Xia Yi had a long dream, in which she became that useless silver-haired girl again, and she could not wake up no matter how hard she struggled.

She woke up from her dream in a daze, and Takako was still sleeping soundly beside her.

The sky was dark and it was already the next morning.

Xia Yi did a simple wash and was about to go downstairs to buy breakfast. When she opened the door, she found a paper bag hanging on the door handle. When she opened it, she saw scattered Japanese yen.

She had seen this shopping paper bag before. Xu Qinghuan was carrying this bag when she went to the supermarket to buy them pajamas yesterday.

Xia Yi walked to Xu Qinghuan's door and knocked, but no one answered. She held the door handle with a little force, breaking the lock, and pushed the door open.

There was no one in the room, and the window was half-opened. She walked to the window and stuck her head out to take a look. There was a water pipe on the outside wall. It seemed that the suspect used this pipe to escape.

Xia Yi sat on the edge of the bed, the air still filled with a faint smell of smoke.

Suddenly she found the mobile phone on the bedside table. Xu Qinghuan had been showing off to herself all day long when she just bought it. There was a note underneath the phone, saying that I would remember to bring my phone back when I returned to China.

Xia Yi recalled Xu Qinghuan's gestures to unlock the screen every time, and unlocked the screen in one go.

The page stays on the flight booking app, and the order record shows that a ticket has been purchased for 12 o'clock in the morning today, Narita Airport.

Xia Yi was a little angry for no reason, and besides being angry, she was also a little disappointed.

Both times I came to Japan, I left in a hurry.

Shen Mengyu walked in at some point.

"He's gone." Xia Yi said.

Shen Mengyu was not surprised, nodded and said, "I climbed down the water pipe around 7:40 yesterday."

"Have you been spying on us?" Xia Yi remained expressionless.

"Yes." Shen Mengyu nodded, "As a captain, it is most basic to understand the dynamics of the team members during the mission."

"Then you won't stop him?"

"You don't want him to leave?" Shen Mengyu said bluntly. His room was next door to Xu Qinghuan's, and the noise Xu Qinghuan made when he escaped last night caught his attention.

He was a little surprised that the guy who killed the god had such difficulty climbing up a second floor, and he began to doubt his own judgment.

The phone call he received that night when he was about to kill Takako with a knife was from Principal Long, and the instructions given were very simple.

Wait patiently.

Takako woke up at some point and saw that Xia Yi was not there so he went out to look for her.

"You guys got up so early." Guizi yawned, stretched, and stood in front of Xia Yi. He couldn't open his eyes and looked like he wasn't awake. He fell down on the bed and continued to sleep.

In the restaurant of a five-star hotel, two middle-aged men were sitting at the dining table with a sumptuous breakfast on the table.

Li Yi hadn't fully woken up from the wine yet, he only felt dizzy and had no appetite.

"Among the gods, your ability to drink is really bad." Principal Long drank the tofu noodle while mocking his outstanding student.

"It's a family tradition that my father can't drink alcohol." Li Yi smiled awkwardly.

"Listening to your conversation yesterday, you have an unusual relationship with Hanyu Kurasuke's wife." Principal Long wiped his mouth and his expression became serious, "I need to know all the information about her."

"Teacher, this is my private matter." Li Yi did not want to mention the past, and his attitude was unusually tough in front of his teacher.

"Fujiwara Hezi." Principal Long said the name calmly.

Li Yi was shocked at first, then became speechless and looked out the window silently.

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from the teacher."

"I'm not interested in what's going on between you. I was young too, and it doesn't surprise me how complex and absurd the feelings of young people are." Principal Long had a smile on his face.

"When I met her, she was still called Sakurada Koko. I met her when I visited various kendo halls in Japan for exchanges and exchanges. The three of me, Kurasuke, and her hung out together all day long."

"Later I learned that her real name is Fujiwara, and she is the daughter of Fujiwara Chiba. She was fostered in the Shinin-ryu Gym to learn kendo."

A Japanese red car from the last century is driving on the road to Tokyo Airport.

The red car looked to be at least 20 or 30 years old. It was hard to imagine that it was still on the road.

Sitting in the driver's seat and driving was Hanyu Kusuke, wearing a gray sweater, and sitting in the passenger seat was Hanyu Taki, wearing a baseball cap and a down jacket.

"I will not go back on my promise to you, and you will not make this trip." Hanyu Taki said coldly.

In his impression, Hanyu Kusuke always wore a suit and looked like a business elite. He knocked on his door early this morning, and Hanyu Taki almost didn't recognize his father when he opened the door.

