"Principal Long, do you want to get involved in the household affairs of the demons?" Fujiwara Chiba said coldly.

I have endured my anger for too long. What Principal Long did was too arrogant and domineering. If it weren't for the power of the Night Watch Academy behind him, I would have let him die hundreds of times.

However, it seems that his so-called ally at Night Watch College, Vice Principal Lin, is not reliable, and he still cannot act rashly.

"This is not just your family matter, both Cangjie and Hezi are my friends." Li Yi was the first to answer. The long sword in his hand was inlaid with seven light blue gems that faintly glowed, and blood flowed along the blade. It dripped to the ground. It seemed that Li Yi had used this sword to break out of the siege just now.

Fujiwara Chiba recognized the sword in Li Yi's hand and sneered: "Seven-star sword, I feel Mr. Li Yi's determination."

Both the Seven Star Sword and the Long Yuan Sword were Li Yi's swords, and later the Long Yuan Sword was given to his student Zhou Ran. Li Yi never showed off the Seven Star Sword easily. His swordsmanship has reached the highest level and he is no longer limited to weapons. Showing this sword at this time is enough to show his determination.

"When I visited Japan, I heard that Mr. Fujiwara was also a famous kendo master. However, you were too old at that time and I didn't want to bully the old man. I might as well let you learn my swordsmanship today."

Li Yi stood among several people. The remains of the helicopter explosion around him began to twist and deform, twisting into sword-shaped iron pieces. Countless such iron pieces rose into the air and floated restlessly in the air, without exception. The tip of the sword pointed directly at Fujiwara Chiba.

Even the curved long sword in Fujiwara Chiba's hand was shaking faintly, and Fujiwara Chiba suppressed it hard to prevent any abnormality.

This is Li Yi's incantation to control objects. At this moment, he is like the sword fairy in mythology. All the iron objects around him turn into sword shapes for him to use.

He rarely used spells because there was no need.

People tend to forget that he is also a god with a spell because of his status as a sword master.

Principal Long smoked a cigarette and laughed: "Li Yi, give Mr. Fujiwara good guidance in swordsmanship. Maybe he will be able to improve even more when he is about to die."

When Hanyu Taki saw this, he felt as if he had been hit hard.

Even though he was defeated by his father last night, he felt that he still had hope of catching up with Li Yi. Now it seemed that even his father, whose sword skills were comparable to Li Yi's, would hardly be his opponent in actual combat.

Hanyu Kusuke's mood did not relax because the principal and Li Yi came to rescue him, but instead became even heavier.

"What are you talking about? I'm just chatting with my son-in-law and grandson." Fujiwara Chiba sneered, "Since you are gathering together, I won't disturb you."

"Mr. Fujiwara, my vice-principal and I have never gotten along. If you want to secretly use force, you can start with him." Principal Long laughed and shouted at Fujiwara Chiba who turned to leave.

In the shopping mall, Takako, who was wearing a down jacket, was holding a cup of milk tea and was now in front of the claw machine, watching passers-by attentively catching dolls.

Xia Yi was wearing pajamas. Her luggage was burned and she had no other clothes except pajamas. Guizi did have a black down jacket, but the down jacket was too big and didn't fit. It was tattered because of the previous dispute with Xu Qinghuan, so Xia Yi Yi took Guizi to a nearby shopping mall to buy some clothes.

Xia Yi felt like she was taking care of a child. Takako is very curious about everything she sees. She has never drank milk tea, seen dancing machines in shopping malls, or eaten exquisitely shaped cream cakes.

She saw that all this was very novel, which caused the two of them to postpone their plans to buy clothes. They had been here for more than an hour and still hadn't bought any clothes.

"Have you never been to a shopping mall before?" Xia Yi asked.

"No, I don't have any money. Although the donation box at the shrine has a lot of money, it is the hard-earned money of believers. I only need to take the money that can be exchanged for food."

"When did you recover?" Xia Yi asked.

"It was probably two years ago. I can't remember clearly. I woke up in a shrine in the morning. I was wearing nice clothes. It should be people's faith that revived me, but I found the sacrifice in the shrine. After I told them about this, they beat me away."

"But actually there is one thing I can't figure out. Normally, it takes thousands of years to recover by absorbing faith, but when I woke up, it was only a short time before I was killed..." Takako clapped his fingers, "It was only a short time ago. Probably less than a hundred years.”

