the silver bracelet on his wrist emitted a dazzling white light.

This bracelet was given by Izayoi Yue back then. He and Xia Yi each had one. He didn't like wearing this kind of jewelry at first. After hearing that it was worth a lot of money, he immediately put it on his hand, fearing that Izayoi Yue would regret it and take it back. Later, It has never been taken off.

Fortunately, that bastard Xia Yi doesn't have the habit of wearing jewelry.

"Did I just say why I came to you this time?" Shiliuyueye said with a smile.

"No." Xu Qinghuan shook his head helplessly.

"Then I'm telling you now, I'm here to kill you."

A dazzling white light emanates from the eyes on a sixteenth night, matching the bright moonlight in the sky.

Read on a monthly basis, and see you on a moonlit night.

"Do you have any last words?" Izayoyuki asked calmly.

"I probably won't be able to catch the early morning flight. Remember to refund the ticket for me."

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