Hanyu Kusuke was wearing a retro gray-black sweater and black sweatpants. His hair was not combed neatly and shiny as usual, but lay smoothly on his forehead. If it weren't for the wrinkles on his face and the silver hair between his temples, he would have given it away. His age makes him look like a boy in his twenties.

The only thing that didn't change was the smell of perfume on his body that Hanyu Taki hated. Logically speaking, his father was a person of some status. Although he always dressed up like a profiteer, he still wore handmade custom-made brand-name suits and leather shoes. Only the taste in perfume is ridiculously bad.

"Who do you think my father is? Isn't it normal for his father to see his son off when he is going on a trip?" Kurasuke Hanyu said with a smile.

"This is your new identity and documents, and the ticket is also inside." Hanyu Kurasuke reached out to open the storage box in front of the passenger seat and handed a document bag to Hanyu Taki.

"There are also some cashier's checks from foreign banks, real estate deeds and some miscellaneous properties in it. I can't remember them clearly. This is your father's coffin book for me. Keep it well." Hanyu Kurasuke kept talking. , "Let me tell you, the girls over there are different from those in Japan. They are enthusiastic and open-minded. There are beautiful girls in bikinis on the beach. If you like anyone, just do it. Your father, I don't have that kind of old-fashioned blood." Concept, it’s not bad to have a foreign daughter-in-law.”

"You seem to be arranging funeral arrangements." Hanyu Taki said coldly.

"Bah, bah, bah! What are you talking about that is unlucky? But I do tend to nag a bit as I get older. When you were a child, I was busy with business and could not spend more time with you, causing you to embark on the path of no return among evil spirits. Now it is not easy. I have to send you abroad when I have free time. Alas, when I see your mother after my death, she will scold me severely."

Seeing that Hanyu Taki didn't speak, Hanyu Kamasuke once again spoke to comfort him: "Don't worry, you have seen your father's skills. Nothing in this world can beat me. Besides, I have so many bodyguards. I’m not just a freeloader, in Japan even the old guy Fujiwara Chiba has to call me big brother when he sees me.”

"I never knew what kind of business you were doing." Hanyu Taki asked.

"Real estate, insurance, finance, etc., your father and I have a wide range of businesses. Don't worry, I am your son and I will be yours from now on."

"Why are you, a businessman, so worried about the war between the Ghosts and the Night Watch?"

"Son, you have a lot of problems today." Hanyu Kusuke's expression became serious. Several cars had been following him for a while, and no matter how much he took a detour, he still couldn't get away.

His brain was running rapidly. No one else knew that he secretly sent his son away. In order to avoid leaking the news, he deliberately changed into his youthful attire and went to pick up Hanyu Taki in person. He would not trust anyone with such an important matter. .

He stepped on the accelerator, and the engine of the car he was wearing, which was a product of the last century and was the first car in his life, suddenly roared, and his speed was as fast as the Mercedes-Benz behind him.

Hanyu Kamasuke's movements were smart and skillful, and the gear, accelerator, brake, and clutch were perfectly coordinated. He was completely different from the last time he went to pick up Hanyu Taki.

It's not that he doesn't know how to drive, on the contrary, he drives very well, no less than a professional racing driver. The old-fashioned red car underneath him is his wife's car and he is very familiar with it. He has had it maintained and repaired over the years. The engine is also the same model that has been modified for professional racing cars.

Finally at an intersection, he got rid of the car behind him and took out his cell phone to dial his secretary's number.

The professional secretary always answers the phone instantly no matter what time. This is what Kusuke Hanyu admires most about her.

"I need a helicopter above me in five minutes! I'm driving my favorite red car!"


"Send more people, remember to bring them with you, and arrange a route to Switzerland. I remember I have a lot of private jets!"

"It's already this time but don't forget to show off." Hanyu Taki said coldly.

The female secretary's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Your location has been tracked. The helicopter is expected to arrive in four minutes and will take you to the airport in Kawasaki. In half an hour, you will be lying in the first class cabin of the private jet sipping your favorite red wine."

"Professional! I will give you a salary increase when I go back."

"thank you boss."

Hanyu Kurasuke hung up the phone.

At the same time, in a building in the city center, countless men in black collected their weapons and rushed to the basement quickly. Black cars poured out of the building parking lot and headed in the direction of the target.

More and more cars were blocking his way, and many key intersections were blocked by the police.