"Perhaps there are more people now and there are more beliefs, so I can recover faster. However, my strength has not recovered. It is probably because I woke up too quickly."

Takako suddenly cheered. It turned out that the passerby had successfully caught a doll. It seemed that she was happier than the passerby.

A man passing by saw that Takako was a lovely girl, so he generously gave the plush doll to Takako.

"How were you killed before?" Xia Yi asked.

In the past two days, she had learned a lot about Amaterasu in detail through Shen Mengyu.

In mythology, two brothers, Izanagi and Izanami, became husband and wife. Izanami was burned when giving birth to the God of Fire and eventually died of illness. Izanagi was saddened by the death of his wife and pursued him to the Underworld. Izanami and Izanagi made an agreement that her husband would never look back at them on the way back. The two of them walked on the path of the Underworld. Finally, Izanagi couldn't bear it anymore and finally looked back at his wife. He was startled by his wife who was covered in maggots and her body was rotting. He left her alone and fled the Underworld. The entrance to Huangquan Kingdom was blocked with huge rocks.

Izanagi, who escaped from the underworld, went to the river to wash his body. When he washed his left eye, he turned into Amaterasu, when he washed his right eye, he turned into Tsukuyomi, and when he washed his nose, he turned into Susanoo.

From then on Sanguizi was born. Amaterasu is in charge of Takamagahara, Tsukuyomi is in charge of the Land of Night, and Susana is in charge of the ocean.

Xia Yi felt very strange about the story Shen Mengyu told. This story was too baffling.

However, one thing still aroused her curiosity. Who killed and sealed this lofty Japanese god? Amaterasu looked like an innocent little girl.

Takako looked gloomy when he heard this, and whispered, "My brother."

"Sister Xia Yi, you told me your story, but I haven't told you mine yet."

"My father's name is Izanagi and my mother's name is Izanami. They had a good relationship at first and gave birth to many gods. There may be only one person sitting on the supreme throne. Power is such a terrible thing. Once Mastery cannot allow the possibility of loss, and even gods are not exempt from the world.”

Xia Yi nodded.

"The father and mother each led the gods to start a war between the gods. They discovered that humble humans would evolve and gain power after being contaminated with the blood of the gods. The best among them could even threaten the gods. So humans were also forced by them into this war.”

"In the end, my mother lost and was sealed in the Country of Underworld by my father. The road to the Country of Underworld was also cut off by my father."

Takako took out the coins from his pocket, stuffed them into the claw machine and nervously controlled the mechanical claw inside. He did not show any sadness when mentioning the past events between the gods.

"Aren't you sad?" Xia Yi asked. She was a little surprised that this silly-looking girl seemed indifferent when mentioning her parents' past.

"There's nothing to be sad about." Takako pressed the grab button, and the mechanical claw slowly fell down, firmly grabbing an ugly brown bear doll. Takako carefully controlled the pole to move the claw, but unfortunately, he was about to reach the entrance of the cave. For a moment, the claws loosened and the doll fell back.

Takako was unconvinced and took out another one hundred yen coin and threw it in.

"Because of that war, all the other children born to my father and mother died, and only we, who were young, were left alive. We were born to our mother, and our father abandoned us because he thought it was unknown. He sat alone. I rule this land from the throne of God. I took my younger brothers and sisters to beg for food. Human beings don’t know our identities. They only think that we are children who lost their parents because of the war. They raised us."

"Even now I live off the shrine's donation box. To me, humans are more like my parents." Takako chuckled, "There is no difference between gods and humans. They were all naive children when they were young."

"What happened next?" Xia Yi became interested in this story. She rarely cared about other people's affairs.

"Later, as we grew up, our divine power gradually emerged. My brother Susan was the strongest among us. He was a hero of mankind. He helped mankind kill the monsters my father released to scare mankind."

"Without the threat of monsters, humans gradually stopped believing in gods as they became stronger, so my father created Yamata no Orochi, a terrifying monster with eight heads and eight tails."

"My younger brother defeated the Yamata no Orochi for humanity, but it was a perfect monster created by my father's infusion of countless divine powers, with pure golden divine blood flowing in its body. Only then did we understand that in a sense, it is our younger brother and also a god. , we couldn't kill him with our strength alone, so we went to Gao Tianyuan where our father was. The younger brother killed his father and took the Ju Fist Sword. He used the Ju Fist Sword to cut open its body, but its bones were too hard. , when it was cut open, the Ten Fist Sword also broke into three pieces."

"After all this is over, I stayed in Takamagahara to guard the gods who might be revived. Tsukuyomi stayed in the Kingdom of Night to take charge of the night and protect humans from monsters. Susana said goodbye to us and handed over the pieces of the Juken Sword The Tian Cong Yun Sword and the Budu Yuhun he made were given to my sister and me for us to use for self-defense, saying that he wanted to find a way to open the entrance to the Land of Underworld and take out my mother."

"Although he is a very powerful person, in fact, in today's terms, he is a rebellious boy. He has a bad temper but a good heart. When he was a child, he was always clamoring for his mother."

"Have you never seen each other since then?" Xia Yi asked.

Takako shook his head sadly.

"Tsukiyomi and I met once. She came to Gao Tianyuan from the Kingdom of Darkness with a body of a recently resurrected god in her hand. I know that god. He has a good heart and was very kind to me when I was a child. But Tsukuyomi and Susana were not born at that time, so they didn’t know each other. His weak divine power died at the hands of humans in that war and he was resurrected. Tsukuyomi held up his head and said that she was on the way to come and play with me. I killed the one I met and I got angry and had a big fight with her."

Xia Yi has heard this story. In the myth, Tsukuyomi killed the God of Food, Amaterasu angrily cursed Tsukuyomi and never saw him again.

"So you said the words that the sun and the moon will never meet again."

Takako nodded, looking guilty and guilty.

"I don't understand why everyone has changed. My sister once used all the rations at home in exchange for a rabbit just to release it, and then it turned out like this."

"We haven't seen each other since then. I tried to find her, but she didn't want to see me. I can't enter the Kingdom of Darkness without her permission."

"What about Susan? Why did he want to kill you later?" Xia Yi was confused.

It sounds like the three of them have been dependent on each other since childhood. Why did it end up like this?

Takako quickly waved his hands and defended his brother: "No, no, no, my brother doesn't really want to kill me."

"About a hundred years ago, my brother came to Gao Tianyuan to find me. He happily told me that he finally found a way to open the entrance to the Land of Underworld."

"War, right?"

Based on the time, Xia Yi made a rough guess.

Takako nodded.

"He said that as long as he sacrifices enough people, as the God of Destruction, he can gain enough faith to break the seal set by his father and rescue his mother."

"I rejected him, and he left angrily and said that he would still do it even without my support. I said that I would definitely stop him, and we had a big fight. In the end, he killed me with Tian Yu Yu Zhan. He nailed it to the stone pillar in Gaotian Plains and said that after he succeeds, he will bring his mother and sister to Gaotian Plains to find me."

"At that time, he was exactly like my father. He didn't care about human life and became a complete god. He didn't care about winning or losing the war at all. As long as enough people died, he could gain the strength to save his mother."

"He succeeded." Xia Yi recalled the result of that war. Although he was defeated, many, many people died.

Unexpectedly, Takako shook his head: "I was nailed to the stone pillar of Gao Tianyuan by Tian Yu Yu Zhan, and my divine power was losing every minute. Although Tian Yu Yu Zhan could not kill the gods, the one who used Tian Yu Yu Zhan was my younger brother. He He is a god like me, so I am really going to die completely."

"After an unknown amount of time, my brother returned to Gaotianyuan with his seriously injured body. I have never seen him suffer such serious injuries, as if he would die at any time. He successfully provoked the war. Logically speaking, he should become Incomparably powerful, who could be injured like this?"

"He climbed up to me with difficulty, saying sorry, and wanted to take off the Tian Yu Yu Zhan that was inserted into me."

Takako burst into tears.

Night Watch Academy, security booth.

"Of course I miss you too." Shen Delu said softly to the girl on the other end of the phone.

"I found a very easy job. As a security guard, I can earn 10,000 yuan a month! I have already transferred the money to you. You can buy whatever you want. Don't treat yourself badly."

"We can meet tomorrow. I've bought a plane ticket and can arrive in the afternoon. Are you surprised or not?"

Shen Delu had a happy expression on his face.

The door to the security room was suddenly pushed open. When Shen Delu heard the movement, he immediately put down his phone nervously.

"I said Lao Wang hasn't changed his shift yet...Lin...Lin Yue?" Shen Delu looked at Lin Yue who broke in in surprise.

"The meeting plan between you and your online girlfriend can be postponed. The execution department will send us to Japan immediately."

Lin Yue threw the mission statement from the execution department in front of Shen Delu.

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