Fortunately, his secretary was reliable enough, and his subordinates also drove to the scene one after another. They drove violently into the cars blocking Hanyu Kamusuke, and even drove directly through the police checkpoint to clear a path for Hanyu Kamusuke. .

Traffic leading to the airport in Tokyo was paralyzed. Countless men in black were fighting with knives and guns. The police present did not dare to intervene and had to call for reinforcements.

Although he didn't know what went wrong, Hanyu Kusuke was certain that it was the work of the demons.

"Don't worry, son, I will send your father out for you today!" Hanyu Kurasuke said proudly.

I originally thought about secretly sending my son out of the country, but now that the evil ghosts want to break up with each other, let's do it. I can risk all my family wealth for my son. What about Chiba Fujiwara? How much would he be willing to pay?

The helicopter had appeared in the distant sky and was heading towards them quickly.

"You are indeed no ordinary businessman. What do you do?" Hanyu Taki had been sitting silently in the passenger seat without speaking, as if the chaos outside the car had nothing to do with him.

"Ordinary businessmen cannot compete with the Gosho family for business." Hanyu Kurasuke did not answer his son's question directly.

The red car speeds on the elevated road.

The helicopter was getting closer and closer, and all the people and vehicles blocking the road were held back by Hanyu Kusuke's men.

Hanyu Kurasuke braked hard.

"Get out of the car!" He hurriedly ran out of the car and urged Hanyu Taki when he saw that he was still sitting in the car.

He opened the car door and roughly pulled his son out, then ran to the back seat to get his luggage.

"Don't bring these things with you. Buy them over there." Hanyu Kusuke rummaged in the trunk, picked up a long wooden box and stuffed it into Hanyu Taki's arms.

It was the box he gave to Hanyu Taki.

"Take this with you. The things inside are very important. Don't lose it. Remember, don't open it until you are alive or dead."

The helicopter was already hovering above them, and Hanyu Kusuke was chattering while grabbing the ladder lowered by the helicopter.

The propeller stirred up wind and waves, and the loud noise forced Hanyu Kusuke to shout.

"Don't worry! Your dad won't die if he still has unfinished business. I'll go find you when the storm is over!"

His hair was messy and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes became more and more obvious. He looked like an ordinary father who was sending his son to college for the first time and nagging at the school gate.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go."

Seeing that his son was motionless, Hanyu Kusuke urged him.

The evil ghosts behind him are about to break through the obstacles.

"I'm sorry." Hanyu Taki put down the wooden box in his arms.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Kurasuke Hanyu said with a forced smile.

"I called..."

Hanyu Kamasuke refused to listen any more and shouted sternly: "Stop talking! Get on the plane quickly!"

A smart person like him had already guessed that his plan was flawless. The new identity and passport he prepared for Hanyu Taki were prepared two years ago. The property where Hanyu Taki lives is his own company. There is no possibility of leakage.

The only two people who knew about this plan were Hanyu Taki and himself.

This disobedient son actually told Fujiwara Chiba about the matter in order not to escape, so the evil spirits prepared an ambush on the way to the airport.

But it doesn't matter. His son's disobedience will not happen once or twice. As long as he gets on the plane and escapes at this moment, everything will be fine. The rest of the trouble will be taken care of by himself. No matter how powerful the Wushe family is, they can't do anything to him. .

"I don't want to run away like this." Hanyu Taki said, "What you said from yesterday to now feels like you are making a will."

The Rolls-Royce broke through the obstruction of Hanyu Kurasuke's men and slowly stopped beside the two of them.

The female secretary on the passenger side respectfully got out of the car and opened the rear door, and Fujiwara Chiba got out of the car.

"Kurasuke, you want to take my grandson away without even saying hello to me." Fujiwara Chiba's smile was full of majesty.

He has become much younger again, and the loose kimono has become more comfortable on his body.

As soon as these words came out, Hanyu Taki was shocked.

"Father, he..."

Hanyu Kusuke protected his son behind him.

"Otherwise, why do you think this old dog is trying so hard to recruit you into the evil ghost community?"

His voice was loud, especially the word "old dog", and his aura was not inferior to Fujiwara Chiba's.

"Mr. Fujiwara, I'm just sending my son to travel abroad, so there's no need for such a big pomp, right?" Hanyu Kurasuke sneered.

"Kurasuke, long time no see." Fujiwara Chiba suddenly smiled after saying that, "As I get older, my memory has become worse. I even forgot that we only met two days ago."

"That's right, Lord Yamaki."

Fujiwara Chiba's eyes were like poisonous snakes.

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